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Sunday, 24 October 2021

Co-op Local Community Fund - Choose a Local Cause

Where would you like your community reward to go?

Co-op membership - supporting local causes

The Co-op Local Community Fund supports projects across the UK that its members care about, helping communities come together, co-operate and make a difference.

Thanks to its members, the fund has raised £39,655 for causes close to Upchurch.

How the Local Community Fund works

For every £1 Co-op members spend on selected Co-op products and services, 2p goes into your membership account and the Co-op gives the same amount to support community organisations and local causes.

When you become a Co-op member, you can choose a local cause to support through your membership. 
You can only support one local cause at a time, and you
 can change the cause at any time by logging into your membership account.

If you do not select a cause to support, the Co-op shares the funds you raised equally between the 3 local causes in your community.

The Co-op gives you a new set of causes to choose from every October.

Local causes will be part of the Local Community Fund for 12 months from 24th October 2021 to 22nd October 2022 and will receive their share of the funding in 2 payments - one in April 2022 and one in November 2022.

The 3 local causes are:

1st Upchurch Brownies and Guides
Upchurch Support Network
Upchurch Village Hall

If you want to see more local causes, use the search function at the bottom of the 'Choose a local cause' page on the Co-op membership website - see link below.

Be a member - m
ake a difference in your community

To get involved, join the Co-op as a member for £1 and earn rewards for you and choose a local cause to support in your community.

To earn and spend your rewards, remember to show your membership card or the Co-op app every time you pay.

Become a Co-op member and choose a local cause at:

Upchurch Matters


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