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Saturday, 25 June 2022

Poolside Bar & Courtyard Music Night with Swing Dublé at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Free Entry - Non-Members Welcome
Food Served Until 8:00pm

Jenny Giles - Upchurch River Valley Golf Course
Telephone: 01634 360626

Friday, 24 June 2022

Free Microchipping for Dogs and Cats at Newington Recreation Ground

Swale Borough Council Stray Dog Service is offering free microchipping for dogs and cats at Newington Recreation Ground, Orchard Drive, ME9 7NH on Thursday 28th July, between 1:00pm and 3:00pm.

Have your pet's microchip checked free of charge, including small furries and even horses.

Please be aware they are unable to microchip cats or scan small furries unless they are bought to the event in an appropriate carrier.

Due to having only a limited number of microchips available, they will not be offering the service to litters of puppies or kittens.

Upchurch Matters

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Temporary Road Closure - Sheerness Road, Lower Halstow

It will be necessary to close part of Sheerness Road, Lower Halstow from Monday 18th July 2022, with estimated completion by 22nd July 2022.

Sheerness Road, Lower Halstow will be closed in the general vicinity of Stray Orchard Cottage, to the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.

The alternative route is Sheerness Road, The Street, Breach Lane, Hartlip Hill, A2 London Road, High Street, Boyces Hill, Keycol Hill, Key Street Roundabout, Sheppey Way, Ferry Road, Old Ferry Road, Raspberry Hill Lane 
and vice versa.

The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while fire hydrant replacement works are undertaken by Southern Water.

For information regarding this closure, please contact Southern Water on: 0330 303 0368, who will be able to assist with the scope of these works.

KCC 24hr Contact Centre: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Vehicles Speeding in and around Poot Lane, Upchurch

I have received several reports from residents living in the 
Poot Lane area of vehicles speeding and racing around the lanes. The speeding is continuing into the 30mph zone on The Street and in the other direction, whereby people are travelling over 30mph prior to the national speed limit sign.

I would like to remind people that the speed limit is there for a reason.

There are numerous potential hazards in and around Poot Lane - horses, tractors, wildlife and pedestrians, including the local nursery school children who walk down the lane to one of the orchards.

The speed limit is a limit, not a target.

The reports I have received indicate that many of the offending vehicles belong to local people who should be more aware of the potential hazards along the lane than anyone.

I will be conducting speed checks in the area to record offending vehicles. I am also looking into other measures that could be implemented in conjunction with other partner agencies, such as reducing the speed limit and other restrictions.

PCSO Lorraine Holmes
Tel: 07970 458645

Upchurch Parish Council Report - June 2022

Report of the Parish Council June 2022

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny (Vice Chairman), Cllr Ernie Berntsen, Cllr Helen Boakes, Cllr John Bodycomb, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council.

Beacon Lighting to Celebrate The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
The beacon lighting event on Thursday 2nd June was a success. The Council would like to thank the organisations which took part. A special thanks to Dave Neale for providing the PA system, the disco, fire safety and for helping with the road closure. The hog roast raised £920 from donations for the church who also raised £180 from teas and coffees. Ellinor’s ice creams has made a donation of £50 to the Council and this has been given to the Scout Group as a thank you for the use of the Scout Hut.

i. Ref: 22/501429/FULL
Address: Land Rear To Ebenezer Chapel Halstow Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne ME9 7AA
Proposal: Use of land for open storage/builder's yard including the re-siting of a lawful storage container, siting of a storage cabin and the erection of palisade fencing.
Councillors considered the application and had no objections to the proposal.

ii. Ref: 22/502132/ADV
Address: Christine House London Road Upchurch Kent ME8 8PT
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for internally illuminated fascia signage, internally illuminated totem signage and 3no. flags.
Councillors considered the application and agreed that it would be disappointing if there is harmful illumination in this countryside gap; harmful illumination should be avoided at all costs and there should be no illumination outside trading hours.

