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Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

The Queen celebrates 60 years on the throne this year.

Weekend of 2nd – 4th June 2012
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee committee is delighted that the weekend of 2nd – 4th June promises to be a weekend to remember in Upchurch.  As well as the Parish Council’s efforts, other organisations are coordinating so that our celebrations will do justice to what is a really historic event: 
Saturday evening 2nd June – Jubilee Concert at the Village Hall.  Starting at 7.30pm, tickets will be £3 each and these will be on sale from Monday 16th April from Sue Rossiter on 01634 234780 or  The programme will feature local artists and groups plus excerpts from Lionel Bart’s Oliver, performed by children from Holywell School and actors from the village. This will be an event not to be missed!
Sunday 3rd June – All day – exhibition in St Mary’s church of Coronation Day 1953 memorabilia.
10.30am – parade from Scout Hut to church of uniformed organisations.
11.00am – service of Thanksgiving for the Queen in St Mary’s church.
12.00noon – Jubilee Jolly at the Village Hall – stalls, games, fancy dress, bouncy castle, food – something for all and for organisations to run stalls etc.
Monday 4th June – Street parties (privately arranged), possible beacon lighting during the late evening.
The Parish Council plans for a tree and a gift of a Jubilee mug for all children are progressing.
In respect of the mugs, we would still be delighted to collect the names of all children of primary school age who live in Upchurch, but do not attend Holywell School.  Please let one of the committee know so that they will receive one.

Sara Tucker tel: 01634 388971  Pat New tel: 0164 374220  Sue Rossiter tel: 01634 234780.

Sue Rossiter


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