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Thursday, 18 March 2021

Council Leader Warns Not to be Complacent as Infection Rate Falls - With Information on Taking Regular Covid Tests

Councillor Roger Truelove.

The leader of Swale Borough Council is calling on local people not to be complacent about the number of new coronavirus cases.

Though Swale’s infection rate has come down dramatically it is still slightly above the Kent average and could bounce back if people begin to ignore public health guidelines.

The vaccination programme is encouraging but until everyone has had two vaccines the risk remains. The news that supplies of vaccine for those under 50 will be delayed is further cause for care.

Cllr Roger Truelove, leader of the council, said:

“It took a national lockdown for our figures to come down to this level, and whilst the vaccine rollout is going well, we simply can’t afford to be complacent.

“We all need to carry on following the national directions, and keep ourselves and others safe, if we want to gradually enjoy the relaxations the government has set out in its roadmap.

“We’ve recently seen schools reopen, and we will soon be allowed to meet up outside with others, albeit with restrictions. The effect of these changes won’t be seen for up to a month later, and we don’t want to risk the dates being delayed because we are stretching the rules.

“Our public health colleagues are encouraging everyone to take regular symptom-free tests, twice a week, so we can try to prevent cases spiralling upwards again.

“Households where there are children in school can pick up home testing kits, and local businesses have been invited to carry out workplace testing to keep their workforce, and their families, safe.”

To book a symptom-free test, visit:

If you are experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms – high temperature, a new or continuous cough, a loss or change in taste or smell – you should NOT visit a symptom free testing site and you should continue to self-isolate. You can book a symptomatic test by visiting: or by calling 119.

If you live in a household, or are in a support or childcare bubble with children attending school that includes primary, secondary or college pupils or staff, you can get twice-weekly tests by:

booking a test via:
 collecting home test kits from a collection point
 ordering home test kits online

There is more information, including where your nearest collection point is, at:

Businesses can order rapid tests for employees at:

Swale Borough Council


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