iii. Ref: 22/502203/PNQCLA 
Address: Pear Tree House Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch Gillingham Kent ME8 8QW
Proposal: Prior notification for the change of use of 2 no. agricultural buildings to 2 no. dwellinghouses and associated operation development. For its prior approval to: Transport and Highways impacts of the development; Noise impacts of the development; Contamination risks on the site; Flooding risks on the site; Whether the location or siting of the building makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the use of the building to change from agricultural use to C3 (dwellinghouses); Design and external appearance impacts on the building; Provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the dwellinghouses.
Councillors considered the application and noted that there is presumption in favour of such applications; it was noted that The Three Sisters has said that it would not object if the road were made up; it was noted that residents do not want the road made up; there is a perceived harm regarding the development; it is a private road so KCC Highways will not comment; it is an existing agricultural building; in the design statement the applicant has stated they will keep to the building design.
Councillors had no objections to the proposal.

iv. Ref: MC/21/2225
Proposal: Outline Application with all matters reserved (except access) for a residential development of up to 48 dwellings, including associated access, parking, landscaping and open space.
Location: Land To East Of Seymour Road And North Of London Road, Rainham, ME8 6YX
Amended parameter plans
Councillors considered the amended parameter plans and were mindful that the Council had objected on the grounds of the extra impact this development would have on the village. There was nothing in the amended parameter plans to mitigate concerns and the Council continues to object to the development.

v. Ref: 21/503319/FULL
Address: Halstow Grove Halstow Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7AB
Proposal: Retrospective application for stationing of 1 no. mobile home, 1 no. caravan, erection of a utility block, 2 no. parking bays, drive way and 1 no. septic tank. 
Councillors considered the application and noted the two objections on the planning portal.  Councillors raised concern regarding the amount of infill in Halstow Lane and that the nature of the lane is being changed; the proposal will destroy the Important Local Countryside Gap; Halstow Lane is being urbanised; the proposal would change the tranquillity of the countryside; the applicant’s Gypsy and Traveller status needs to be clarified. Neighbours’ objections must be taken into account.

vi. PINS Ref: APP/V2255/D/22/3296407
Ref: 21/505502/FULL
Address: 15 Horsham Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne
Proposal: Demolition of rear conservatory. Erection of part single, part two storey side and rear extension. Creation of first floor including alterations to roof, insertion of front and rear dormers and front rooflights. Alteration to front garden, boundary wall and access.
Councillors noted that the Planning Inspectorate/Secretary of State has decided that this does not offer an opportunity for interested parties to comment further at the appeal stage.

Concern has been raised regarding the speed of traffic in the village and this will be considered for inclusion in the Parish Highways Improvement Plan.
The Council has speed watch equipment and previously Councillors undertook training and the PCSO assessed suitable sites but unfortunately, the sessions stopped through lack of volunteers. It needed four volunteers to undertake the sessions, it was difficult to get helpers and we held sessions for just over a year. The main sites were in Oak Lane, below the Wallbridge Lane junction, and in Horsham Lane by the church and we found few people were actually speeding. It is a deterrent. If anyone would be interested in helping with a speed watch session, please contact the Clerk.
Antisocial behaviour of drivers driving circuits of the village late at night have been raised. The Council asks that anyone noticing such behaviour to report to PCSO Loraine Holmes on: 07970 458 645 or call the Police on 101.

Dog fouling continues to be a problem in the village. Dog fouling can lead to an increased risk and Toxocara canis can pass from dog waste to humans as Toxocariasis through contaminated sand or soil, and children are at particular risk. The Parish Council asks all dog owners to be responsible and clean up after their dogs, please.

