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Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Upchurch Parish Council Report - April 2023

Report of the Parish Council April 2023


I. 22/500103/REF | Outline application for up to 74no. dwellings with public open space.
Cllr Rosewell reported no further information other that appeal had been granted.

II. 23/501061/FULL Pear Tree farm House. Removal of existing single storey side extension. Erection of a pitched roof two storey side extension, erection of a flat roof single storey rear extension including rooflight and alterations to front porch and fenestration. Erection of a detached double garage including re-arrangement of access.
UPC has no objections.

III. 23/501174/FULL | Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of new building for use as a flower school in association with the existing flower business, together with associated access, parking and landscaping (resubmission of 22/502282/FULL). | Land North of Horsham Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7AP.
Deferred to GPC & Planning committee.

Cllr Rosewell reported he will attend planning meeting 13th April for 20/505846 High Hopes Poot Lane.

3 more planning applications received - deferred to GPC & Planning committee.

Upchurch Parish Council Reporting

I. General Purpose & Planning Committee

Next meeting confirmed 19th April 2023.

II. Paddock and recreation ground

(a) New Play Ground equipment - quotes received from contractors with guarantee certificates. Clerk has reported additional information required on grant application - deferred to next meeting.

(b) Woodland Trail - Bat Boxes Clerk to arrange fitting quote received for £50. 
Proposed by Cllr Horton Seconded by Cllr Denny. Unanimous. 

III. Burial Ground & Churchyard

Clerk reported that reply from Swale received regarding transfer of responsibility for the Churchyard maintenance to Swale saying no decisions will be made until after the election.

New contract received for the landscape maintenance - it was resolved to sign and approve contract with Landscape Services. Proposed Cllr Ripley Seconded Cllr Denny. Unanimous.

Memorials approved.

Notice board has been installed at the Burial Ground. Clerk to arrange Rules & Regulation to be displayed.

IV. Highways and street lighting

(a) EDF Clerk reported no updates reported from EDF.

V. Footpaths

(a) Cllr Horton reported KCC has done some remedial work in Oak Lane.

(b) Street Farm path redirected. Clerk reported redirection is temporary.

(c) UPC has noted concerns about hedgerow by Cricket Club. Clerk to contact them to ask if they have reported to KCC.

VI. Environment

(a) Village Clock reported working. Clerk to investigate with PCC regarding insurance and asset status of clock.

VII. Village Hall

(a) Village Hall committee AGM 13th April at 7:00pm.


(a) Reported that KALC representative from Swale to the Kings Garden Party was the Upchurch nominee.

IX. Allotments

(a) Clerk reported that all allotment holders have been sent the new tenancy agreements and invoices.

(b) Water meter has been refitted.

(c) Repairs to fence - Clerk reported still waiting for quotes to be received. Deferred to GPC & Planning committee.

X. Village Defibrillators

Cllr Palmer reported that the AED at Snaffles the hinges on the cover are damaged. Clerk to obtain quote for new cover.

Grant Application

Members resolved to approve the application from Holywell School for Coronation mugs. 
Proposed Cllr Lewin Seconded Cllr Rosewell.

Clerk Updates

I. Upchurch policies and documentation updates. Clerk reported all documents updated ready for adoption at the Annual Meeting in May.

II. End of financial year update, including internal audit on 3rd April 2023. Report from Internal Auditor.

III. Society of Local Council Clerks - Clerk reported new legislation coming into effect in October 23. Report will be made at later meeting with details.

IV. Asset Register - UPC approved Asset Register.

Nina Henley
Clerk and Proper Officer to Upchurch Parish Council
Tel: 07798 600696


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