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Sunday, 20 December 2020

The Six Update: “We Shall Overcome!”

Dear all,

As I was writing this Update Email the news broke about the introduction of Tier 4 by the Government following the PM's announcement this evening. As a result it has, unsurprisingly changed what I was about to write! I have to say that it is incredibly disappointing and frustrating at all levels at this point in time; I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that. Enough said probably.

The effect though is given the core message of "stay at home" advice and no essential travel, that we have no choice but to cancel the "Share the Light" in the form planned in the different church buildings across the benefice tomorrow afternoon/early evening + all Christmas services also on Christmas Eve & Day until further notice. There was already disquiet anyway before the announcement, such that Christmas Eve services would not have gone ahead any way. I'm not sure what the complete position is regarding communal worship, but I cannot see how that is credible in the current circumstances any way given the latest restrictions. I know this will be disappointing for some, yet also a relief to many too. Right now our core responsibility is the safety and well-being of everyone, whether they be members of the congregations or the wider village communities.

We may not be able to "Share the Light" in our buildings, but we can still do so in a different way in our homes tomorrow evening. You may know I've been encouraging everyone to "Shine a Light" each Sunday at 8:00pm. The experience was due to start at 4:00pm tomorrow afternoon into the early evening.

Can we all shine a light in our window from that time (it may be a candle, it may be a lamp) as a sign of prayer for our communities and our nation at this time. Can we share this as widely as possible, incl via social media contacts, so that around our benefice we continue to "Share the Light" as was planned. Can we take photos of our light and post them too, on Whatsapp, Facebook you name it so that those around us know the "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome the light" for it is just going to shine in a different way!

Of course we are on course for the shortest day of the year and hence longest night of darkness (in a way not imagined even a few hours ago). Yet Christians need not fear the dark, as this season reminds us. I shared the following words with someone during the week, which I wrote as a brief poem years ago. They seem even more apt than ever this evening:

only in the darkest moments of life
as the storms gather and rage
and everything is shaken, 
do we see the Light 
that has been present all along, 
shining brightly”

We all have that opportunity to perceive this light, Jesus Emmanuel, God with us, quite differently this Christmas. Our celebrations will be different but important, for we can still celebrate in our homes, and know that we are joined even in 'virtual community' with others. This Light is not afraid to go into the most difficult moments of human experience to bring redemption, new life, hope, peace and yes even joy. So we need not be down-hearted or disheartened.

For now that is probably all I can say. The links to the online service tomorrow are below. It premieres at 10:30am on YouTube as normal. It may be that you haven't always connected with this service, or that you have just been added to the list. Whatever, it would be great to have as many of you there together at/from 10:30am, if for no other reason but to say "I'm here joining with you my brothers and sisters". Let us greet one another then and leave messages too. For we are one, we are the Body of Christ here. Why not then subscribe to the channel too?

You can either find the channel either by using the following link: or go via: Then select the service for Advent 4 20-12-2020. (The service sheet + songs & hymns + talk transcript will be downloadable from the website later).

As we look ahead to Christmas there will be an online Carol Service on Christmas Eve which will premiere at 7:00pm; we will be looking at how we can do Midnight Communion online too.

So for now, I leave you with these words from 1 Thess 5.16-18:

“Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus”

May we overcome...

Every blessing!

Reverend Julian Staniforth


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