This is a precis of Council business, full minutes of all meetings can be found on the website when ratified.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 7th July at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 20th July at 7:30pm in the Small Hall of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

To help keep loved ones safe, please DO NOT attend the meeting if you have COVID-19  or have symptoms. Questions and comments can be sent to the Clerk to be raised at the meeting.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01622 739324

Latest 2022 Police Drop-in Surgery Dates in Upchurch

Village PCSO Lorraine Holmes holds regular Police Drop-in Surgeries in Upchurch so residents can speak to her about any local policing issues they may have.

Police Surgeries in Upchurch will take place on:

Saturday 25th June 2022 between 10:00am and 11:00am at Snaffles

Thursday 21st July 2022 between 3:00pm and 4:00pm at Snaffles

Thursday 25th August 2022 between 3:00pm and 4:00pm at Snaffles

If residents need to contact PSCO Holmes before these dates, please call: 07970 458645 Email: or call: 101.

Upchurch Matters

Monday, 20 June 2022

10 Years of Newington History Group

Come and celebrate Newington History Group's 10th anniversary at 7:00pm on Thursday (June 23rd) in the Village Hall when Edward Peek will offer a personal and illustrated look at the village's past in his talk Have You Noticed? (A Peek Pictorial).

During the past decade, the group has revealed much about the village - dating back to the Bronze Age - and has encouraged interest in the area's history, particularly among schoolchildren.

The group is always willing to hear stories and memories about Newington, along with old photographs of village settings. Please get in touch.

It actively seeks to unearth, preserve and promote the history of not only the village, but neighbouring areas as well.

NHG meets monthly on the fourth Thursday (7:00pm). Annual subscription is £15 and all meetings are open to the public (£3) unless stated.

For more details contact the group at:; through its website:; or call: 01795 842711.

Follow on Facebook: Newington History Group, and Twitter: @newingtonhg

Richard Thompstone - Newington History Group

Changes to KCC Free School Transport

Free school transport applications made easier in Kent

Many parents with children entitled to free transport to school in Kent will find the process for obtaining the relevant passes has been made much easier for the coming year.

Historically, all parents have been asked to apply for free school transport and wait while their child’s eligibility is assessed by Transport Officers.

However, the team has been working hard to implement a number of improvements to the free school transport assessment processes, which has resulted in changes to how this year’s applications will be managed.

Due to these internal changes, KCC can now advise many parents of their child’s eligibility without the need for an application by using a geographic information system which automatically identifies a child’s nearest school and confirms whether it is further than the relevant statutory distance of three miles.

A KCC spokesperson said:

“This change will remove much of the work associated with the mainstream process during the team’s busiest period, which would allow significantly more capacity to be allocated to the completion of transport applications for children with special education needs which require more detailed examination of pupils’ individual requirements.

“We were expecting the process to remain unchanged this year, but we have seen a significant increase in SEN applications in what is already the department’s busiest period.

“The transport sector continues to be put under considerable pressure as a result of current world events, so KCC is doing everything in its power to ensure the transition to the new school year goes smoothly.

“We hope that this simplifies the tasks that parents are required to complete before their child starts school this year.”

When notified of the free transport offer, parents will be asked to consider whether or not their child will make full and regular use of it during the forthcoming school year. KCC will incur costs assuming travel on every school day for all pupils, so it would be an inefficient use of public resources to claim transport that will not be used as a child’s main method to access school.

KCC will contact mainstream families this week to let them know if their child is eligible for free school transport. Eligible families will then be contacted again in the next few weeks so that additional information can be provided about the child, including a passport style photo so that a pass can be produced.

Murray Evans
Kent County Council

Friday, 17 June 2022

Car Window Smashed - Newington

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/112939/22

On Saturday the 11th of June between 18:00 and 23:45, somebody smashed the window of a Renault ZOE parked on the road in St. Matthews Close, Newington.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Monday, 13 June 2022

Latest POLICE.UK Crime Data for Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward - April 2022

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

A brief summary of crime information for the past 2 months.

