Thank you, big-hearted Upchurch, for your generous donations to Swale Foodbank on Wednesday the 2nd of November.
Because of you, Hartlip, another village in our Six Benefice has decided to do a street collection for the Foodbank. Your generous giving has become famous!
I am fully aware that the costs of everything are crashing through the roof, so please don't challenge yourselves beyond what is possible, but if you could possibly include a few Christmassy bits, I'm going to have a special box for them - I'm hoping we can turn it into a hamper.
God bless you. You really do make my heart tingle. And God looks on with joy as you show your care for others ❤️
Next month I will be gratefully collecting your Swale Foodbank donations for the last time before Christmas at the bus stop opposite the church again on Wednesday the 7th of December, between 10:30am and 11:30am.
Thank you