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Thursday, 1 September 2022

UpARA - September 2022 Newsletter

Hello UpARA members,

Did You Know

Did you know that Riviera Travel have an affinity partnership with KentARA?

If ever you book with Riviera and mention this, together with the name, UpARA, then a commission is received by us once the holiday is completed. To date, over £70,000 in commission has been raised by KentARA clubs in this way.


Dates for our first two fundraising events for the Church Bell Tower fund have been set. 

On the afternoon of 21st October, there will be a ‘Race Day’ where you can join in a fun afternoon and maybe win some money to boot!

On the evening of 11th November, there will be another of our popular Quiz Nights.

Please support us and keep both dates free, more details later... Also, this month ‘History of Upchurch’ talk on 24th September in St Mary’s - See flyer below.
Monthly Meeting

Our meeting this month is a week later than normal, on the 3rd Friday of the month. Our guest speaker, Tony Harris is returning to give us his unique take on ‘Secret London’. Many of you will remember Tony in his previous guises as Henry VIII, Sherlock Holmes, and, more recently, as a Pantomime Dame.

The thoughts of Chairman John

Hi everyone,

I can't believe it's that time of the month when you are subjected to my ramblings. We have been so busy throughout the month, as usual. I can't believe that this past week I have had Sunday afternoon tea with Dame Patricia Routledge (best known as Mrs Bucket) a wonderful lady who is a classically trained singer and has starred in 3 Broadway musicals and 11 in the UK, a no mean feat, such a talented lady, and at 94 still as sharp as a knife.

My week only got better as on Tuesday we had our Coffee Morning and Art Class (thanks to all our members who stayed behind and helped us to clear up). In the evening we had our penultimate Evening Petanque, a very close encounter, but I believe the men, (supported by Gill), won!

Wednesday, our monthly Lunch at the Crown, where I had the opportunity to meet some of our new members, (not too sure of the impression that we gave them?) hopefully they will see that we are harmless. It is really good to see that we are having more members joining us from the Village.

My day finished with an evening with the Rev Richard Coles and a Q/A afterwards. I can now see why my family are envious of my lifestyle, how did we all find time to WORK? 

See you all soon.

John W

We will be running a trial Badminton session on the afternoon of Monday 19th September at 2:00pm. Please just turn up. If this proves to be popular, we may make it a regular activity. Please Email us at for more information.

London Walk

Our second attempt to complete our Regents Canal walk will be on 23rd September, from Little Venice to London’s latest space at Granary Square, King’s X, with a lunch stop at Camden Lock. If you are interested, please let Bryn know, and to receive further details nearer the time, at

More London walks are being planned, including Soho, which was going to be our next London walk before we were curtailed back in March 2020.

Lunch Club

There will be no lunch club in September. The next will be on Tuesday 25th October in the Crown.

Evening Petanque

Our last evening Petanque... for the Summer will be on September 27th. After a slow start, this has proved to be quite popular as an early evening activity and gathering. Hopefully, we will be repeating it during the Summer months of 2023.


2022 may be only just halfway through... but plans for 2023 are brewing, with Linda and Sandra beginning to book our schedule of speakers and Malcolm and Brenda looking at next year’s trips and hols.

September Calendar

Mondays September 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th at 10:00am - Short Tennis

Monday, September 5th at 2:00pm - Kurling

Tuesday, September 6th at 9:30am - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, September 6th at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Wednesdays September 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th at 10:15am - Line Dancing

Tuesday, September 13th at 10:00am - Ten Pin Bowling

Friday, September 16th at 2:00pm - Monthly Meeting
Tony Harris ‘Secret London’

Monday, September 19th at 2:00pm - Badminton

Tuesday, September 20th at 2:00pm - Petanque

Friday, September 23rd - London Walk
Grand Union Canal

Tuesday, September 27th at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Tuesday, September 27th at 9:30am - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, September 27th at 6:00pm - Evening Petanque

Saturday, September 24th at 7:00pm - The History of Upchurch
Special illustrated talk in St Mary's Church, £5 entry on the door - all proceeds to the Bell Tower Restoration Fund.

Hopefully, see you all soon - your UpARA Committee.


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