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Wednesday, 20 October 2021

The Organ at St Mary the Virgin, Upchurch - Fundraising Appeal

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The organ in our church was installed in 1905, and significant restoration was carried out in 1980. As well as improvements to the action and working components, some of the stops were removed and others added and a new pedal board fitted plus the electric action to the pedal pipes. More work to the pedal board was carried out some years later.

The organ has been in the care of Henry Willis & Sons, a well-known Organ Builder, since 2001 - they tune it twice a year and they carried out a refurbishment in 2008/9 after a fundraising effort to mark the centenary of the installation of the organ.

The organ is viewed as a much-valued asset of St Mary’s Church and is used for accompaniment of the choir and congregation at all kinds of regular and special services throughout the year. In addition, it is regularly used for weddings, funerals and during concerts in the church.

The electric action to the pedals mentioned above now needs replacement. It was second-hand in 1980 and has been failing intermittently for the past few years. But of course, any repair or maintenance costs money and we hope to raise around £2,800 for this work to be carried out as soon as possible.

If you are able to support this project, all donations to the Organ Fund at St Mary’s would be gratefully received.

Cheques should be made out to Upchurch Parochial Church Council and can be sent to the Church Organist, Sue Rossiter at 114 Chaffes Lane, Upchurch, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 7BH.

Many thanks in anticipation!

Sue Rossiter - Organist at St Mary’s, Upchurch
Telephone: 01634 234780


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