28 crimes are shown on the map in April 2022 including:

3 Anti-social Behaviour
2 Burglary
3 Criminal Damage and Arson
2 Other Theft
2 Public Order
2 Shoplifting
4 Vehicle Crime
9 Violence and Sexual Offences
1 Other crime

52 crimes were shown on the map in March 2022.

Not all crime that occurs is shown on the map.

Please visit: for more information including outcomes for these crimes and contact information for your local policing team.

Upchurch Matters

Emergency Road Closure - Wormdale Hill, Newington

It will be necessary to close Wormdale Hill, Newington from Monday 20th June 2022 for up to 14 days.

The road will be closed at the rear of the Golf Course between Wormdale Farm and Bull Lane.

The alternative route is via Bull Lane, Playstool Road, A2 High Street, A2 Boyces Hill, A2 Keycol Hill, A2 Keystreet Roundabout, Chestnut Street and Wormdale Road.

This is to enable carriageway maintenance to be carried out by Kent County Council.

KCC 24hr Contact Centre: 03000 418181

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Poolside Bar & Courtyard Music Nights 2022 at Upchurch River Valley Golf Course

Jenny Giles - Upchurch River Valley Golf Course
Telephone: 01634 360626

Friday, 10 June 2022

Upchurch in the 1790s by David Wood

The village was a much quieter place to live but probably not as pleasant as today during the 1790s. In 1798 Edward Hasted completed his ‘The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent’, which gave a clear insight into the county’s villages, including Upchurch, which Hasted did not view very favourably.

He described the village as follows:
“The parish lies in a most unhealthy situation, close to the marshes, and a large extent of some hundreds of acres of salts beyond them, as far as Sandgate Creek the River Medway its northern boundary, the noxious vapours arising from which subject the inhabitants to continued imtermittents, and shorten their lives at a very early period.”

During the 1790s ague, a form of marsh malaria carried by mosquitoes affected lots of people in low lying marshland areas such as Upchurch and Lower Halstow. This would have caused intermittents, the coming and going of the disease, while the noxious vapours may have been the smell coming from the mud, seaweed and possibly sewage in the mud when the tide was out.

Hasted gives a very clear picture of the village landscape:
“The country is rather hilly, the land, in general, is very thin and poor, having much gravel mixed with it, the other soils, the poorness of the soil occasions the growth of much broom and fern or brakes in it, with which there are many fields entirely covered. The southern part of the parish has much woodland interspersed throughout it, which is in general but of ordinary value, being mostly oak coppice, the soil is much adapted to the growth of the elm, with which the hedgerows abound, but these continued groves of tall spire trees stop the free circulation of air, and render this place much more unwholesome than it would otherwise be.”

People at the time believed that a free circulation of air was healthy and if this was prevented the spread of disease and ailments would happen more easily. 

The landscape would have been more open than today as much of the land was not enclosed until the 1840s. Horses and carts would have journeyed along the country lanes. Only wealthy people in the village such as landowners, gentlemen and the vicar would have had access to pony and traps or decent horses to ride, while others walked. 

The biggest concentration of the village population lived in the village centre and dwellings stretched as far as Horsham Farm. This is shown on maps of Upchurch dated 1778 and 1802. The remaining population was divided into pockets at Holywell, Ham Green, Wetham Green and Otterham.

Hasted describes the condition of the village in which poverty existed and that Upchurch had experienced better times in the past:

“It seems to have been of much more consequence as well for its craft in shipping, as in the number of its inhabitants, than it is at present, both of which are much diminished from what they were formerly, and the latter are in general now in a state of poverty… Upchurch is said to contain forty inhabited houses, three lacking habitations, twelve ships and boats, from one ton to fourteen and fourteen persons occupied in carrying from port to port, and fishing. At the western boundary of the parish, there is a key with a wharf for the landing and shipping of corn and the produce of the neighbouring woods. The creek, called by the same name, flows up by it from the River Medway.”
Hasted is referring to Otterham Quay at this point.

The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent by Edward Hasted.

