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Wednesday, 1 June 2022

UpARA - June 2022 Newsletter

Hello UpARA members,

Our Fundraising Day - Friday 3rd June 12:00 - 4:00pm

Our day of celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is now upon us. We really hope that as many of you can join us and are able to bring along friends and family, even if just to pop in for a cuppa.

As you will know, all proceeds from the day will be donated to the DEC Ukraine Appeal, and every pound spent on teas, coffees, raffle tickets, rolls and cake etc will go towards that total.

To help kick start the proceedings, our normal Village walk will set off from the Village Hall Car Park at 10:00am, and on returning it would be lovely to see all the walkers pop in for some lunch and stay for a while. It would be nice to get a good crowd on the walk.

We are also asking for donations of Cakes that we can sell by the slice on the day. If you can donate a cake (bought or homemade), please bring it along, or Email: to bring it earlier. Books and Jigsaws will also be on sale, so if you have anything to donate, please bring it on the day.

A lot of work has gone into the day as well as the evening quiz, we look forward to your support.

The thoughts of Chairman John

Hello everyone,

Is it really a month since we embarked on a coach trip to Leonardslee Gardens? Some of us had experienced the fantastic gardens back in the sixties prior to their shutdown to the public late in that decade. At that time, I was living in the Tunbridge Wells area, so it was almost on our doorstep, my lasting memory is the Wallabies and how steep the gardens were above the lakes. 

This has now been dragged into the 21st Century by the new owners with the introduction of the 8 passenger buggies, using it to go down to the Lakes Cafe' (as we did!) was a real "white knuckle" ride. Our more sensible members used them to come back up the hill, while we more hardy members who climbed back via the Rock Garden were more than compensated with a fantastic vista of multi-coloured Azelaias and Rhododendrons.

Tonight’s (Thursday 26th) evening Boules, once again I spent another almost lonesome evening, but for Alan. We enjoyed a very competitive game, the loser paying for the hot chocolate (with sprinkles!) This has prompted me to try plan "B" Tuesday evenings as mentioned earlier in this newsletter.

A final request, please support our Fundraising Day on Friday 3rd June, remember all proceeds go to the Ukrainian Charity.

John W

Our Fundraising Evening Quiz - Friday 3rd June 7:00pm 

We have many other village organisations joining us for our quiz, as well as several UpARA teams. There is still space for one or two teams. If you are interested, please Email us. It promises to be a fun evening.

Kentish Lady Boat Trip 

For those going on the Kentish Lady boat trip on June 14th, the pickup times are as follows: -

5:00pm Upchurch (opposite the Church)
 5:05pm Otterham Quay Lane
 5:10pm Rainham (Lukehursts / Cricketers)
 5:15pm Rainham (bus stop opposite Pump Lane)

Evening Petanque 

We have changed the evening Petanque during the summer to just one evening, and changed from Thursday to Tuesday - the 4th or 5th Tuesday of the month. We will see how popular this becomes, but have realised that Thursday is not the right day!


Having discovered (and remembered) the stock of T-shirts still in the cupboard from pre lockdown, I thought it would be good to try and sell the rest. Great value, £15, all sizes available and ideal for attending our activities, please Email, or ask at the meetings.

June Calendar

Wednesday, June 1st - Lunch Club at The Crown

Wednesdays June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th at 10:15am - Line Dancing

Friday, June 3rd - Fundraising Day at 12:00 - 4:00pm and Evening Quiz at 7:00pm
In support of DEC Ukraine Appeal

Friday, June 3rd, 17th at 10:00am - Village Walk

Monday, June 6th at 2:00pm - Kurling

Mondays June 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th at 10:00am - Short Tennis

Tuesday, June 7th at 9:30 - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, June 7th at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Friday, June 10th at 2:00pm - Monthly Meeting
Pete Allen ‘Tingling tales of theatre ghosts’

Tuesday, June 14th - Kentish Lady Boat Trip

Tuesday, June 14th at 10:00am - 10 Pin Bowling

Tuesday, June 21st at 2:00pm - Petanque

Tuesday, June 28th at 6:00pm - NEW: Evening Petanque

Tuesday, June 28th at 9:30am - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesday, June 28th at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Wednesday, June 29th - Lunch Club at URVGC Rivers Restaurant

Hopefully, see you all soon - your UpARA Committee.


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