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Thursday, 22 October 2020

Upchurch Parish Council Report - October 2020

Report of the Parish Council October 2020

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Paddock and Recreation Ground

The adult exercise equipment will be installed soon at the Recreation Ground and the fencing will be replaced in December, weather permitting.

Sreet Lighting

The upgrade of the street lights to LEDs has been completed and the Council is waiting for UKPN to reconnect the lights.


Ref: 20/503637/FULL Address: Medway Autos, Christine And Muriel London Road Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7PD

Proposal: Change of use of auto showroom and workshop (Sui generis) to a banqueting hall, with food processing and distribution (Class D2 and B2), including the creation of a mezzanine floor and alterations to fenestration. Change of use of 2no. residential bungalows (C3) to guest accommodation (C1) associated with the banqueting hall, including the erection of a single storey rear extension and loft conversion, including 2no. rear dormers and installation of 4no. rooflights to front. Erection of a wedding gazebo to rear of bungalows.

Councillors considered the proposal and raised concerns about parking on site and on the roads; the impact of the increased traffic on the A2; the access and egress on the A2; it is an isolated site and would stand out in a rural setting; there is no clear business plan. Although the proposal might provide employment, the company already has staff for the venue at another site.

It was AGREED UNANIMOUSLY to object to the application.

Ref: 20/500305/FULL  Address: Jack Russell Place Halstow Lane Upchurch

Proposal: Retrospective application for erection of a brick wall and gate posts to front of site.

PINS ref: W/4001070

It was agreed to repeat previous comments and add that the brick walls bring an urbanising effect to this rural area also helping to create a sense of urban coalescence between the two separate and distinct villages of Lower Halstow and Upchurch. To refer the Inspector to the Swale Borough Council most recent Landscape Character Assessment of this lane.

This is a precis of Council business, full minutes of all meetings can be found on the website when ratified.

Date of next meetings:

Full Council - Thursday 5th November 2020 at 7:30pm.

The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 18th November at 7:30pm.

The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) Regulations 2020 now gives Local Councils the power to meet remotely during this COVID-19 pandemic and Upchurch Parish Council is now holding meetings virtually.  Please check the website for details of the meetings.

All residents are welcome to view the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions. 

Please contact the Clerk, to obtain login details for the meeting.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01622 739324


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