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Tuesday, 1 February 2022

UpARA - February 2022 Newsletter

Hello UpARA members,

We will be hosting our 8th Birthday Party on Friday, March 18th, 7:00pm. Tickets (£15), include a two-course meal and entertainment from Steve Cherelle, (many will remember Steve from the Inn on the Lake back in October).

As always, there is a limit to the number of tickets available and these will initially be allocated to members only on a first come basis, and, in the event of over demand, a reserve list will be set up for requests above the limit and for non-members.

To reserve tickets please Email or by text to 07802 250773; tickets must be paid for by 4th March after which any surplus tickets unpaid will be offered to the reserve list.

Unfortunately, The Bob Marley musical trip on 22nd Feb will be the last that Malcolm will be organising. If anyone, (or even a group of people on a trip-by-trip basis) would be able to step forward, that would be very welcome. Assistance will be given, coordination etc. such as banking can be provided by the committee. Please Email us or speak to a member of the committee if you are willing to help. The first trip that we need someone (or group) to step forward for is the trip to Leonardslee Gardens on 9th May.

 Please consider where you can help, you will not be on your own...

The thoughts of Chairman John

Hi everyone,

Are we really on the brink of seeing the beginning of the end of restrictions? Throughout the last two years, we have been continuing to partake in most of our activities within the guidelines; this didn't just happen, behind the scenes a lot went on, thanks need to be passed on to Bryn and Kevin to ensure we could continue safely.

In the same vein, many thanks must be passed on to Malcolm for his task of Trips organiser with all the cancellations and refunds, the task must have been horrendous.

Whilst on the subject you will have noticed that Malcolm is giving up the job, I'm sure everyone will join me in thanking him for the sterling job he has done over the past few years; whoever takes on the job will need and receive plenty of help both from Malcolm and the Committee, watch this space!

Our Birthday Bash is nearing, (it seems like we have been going as a club a lot more than 8 years). Don't forget to book early to avoid disappointment.

On behalf of the Committee, I would like to thank everyone for having faith and sticking with us through everything that has been thrown at us over the past months, here's to a bright future for us all.

John W

Pick up times for the Bob Marley musical - Get Up, Stand Up

Upchurch (opposite the church) 3:30pm

Otterham Quay Lane (past the 3 Sisters) 3:35pm

Rainham (O/S Lukehurst’s) 3:40pm

Rainham (opposite Pump Lane) 3:45pm

If you are on this trip, please advise Malcolm where you intend picking up.


Don’t forget you can visit us on our website to see what is happening, and to view the calendar if you need to check whether certain activities are on or not and what time.

Can you help us?

You will notice that our new cupboard in the hall corridor is near to completion, (many thanks to Dennis Boakes and Pete McGibbon), and so we should be able to start storing and selling our books again. The cupboard now needs a couple of coats of paint to finish it off and we just need someone to volunteer to take this on for us.


Subscriptions are due for renewal at the end of February, if you know that you will not be renewing, please let us know so that we can offer your place to those on the waiting list.

February Calendar

Tuesday, February 1st at 9:30am - Coffee Morning and Art

Tuesdays February 1st, 22nd at 2:00pm - Table Tennis

Wednesdays February 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th at 10:15am - Line Dancing

Monday, February 7th at 2:00pm - Kurling

Tuesday, February 8th at 10:00am - 10 Pin Bowling

Friday, February 11th at 2:00pm - Monthly Meeting
Neil Sadler, ‘A Policeman’s Lot’

Tuesday, February 15th at 1:00pm - Petanque

Friday, February 18th at 10:00am - Village Walk

Mondays February 21st, 28th at 10:00am - Short Tennis
Please note, no sessions on the 7th and 14th

Tuesday, February 22nd at 9:30am - Coffee Morning

Tuesday, February 22nd at 9:45am - Art

Tuesday, February 22nd - ‘Get Up, Stand Up’ musical at the Lyceum Theatre
Pick up times as above

Hopefully, see you all soon - your UpARA Committee.


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