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Tuesday, 8 November 2022

UpARA - November 2022 Newsletter

Hello UpARA members,

Please Support our Next Fundraiser

Please support us on our next fundraiser Quiz Night… It is on Friday evening, November 11th. Teams of up to 8, bring your own drink and nibbles, £5 per person. Please book by Email at If you want to come but haven’t a team, or if you have a team but need extras, please let us know and we will organise it. All proceeds to the Bell Tower Fund. It will be a good night!

Thank You

Thank you for attending and making the Race Afternoon Fundraiser at Upchurch Village Hall so much fun and such a success.

I would like to thank all those who gave their time, contributed cakes and sponsored/donated to some of the races.

Also, a big thank you to the local businesses who sponsored us:

Professional Property Renovation & Maintenance - Upchurch

We are pleased to say that, after deducting the hall costs, we raised the terrific sum of £720.15.

This will be added to our running total towards the St Mary's Bell Tower Restoration Fund.

The Thoughts of Chairman John

Hi everyone,

The end of another hectic month, I can't believe how many activities we've undertaken over the last few weeks. This included the Badminton trial which was well subscribed albeit a bit too much on the same day as the Tennis! We will look to have another trial on a different day, early in the New Year.

The least publicised of our activities is the Monday Kurling, run by Ann Rolfe. How many of our members have thought of trying out an afternoon session of Kurling? As the name suggests, it's based on the actual "Curling" that we can watch at the Winter Olympic Games, where the participants all wear winter clothing and skim massive lumps of Granite, sweeping the ice to ensure it is guided to the winning position on the target! UpARA's version needs only to be pushed by means of a custom-made "Stick" hence a more leisurely game. Our Kurling equipment was one of our very first purchases when we first started as an ‘ARA’ back in 2014 - Why not give it a go - on the first Monday afternoon of the month, you will be pleasantly surprised, refreshments and chat included.

Our latest Friday Speaker Bob Ogley’s (Mr Kent) talk about the Great Storm was really well received. Being a great fan of Bob's, I took two books for him to sign and only returned with one, (did anyone pick up my Doodlebug one, by mistake?).


John W

Christmas Party

We still have a few tickets available for our Christmas Party on the evening of the 16th of December. Doors open at 6:45pm, with a 3-course meal being served from 7:15pm, and entertainment from the very talented ‘Leyton’ to follow; it promises to be a great festive evening as in previous years. Please Email us at for more information. 

London Walk - Soho 

We are going to take our next London Walk on November 25th to Soho, which was going to be our next London Walk before we were curtailed back in March 2020. We will time this in order that we can also take in the Regents Street Christmas Lights. It will also be a chance to experience the new Elizabeth Line if you haven’t before. Please Email us at if you are interested in joining us.

Lunch Club

The next 
Lunch Club will be on Tuesday the 8th of November in The Crown pub, no Lunch Club during December or January, please see Brenda for more details.

Please Note

Please Note: There are no activities in the Village Hall on the week beginning 27th November as the Upchurch Players are holding their performance of this year’s Pantomime, ‘Pinocchio’… Oh yes, they are!… Also, note that Petanque has reverted to its Winter start time of 1:00pm… And finally, for those on the Tinsel & Turkey Trip - H
ave a great Xmas & New Year!

November Calendar

Tuesday, November 1st at 9:30am - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, November 1st at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Wednesdays November 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd at 10:15am - Line Dancing

Friday, November 4th at 
10:00am - Village Walk 

Mondays November 7th, 14th, 21st at 10:00am - Short Tennis

Monday, November 7th at 2:00pm - Kurling

Tuesday, November 8th at 10:00pm - Ten Pin Bowling

Tuesday, November 8th at 12:30pm - Lunch Club at The Crown pub  

Friday, November 11th at 2:00pm - Monthly Meeting
Carol Ann Wells, ‘Travels with my Piano’

Friday, November 11th at 
7:00pm - Fundraiser Quiz Night  

Monday 14th to Friday 18th - Tinsel & Turkey trip to Paignton, Devon

Tuesday, November 15th at 1:00pm - Petanque
Note Winter start time

Friday, November 18th at 
10:00am - Village Walk

Tuesday, November 22nd at 9:30am - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, November 22nd at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Friday, November 25th - London Walk Soho

Good luck to our 3, 10 Pin Bowling teams at the KentARA competition on November 3rd. 

Hopefully, see you all soon - your UpARA Committee.




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