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Monday, 1 May 2023

UpARA Newsletter - May 2023

Hello UpARA members,

Birthday Party... come and Join us for our Birthday Party on the evening of Friday the 19th of May, from 7:00pm. There are still a few places available and it is now open to bring non-member guests/friends.

It is BYO food and drink, and you are sure to have a great time with entertainment from the very talented Nick Boswell.

Don't delay and reserve your places in the usual way, by email to:, or by text to: 07802 250773.

Tickets are just £5.

Thanks... for turning your phones to ‘silent’ during our last Friday meeting. It was so much nicer to listen to David Bowdler and his excellent musical repertoire without interruption - let’s keep it up!

A slight change... please note our May meeting is on the 3rd Friday of this month, followed by the AGM.

UpARA t-shirts, in various sizes, are just £15! They will all be out and on display to purchase on May the 19th.

The thoughts of Chairman John

Hi everyone,

We have reached that time of the year once again and we are putting together our thoughts from over the last year of our holidays, and all our activities and getting reports for the AGM.

The next massive event is the coronation of King Charles; several of us are of a certain age to remember his mother’s coronation and all the pomp that went along with the event. I can remember some of the people in our close without a television joined us to watch the event, the first to have been televised.

The next afternoon we all gathered in our village hall for the pageant put on by us school children, our prize was our own coronation mugs.

The hall was decked out as a street party and a great time was had by all.

As the end of our year has been reached, we have raised in excess of £5,000 for charity; some of which went to Ukraine DEC, The Turkey Earthquake Aappeal, the Poppy Appeal and Smile Malawi. Next month we will be handing over money that we have raised for the Bell Tower Charity.

Enjoy the coronation celebrations, looking forward to seeing some of you at the Potters week.

John W


At the next meeting, Brenda and Malcolm will be taking any money due for the lunch at the Golf Course on the 31st of May.

For any queries on trip and holiday availability, email:, (we now have a separate ‘trips’ email address, although any emails to the main address will still get through if trip related).

Pick-up times for Potters holiday Monday 8th May

Upchurch (opposite the Church) 10:00am 
 Otterham Quay (up from 3 Sisters) 10:10am 
 Rainham (The Cricketers) 10:20am 
 Rainham (opposite Pump Lane) 10:30am 

Northern Ireland trip

For those coming on the Northern Ireland trip in September, please note that the full balance for this is due in June. The itinerary for this trip is on our notice board as is the festive itinerary for our Holly & Mistletoe trip to Llandudno.


Please look at the calendar for all the activities we currently undertake, and if you haven’t tried them, why not give it a go?

Some of our numbers have been dwindling of late, and we need a new input of enthusiasm to boost this. The sad fact of all that we do, is that they can only continue with the participation of enough people. If you’re not sure, just email us and ask!

May Calendar

Mondays May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th at 10:00am - Short Tennis

Monday, May 1st, at 2:00pm - Kurling

Tuesday, May 2nd at 9:30am - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, May 2nd at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Wednesdays May 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st at 10:15am - Line Dancing

Friday, May 5th at
1:00pm - Village Walk

May 8th - Friday May 12th - Potters 

Tuesday, May 9th at 
10:00am - 10 Pin Bowling at Hollywood Bowl  

Tuesday, May 16th at 2:00pm - Petanque
Please note the new summer times

Friday, May 19th at 
10:00am - Village Walk, 

** Friday, May 19th at 2:00pm - Monthly Meeting
Wilf Lower, ‘Behind the Scenes of TV’s Golden Years’
AGM to follow 3:30pm - 4:00pm

Friday, May 19th at 
7:00pm - Party Night with entertainment by Nick Boswell  

Tuesday, May 23rd at 9:30am - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, May 23rd at 
2:00pm - Table Tennis 

Wednesday, May 31st - Lunch Club at River Valley Golf Club

There is no Line Dancing on May the 10th
*Please note our Monthly Meeting is on the 3rd Friday of this month 

Hopefully, see you all soon - your UpARA Committee.


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