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Thursday, 1 March 2012

Make Kent Quicker

Register your demand for broadband to make Kent quicker.

KALC is working with Kent County Council to encourage people to register their demand for better broadband. Before broadband providers will invest in improving the network, they need evidence to show that this is what people want. It is important therefore that people register their demand.

Funding has been secured to transform the broadband network in Kent and Medway.

The Government, through their agency Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), has made £9.87 million available to upgrade Kent and Medway’s broadband infrastructure in line with their targets of securing superfast broadband for 90% of properties within each county and delivering a service of at least 2mbits/s for the remaining 10%. Kent County Council has committed a further £10 million to make this project happen and it is anticipated that the network operator who wins the right to build the network will contribute the remaining funding required for this £43 million project.

To make it happen, people need to say they want it. Before broadband providers will invest in improving the network, they need evidence that this is something the people of Kent want to see.

Kent Association of Local Councils is working with Kent County Council to encourage people to register their demand for better broadband through the ‘Make Kent Quicker’ campaign.

It only takes five minutes so please:

 sign up to register your demand at:

 encourage your neighbours to register their demand

 consider whether you can display a poster to raise awareness in your community

 contact Action with Communities in Rural Kent on 01303 813790 if you are interested in becoming a local broadband champion to encourage greater sign up in your area.

If you have no broadband access, please register at a KCC library or Gateway or contact the Kent County Council Contact Centre on: 08458 247 247.

Terry Martin
County Secretary
Kent Association of Local Councils



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