Saturday, 24 September 2022
Harvest Festival at St Mary's Church, Upchurch
The folk from St Mary's and Uplift will be celebrating Harvest on Sunday the 2nd of October, followed by Harvest Lunch in the Village Hall at 12:00pm.
This will be a songs of praise service at 10:30am, with a mixture of traditional harvest hymns and contemporary songs. We are blessed to have with us on the day, Esther, who is the Project Manager for Swale Foodbank. Esther is going to tell us a bit about the work of the Foodbank across Swale.
Our Harvest gifts this year will be going to Swale Foodbank.
After the service, we will be having a Harvest Lunch of homemade soup and bread, followed by apple crumble and custard/cream. This will be in the Village Hall.
We will be asking for donations for the food, with the money going to the work of Swale Foodbank. We will need a rough number for catering purposes.
Could you please Email or if you would like to share Harvest Lunch with us?
All are really very welcome.
Gill Gay