After recent events and reading everyone's comments about the speed of drivers going through Upchurch, Debbie and I are going to start campaigning for a 20 mph speed limit throughout Upchurch.
Sunday, 29 May 2022
20 mph Speed Limit Throughout Upchurch Campaign
After recent events and reading everyone's comments about the speed of drivers going through Upchurch, Debbie and I are going to start campaigning for a 20 mph speed limit throughout Upchurch.
We will be looking to attend the next Parish Council meeting on Thursday the 9th of June to raise our concerns. We have already contacted our local councillors, and they have been helpful in pointing us in the right direction to get things underway.
We will require as much support as possible to get this noticed, and we need all of us behind it.
This is following our third cat being knocked down on Friday the 27th of May by a car and almost killed. He is still with emergency vets now.
We know that many of you have had the same experience. We want to protect our children, older residents and our animals.
Jonathan Martin