Wolley Leigh Spencer served as vicar of Upchurch from 1766 to the end of the century. If he resided in Upchurch, he would have probably lived in the farmhouse at Parsonage Farm, located on the present day site of Bradshaw Close and what is now known as the site of ‘the old vicarage.’ Otherwise, he probably lived outside the parish due to the threat of ague.

A group of overseers managed village affairs. These were the forerunners of the present day parish councillors. Churchwardens managed church affairs. Overseers and churchwardens were elected annually by village householders.

Poor houses existed in different parts of the parish, such as the house now known as Greenborough House in Susan’s Lane and another located against the church wall on the south side of the church, but fire destroyed it in 1791. Poor houses were given to the very poor in the village, and a plot of land at the back of the house allowed these people to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

Houses in the village would have been a variety of wooden framed wattle and daub (a lattice of wooden strips with a sticky material made of a combination of soil, clay, animal dung and straw) thatched houses, wooden constructions and some brick buildings. Although wattle and daub and wooden houses from the period no longer exist in the village, there are some brick buildings such as Mitchells Cottage, Ham Green House, Greylag Farm and Callows House at Ham Green and Holywell House in Holywell Lane. These were originally inhabited by farmers.

Of the present day pubs, only the Crown and the Three Sisters still exist. Others listed in the petty sessions list for the late 18th century are the George run by William Simpson, the Brickmaker’s Arms run by Mary Fryer and the Blue Anchor (landlord unknown). The exact location of these buildings is unknown. Black Horse Cottage in Oak Lane served as an unlicensed drinking house named the Black Horse during the 1750s.

Schools probably did not exist in the village during much of the 18th century, although a school that existed in the church chapel may have operated there during the latter part of the century and up to 1846, when Holywell School was constructed. Schooling was not compulsory up to 1882, so children would have spent their time playing, wandering the streets and even working, particularly when crops such as fruit or vegetables had to be picked.

Although poverty affected some residents in the village, they continued to reside there and most led a dreary and hard life working on the land without much free time. Such was life in Upchurch during the 1790s.

David Wood

About David

David was born and raised at Ham Green and still lives there today.
He writes from personal experience about Upchurch village life and the changes that have taken place over the years.

David's book, Memories of Upchurch, is a very readable and detailed historical study of the village and is available direct from David at: price £12 + postage and packing.

Attempted Break In - Upchurch | Fencing Stolen - Newington

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/109482/22

On Tuesday the 7th of June, somebody tried to break into a container at a business property in London Road, Upchurch.

Door locks were damaged, but they do not appear to have taken anything. They may have been interrupted.

Crime Number: 46/109431/22

Between 19:00 on Monday the 6th of June and 10:00 on Tuesday the 7th of June, somebody stole a panel from a public fence in Orchard Drive, Newington, possibly to allow fly-tipping.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Thursday, 9 June 2022

St Mary's Church Fundraising Sale

Saturday 11th June between 10:00am - 11:30am

Homemade Cakes, Jams, Pickles, Scones and Savouries

Also Puzzles, Books, Bric-à-brac and sometimes Plants


Something for everyone!

Please help support this ancient building - Thank you

🍰 🍓 🧩 📚 🎨 🪴 ☕️ ➕

Upchurch Matters

Thank You from Foodbank Co-ordinator Gill Gay and Swale Foodbank

Dear Upchurch,

You came and supported the foodbank again - God bless you.

Your kindness fills my heart with joy, so think about how it makes God feel.

Trussell Trust Warehouse Coordinator Richard Divers kindly comes and picks up your brilliant donations. He is always very appreciative and amazed at your generosity.

Upchurch is the largest, regular donator - well done 👏🏼

We will be collecting your foodbank donations again at the bus stop opposite the church on Wednesday the 13th of July between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Bless you, all ❤️

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Allotment Damaged - Newington

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/106123/22

Between 20:00 on Wednesday the 1st of June and 13:10 on Thursday the 2nd of June, somebody damaged plants on an allotment in Orchard Drive, Newington.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Monday, 6 June 2022

Upchurch Celebrates The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022 - Photographs

Click photos to enlarge.

