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Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Upchurch Parish Council Report - June 2022

Report of the Parish Council June 2022

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny (Vice Chairman), Cllr Ernie Berntsen, Cllr Helen Boakes, Cllr John Bodycomb, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council.

Beacon Lighting to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
The beacon lighting event on Thursday 2nd June was a success. The Council would like to thank the organisations which took part. A special thanks to Dave Neale for providing the PA system, the disco, fire safety and for helping with the road closure. The hog roast raised £920 from donations for the church who also raised £180 from teas and coffees. Ellinor’s ice creams has made a donation of £50 to the Council and this has been given to the Scout Group as a thank you for the use of the Scout Hut.

i. Ref: 22/501429/FULL
Address: Land Rear To Ebenezer Chapel Halstow Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne ME9 7AA
Proposal: Use of land for open storage/builder's yard including the re-siting of a lawful storage container, siting of a storage cabin and the erection of palisade fencing.
Councillors considered the application and had no objections to the proposal.

ii. Ref: 22/502132/ADV
Address: Christine House London Road Upchurch Kent ME8 8PT
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for internally illuminated fascia signage, internally illuminated totem signage and 3no. flags.
Councillors considered the application and agreed that it would be disappointing if there is harmful illumination in this countryside gap; harmful illumination should be avoided at all costs and there should be no illumination outside trading hours.

iii. Ref: 22/502203/PNQCLA 
Address: Pear Tree House Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch Gillingham Kent ME8 8QW
Proposal: Prior notification for the change of use of 2 no. agricultural buildings to 2 no. dwellinghouses and associated operation development. For its prior approval to: Transport and Highways impacts of the development; Noise impacts of the development; Contamination risks on the site; Flooding risks on the site; Whether the location or siting of the building makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the use of the building to change from agricultural use to C3 (dwellinghouses); Design and external appearance impacts on the building; Provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the dwellinghouses.
Councillors considered the application and noted that there is presumption in favour of such applications; it was noted that The Three Sisters has said that it would not object if the road were made up; it was noted that residents do not want the road made up; there is a perceived harm regarding the development; it is a private road so KCC Highways will not comment; it is an existing agricultural building; in the design statement the applicant has stated they will keep to the building design.
Councillors had no objections to the proposal.

iv. Ref: MC/21/2225
Proposal: Outline Application with all matters reserved (except access) for a residential development of up to 48 dwellings, including associated access, parking, landscaping and open space.
Location: Land To East Of Seymour Road And North Of London Road, Rainham, ME8 6YX
Amended parameter plans
Councillors considered the amended parameter plans and were mindful that the Council had objected on the grounds of the extra impact this development would have on the village. There was nothing in the amended parameter plans to mitigate concerns and the Council continues to object to the development.

v. Ref: 21/503319/FULL
Address: Halstow Grove Halstow Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7AB
Proposal: Retrospective application for stationing of 1 no. mobile home, 1 no. caravan, erection of a utility block, 2 no. parking bays, drive way and 1 no. septic tank. 
Councillors considered the application and noted the two objections on the planning portal.  Councillors raised concern regarding the amount of infill in Halstow Lane and that the nature of the lane is being changed; the proposal will destroy the Important Local Countryside Gap; Halstow Lane is being urbanised; the proposal would change the tranquillity of the countryside; the applicant’s Gypsy and Traveller status needs to be clarified. Neighbours’ objections must be taken into account.

vi. PINS Ref: APP/V2255/D/22/3296407
Ref: 21/505502/FULL
Address: 15 Horsham Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne
Proposal: Demolition of rear conservatory. Erection of part single, part two storey side and rear extension. Creation of first floor including alterations to roof, insertion of front and rear dormers and front rooflights. Alteration to front garden, boundary wall and access.
Councillors noted that the Planning Inspectorate/Secretary of State has decided that this does not offer an opportunity for interested parties to comment further at the appeal stage.

Concern has been raised regarding the speed of traffic in the village and this will be considered for inclusion in the Parish Highways Improvement Plan.
The Council has speed watch equipment and previously Councillors undertook training and the PCSO assessed suitable sites but unfortunately, the sessions stopped through lack of volunteers. It needed four volunteers to undertake the sessions, it was difficult to get helpers and we held sessions for just over a year. The main sites were in Oak Lane, below the Wallbridge Lane junction, and in Horsham Lane by the church and we found few people were actually speeding. It is a deterrent. If anyone would be interested in helping with a speed watch session, please contact the Clerk.
Antisocial behaviour of drivers driving circuits of the village late at night have been raised. The Council asks that anyone noticing such behaviour to report to PCSO Loraine Holmes on: 07970 458 645 or call the Police on 101.

Dog fouling continues to be a problem in the village. Dog fouling can lead to an increased risk and Toxocara canis can pass from dog waste to humans as Toxocariasis through contaminated sand or soil, and children are at particular risk. The Parish Council asks all dog owners to be responsible and clean up after their dogs, please.

This is a precis of Council business, full minutes of all meetings can be found on the website when ratified.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 7th July at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 20th July at 7:30pm in the Small Hall of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

To help keep loved ones safe, please DO NOT attend the meeting if you have COVID-19  or have symptoms. Questions and comments can be sent to the Clerk to be raised at the meeting.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01622 739324


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