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Thursday, 3 March 2016

Full Programme for Clean for The Queen Upchurch

Friday 4th March 2016

Holywell School

Year 6 will clear litter in the Paddock at 09.30, the Litter Angels (MP Gordon Henderson's Charity) are coming along too
Year 5 will clear litter in Forge Lane and Holywell Lane to the bend (probably after morning break)
Years 3 and 4 will clear litter inside the school grounds
Years 1 and 2 will clear and tidy inside the school
Reception Class will clear and tidy their classroom (next week)


Scouts will clear litter in the Recreation Ground after school

Saturday 5th March 2016


The Brownies will clear litter in the Burial Ground, Church Path and the Village Hall Car Park at 10.30 after their event at the Church


Meet @ 10.30 at the Scout Hut, Recreation Ground (it will be open for us, courtesy of the Scouts, thank you)


Vikki Sedgewick (Environmental Projects Officer SBC) will attend with 2 Environmental Officers from Swale Borough Council
Ward Councillors Cllr John Wright and Cllr Gerry Lewin have agreed to attend
Parish Councillors may agree to attend at the meeting
The Litter Angels have agreed to attend

Upchurch Village ‘Clean for the Queen’ Plan

Three routes, the key being a clean and tidy approach to the village

No 1Approach from the A2

Oak Lane from A2 to the village to include the entrance to Canterbury Lane

No 2Approach from Lower Rainham

Three Sisters to the Village

The Three Sisters to the top of Windmill Hill will be done by a local resident over the weekend.

We will start two teams at the top of Windmill Hill, one along Horsham Lane including (if time allows) Woodruff Close and Crosier Court, to the village,
The second team will clear litter in Wallbridge Lane, back to the village including the public footpath to Jubilee Fields and Jubilee Fields itself

No 3 Approach from Ham Green & Lower Halstow

If sufficient participants we will start two teams at the junction of Susan’s Lane and Wetham Green

Team One will clear litter from Susan's Lane to the village via Twinney Lane and Forge Lane

Team Two will clear litter from Wetham Green to the village via The Street (possibly include The Poles)

Swale Borough Council will collect all the bagged rubbish from the Recreation Ground.

Councillor Alan Horton


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