Thursday, 17 December 2020
Thank You from Foodbank Co-ordinator Gill Gay and Swale Foodbank
Another very full car!
The photo only shows our boot but the whole of our car is full with the seats flattened.
Your generosity has again been amazing.
The words Jesus spoke to his disciples seem very appropriate:
"I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink".
And the disciples responded:
"Lord when did we ever see you hungry and not feed you or thirsty and not give you something to drink?"
Jesus replied:
"When you give food or drink to anyone of my children, you are giving it to me"
We will continue our foodbank collections in January when we will be back in the bus stop lay-by opposite the Church in Horsham Lane on Wednesday the 13th of January between 10:30am and 11:30am.
Hoping your Christmas is joyful.
Bless you, all and keep safe.