Upchurch Celebrates The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022 🇬🇧 👑 🎉 🔥

Photographs 📸
Upchurch Matters

Upchurch Players Present Pinocchio

Upchurch Players 31st Pantomine


At Upchurch Village Hall on:

Thursday 1st December 2022 at 7:30pm
Friday 2nd December 2022 at 7:30pm
Saturday 3rd December 2022 at 2:30pm and 7:30pm

Tickets £7.50 each, are available online at:

Kay Wright
Secretary - Upchurch Players

Sunday, 5 June 2022

UpARA - Jubilee Fundraising Open Afternoon and Quiz in Support of the DEC Ukraine Appeal

UpARA would like to thank all members, villagers, and village organisations who contributed to our fundraising day and quiz on Friday.

A total of £1,624.86 was raised, which is a fantastic sum, and will be passed on to the DEC Ukraine Appeal this week.

The winners of the 'Battle of the village organisations' were the UpARA 'Artists', followed by Upchurch WI, and Upchurch Players in 3rd place.

A big thank you to all those who attended, helped and donated cakes, also to Upchurch's Co-op for their kind donation and the Village Hall Management Committee.

Your UpARA Committee

Swale Foodbank Collection - Call into the Church for 'A Cuppa and a Chat'

Swale Foodbank Collection

We have so much to be thankful for, even in these stranger tougher days.

Upchurch, I thank you for your endless generous support for those who find each day difficult as they try to balance the little money they have between all the demands they face.

Food should be a priority to sustain life and yet it's the first thing that people choose to go without so that they can sustain their children and a roof over their heads, which of course is their priority. 

Thank you that you stand alongside them, enabling them to survive each day.

God bless you - he sees your generous heart.

We will be collecting your foodbank donations again at the bus stop opposite the church on Wednesday the 8th of June between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Please bring your items in carrier bags. Warehouse Coordinator Richard Divers will then deliver your donations to the Swale Foodbank Warehouse, part of the Trussell Trust.

The items they are most in need of:

■ Soup (packet or tin)
■ Spaghetti in Sauce
■ Tomatoes / Pasta Sauce
■ Tins Vegetables
■ Tins Meat (to reheat, such as Chicken in Sauce, Hot Dogs etc) or Vegetarian option
■ Tins Fish
■ Tins Fruit
■ Rice Pudding
■ Custard
■ Biscuits
■ Noodles
■ Coffee
■ UHT Milk
■ Juice

Of course, all donations are helpful, providing the food is long life and well within date. I hope this list helps and that you can donate some of the above.

For every single donation - we are very grateful ♥️

'A Cuppa and a Chat'

While you are there, why not call into the church for 'A Cuppa and a Chat' in the Lady Chapel.

We will have the kettle on between 10:00am and 12 midday.

A warm welcome awaits you - just call in, and we will be pleased to see you.

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Saturday, 4 June 2022

St Mary's Church - Bell Tower Restoration Fund - Thank You

Elspeth with the Bell Tower model.
The Bell Tower at St Mary's requires urgent repairs.
The Bell Tower model on display in the church.

Thank you to everyone who gave so generously for the hog roast at The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Beacons at the Recreation Ground on Thursday the 2nd of June.

Your donations on the evening raised over £920 towards the urgent repairs needed to the Bell Tower at St Mary’s.

So altogether, we have raised over £1000 now towards the St Mary's Church - Bell Tower Restoration Fund.

I can now get the Holywell school children to start covering the Bell Tower model with their post-it notes.

The model is on display in the church for everyone to look at until Monday the 6th of June. It will then move to Holywell School in time for my talk to the children on Wednesday the 8th of June.

I feel really excited about the brilliant start to our fundraising!

Thank you

Elspeth Baecke


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