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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Upchurch Parish Council Report – April 2012

The Parish Council met on Thursday 1st March 2012 in the Hall of Holywell Primary School where 8 Councillors were present and 8 members of the public.

Public TimeSW/12/0058 - A resident asked the Council for an update on the planning application submitted for Hursell Farm. Footballs being kicked into Oak Lane - A resident explained that she was experiencing problems with footballs being kicked into Oak Lane. The problem was that footballers were using the trees in the Paddock as goal posts which caused the ball to bounce into the road, and sometimes even further, into their property and onto parked cars. Drop-In Session for Rural Needs Housing - A resident asked if it would be possible for the residents of Jubilee Fields to have a stand.
CorrespondenceCllr Ina BeanA letter of resignation had been received. The Clerk will advertise a casual vacancy for one Councillor. It is hoped to hold interviews for any prospective applicant before the start of the Parish Council meeting in June. Please look out for further details.
Planning - SW/11/0672 Spade Lane Depot, Spade Lane – Application to extend the time limit for the implementation of the planning permission granted under SW/06/1345 – removal of condition 6 (VI) of SW/89/1248 (restriction use) and change of use to allow the Spade Lane Depot (including existing and unbuilt phase) to be used for general class B1C (light industrial), B2 (general industrial) or B8 (storage or distribution uses) - The Council reiterated previous objections and commented that, as this application was originally made in 2006 and has not yet been implemented, it would appear that there is no need for the changes to which it refers.
SW/12/0058 Hursell Farm, Chaffes Lane – Change of use of site to allow the siting of a gypsy mobile home with associated parking and amenity space (retrospective) - The Council strongly objected to this becoming yet another gypsy site and requested that the Planning Department exercised its powers to refuse permission and take the necessary steps to order the land to be restored to its original state.
SW/12/0079 39 Oak Lane – Proposed two storey side and rear extensionThere were no objections however it was commented that the size and extent of the extension could overshadow the adjacent residence and block sunlight. Serious consideration should be given to neighbours’ comments.
SW/12/0078 The Brown Jug, 76 Horsham Lane – Rear kitchen extension & alterations including oil fired boiler enclosure There were no objections but stressed that comments from the neighbouring property owners be given serious consideration.
SW/12/0093 The Cart Lodge, Chaffes Lane – Provision of oak timber doors to enclose present parking area and 3 no. conservation style rooflights (see also SW/12/0137 for Listed Building Consent)There were no objections. However, comments by neighbouring property owners should be given due consideration.
SW/12/0166 Yew Tree Cottage, Poot Lane – Garage extension to front, new roof extension over existing log-store, conversion of building to form granny annexThere were no objections. However neighbours views should be taken into consideration.                                                                                                           
APP/V2255/A/12/2169572/NWF – Ridgedale Stables, Halstow Lane - Removal of condition (7) of planning permission SW/08/0710 to allow permanent occupation of 3 mobile homes for gypsy family - appeal by Mr W Ball – The Clerk will reiterate previous objections.                                                                       
SW/12/0217 Land r/o 24 Wallbridge Lane – Demolition and replacement of existing building for use as a tractor and implement storeThere were no objections.
ix) Permissions and Refusals - the following decision have been received: Permission granted:
SW/11/1150 6 Wallbridge Lane – Change of use to a residential unit caring for young mothers-babies
Rural Needs Housing - The working group had met with Alison Thompson from English Rural Housing Association (ERHA) and Tessa O’Sullivan from Action with Communities in Rural Kent (ACRK) to discuss organising a drop-in Session. It was suggested to hold this event on a weekday in June between the hours of 3pm – 7pm. The voting form needed further discussion but it was hoped that this could be offered to any resident who was prepared to record a good reason for not coming to the drop-in. ERHA and ACRK had advised against allowing opposition groups to set up a stand. Members will be discussing further how to organise the session but it is hoped as many residents as possible will be able to attend. Details of this event will be published as soon as possible.
Finance Swale West Parishes GroupMembers discussed project ideas for the KCC Local Engagement Forum Grant Scheme. It was agreed to submit an application for the sum of £5,000 towards play equipment for the Paddock.  
Administration - Annual Parish Meeting – This will be held on Thursday 26th April 2012 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be available after the meeting. It is hoped that Sergeant Tim Hill, Community Safety Sergeant will give a presentation. Also, it is hoped to discuss ideas for new play equipment in the Paddock and also, given an update on the Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.
Allotments and Recreation GroundWater at the Allotments – Cllr Apps reported that water usage would need to be monitored on a regular basis. Goal Posts in the Recreation GroundIt was agreed to install two sets of five-a side goal posts in the Recreation Ground at a cost of approx £700.
Paddock Ball games in the Paddock – An email from resident concerned that youths were still kicking footballs over the fence into Oak Lane. It was agreed to investigate ways of putting up a net around the edge of the Paddock.
Burial Ground and Churchyard Tree Related Subsidence at 2 Horsham Lane -The Tree Officer from Swale BC was consulted. The trees behind the property do not have a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on them. However, the trees alongside the property in the Churchyard are within a Conservation Area, so will have a TPO. A quote for removing the trees behind the property will be obtained. Yew Tree in ChurchyardThe Tree Officer from Swale BC agreed that this tree could be cut back 2 metres within the building. Review of layout of Burial Ground – Members were advised that the slab path in the Burial Ground was covering some potential grave spaces. Also, the spoil heap needed to be relocated. The possibility of extending the Burial Ground was also discussed. A quote for lifting some of the slabs will be obtained.
EnvironmentQueens Diamond Jubilee – An email from Mr Kemsley had been circulated regarding the purchase of mugs for all primary school children. Members discussed ways of spending the budgeted amount of £1,500 for the Celebrations and whether it was acceptable to purchase mugs for children who lived outside the Parish. It was agreed that the Committee would make the final decisions. KCC Broadband surveyPlease do register your demand for a better broadband service in Kent via:  You will find a link to the survey on the home page.
Highways - Proposed Bus Shelter – Correspondence from residents opposing the bus shelter had been circulated. It was suggested that members could consider the possibility of installing a Youth Shelter in the Paddock on the tarmac area. This might encourage the youths to gather there instead of any bus shelter. If this was a possibility, then designs for the bus shelter could be considered after this had been installed.            
Next meetings – Thursday 29th March and 3rd May, 7.30pm in the Hall of Holywell Primary School.
Claire Attaway, Parish Clerk - Tel:  01634 363906
Please note opening times: Mon-Thurs 9.00am -11.30am.
Upchurch Parish Council


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