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Friday, 25 March 2016

Annual Parish Meeting - 21st April 2016

This year’s annual parish meeting will be held on April 21st 2016 at 7:30pm in the village hall. There is a change to the format this year as originally this was meant to be a meeting for the parish to discuss all relevant matters, and not just a summary of the Parish Council’s year.

Many issues, outside of the Parish Council’s direct control or responsibility, are put to the council for resolution. On their own they cannot always reach a satisfactory conclusion and this meeting should provide an opportunity for residents put their suggestions to the appropriate body. It also offers the opportunity to hear of the various activities and projects of the village organisations and present an opportunity to get involved. Several of your local organisations will be present to talk with residents.

The Parish Council will take the opportunity to gather views from residents regarding play equipment in the village, be it for the Paddock or the Recreation Ground and look for volunteers to work with them to raise funds for any new equipment if required. We have set aside some money to tidy the old play area but want to know what residents want before paying out to do this and potentially create further work if we take the wrong approach!

The Parish Council will facilitate this meeting and produce some minutes to record actions taken by individuals and organisations to move things forward.

We hope you will use this opportunity to come and hear what goes on in your village and to come forward to support projects that require more man power than organisations can provide on their own.

If you would like the opportunity for a representative from your group to speak at the meeting, please contact the Clerk prior to 7th April 2016.

Thank you

Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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