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Saturday, 30 September 2023

Medway Council - Local Plan Consultation - Your Medway: Your Future: Your Say

Your Medway: Your Future: Your Say

Everyone with an interest in Medway’s future is being encouraged to have their say on a document which will help guide how Medway develops up to 2040.

This is the public’s opportunity to have their say on Medway’s future by commenting on the emerging Local Plan.

Medway Council’s vision is to establish Medway as a significant place for high quality urban regeneration with strong connections to its surrounding coast and countryside; with a thriving economy, where residents enjoy a good quality of life and health, and there is a clear strategy for addressing climate change and strengthening natural assets.

The government has set mandatory house building targets for all councils in the country to meet national housing demand. Medway is currently required to deliver 1,667 new homes each year between now and 2040 - a total of nearly 28,500 homes.

Through the Local Plan, Medway Council will be ensuring that it delivers sustainable communities for the future.

Local authorities are required, by law, to have a Local Plan in place. Without one, it is difficult for councils to challenge planning applications that may not be in the best interests for their area, or residents, and result in unsustainable, unsuitable piecemeal development without supporting facilities or infrastructure.

But Medway’s Local Plan is about much more than just building houses. It also ensures the council has a plan which focuses on ensuring appropriate infrastructure is in place and protecting the environment. The plan, when adopted, will identify areas where development could take place and where it should be restricted. It also includes employment and considers better access to green spaces, including parks and play areas.

Leader of Medway Council, Cllr Vince Maple, said:

“We are encouraging Medway’s residents, businesses, people who work in the area, young people, voluntary sector organisations and anyone with an interest in Medway’s future to have their say on our emerging Local Plan. We want Medway’s residents to help shape this important blueprint which will ensure Medway grows sustainably.

“The Local Plan covers a wide range of topics including employment, the environment, communities, infrastructure and homes and this is your opportunity to have your say on the blueprint for Medway’s future up to 2040.

“I would encourage residents to find out more about the emerging Local Plan and have their say by visiting our website, attending one of the consultation events in October or by visiting your local library.”

Medway Council is committed to getting a new Local Plan in place for autumn 2025.

Have Your Say

Everyone is invited to come along and find out more about the emerging Local Plan at a series of consultation events which will be held throughout October, details will be announced soon.

Members of the public can have their say until 11:59pm on Tuesday, 31st October. The consultation document is available on the council’s website and printed copies are available to view at Medway libraries.

To find out more, and have your say, visit:

Medway Council


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