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Saturday, 31 October 2020

Hundreds of Knitted Poppies Decorate St. Mary’s Church for Remembrance Sunday

Click the photo montage to enlarge.

For the third consecutive year, the ladies of the Kitting Group, along with their partners have decorated the railings at St. Mary's Church, Upchurch with hundreds of knitted poppies, as a special Remembrance Sunday commemoration.

They look beautiful again!

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal began on Saturday 24th October and ends on Saturday 7th November. It will conclude with a pre-recorded Festival of Remembrance from the Royal Albert Hall on the Saturday evening and a scaled-down Cenotaph Ceremony in Whitehall on Sunday morning.

In Upchurch planning is underway for the annual Remembrance Service on Sunday 8th November to include a two-minute silence at 11:00am. However, due to the Covid-19 restrictions, it will have to be different from usual as the church cannot welcome the usual number of people.

The service will begin at 10:30am and there will be limited seating available. To reserve a place at the service, please ring:

Jill Rothery, the Church Warden, on: 01795 481694. From Sunday 1st November onwards.


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Royal British Legion will not permit or support house to house collections, and so there will be no one calling at your home for donations this year.

Nevertheless, poppies and dated poppy pins will be available from the Upchurch shops, public houses, clubs and restaurants. The school has also been given a pack for the benefit of the children and staff.

This year for the first time, donations can be made using your mobile.

If you would like to download a poppy for a donation, this can be done at the following link:

Poppies printed this way are excellent for displaying in your windows especially the ones you can colour in yourselves.

Poppy Day Appeal organiser Gerry Lewin can supply - poppies, dated poppy pins, VE poppy pins, wooden crosses, car poppies and wrist bands etc. Please contact Gerry to see how he can help. Telephone: 01634 366113 - 07946 996789 Email:


Remembrance Sunday - November 8th 2020

Upchurch Matters

Friday, 30 October 2020

Remembrance Sunday Service at St Mary the Virgin, Upchurch

Remembrance Sunday Service

8th November 2020 at 10:30am
St Mary the Virgin, Upchurch

A service of Remembrance will be held in St Mary’s church, Upchurch on Sunday 8th November 2020 to include a two-minute silence at 11:00am. However, due to the Covid-19 restrictions, it will have to be different from usual as we cannot welcome the usual number of people into the church.

The service will begin at 10:30am and there will be limited seating available. To reserve a place at the service, please ring:

Jill Rothery, the Church Warden, on: 01795 481694. From Sunday 1st November onwards.

Please look out for further details on Upchurch Matters, on St Mary's Upchurch Facebook page at: and on notices at the church.


Sue Rossiter

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Dr Supriya Das & Dr Lakshmi Subbiah

The following items were discussed at the last PPG meeting:

Face Coverings

Face coverings are to be worn at all times when attending the Surgery for appointments with the Nurse/Doctor. This also applies to Healthy Living Centres and Hospitals in the area.

Face masks donated by the council have now run out, therefore it is imperative that patients bring their own with them when attending the Surgery for an appointment.

Flu Vaccinations 

All those requiring a Flu vaccination would have been dealt with i.e. 65yrs and above and all those that show at risk from their medical records.

The next batch is due in November for those 50-65yrs and when received, the dates will be circulated on Upchurch Matters website or the practice website in order for patients to telephone for an appointment.

Maidstone Road Practice - Targets

Staff have received training in respect of early cancer diagnosis, thereby ensuring an immediate referral to the cancer unit and monitor “follow up” appointments are being issued and kept by the patient, i.e. cervical screening for those females aged 25-64yrs. Nationally the level is 72.4%. Medway CCG is 74.9% and our practice is 83.7%.

Also training to identify patients who have learning difficulties and quite often attend on their own, ensuring they get the right support and regular “follow up”.

Letters received by patients from the Medway Hospital or other outside clinics

There is a delay in the practice receiving letters following an appointment at the Hospital or Clinic, therefore it is requested that patients drop into the Surgery with the letter they receive from the Hospital/Clinic in order for the Practice to update patients records locally. Thank you.

Maidstone Road Practice Website

The website is:

The Practice would like patients views/comments about the website.

Any comments, please Email: and mark them “For the attention of Nurse, Bonnie Olsen”.

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Thank You from Foodbank Co-ordinator Gill Gay and Swale Foodbank

Thank you, Upchurch.

Your heart is way bigger than your village ♥️

You are amazing!

God bless you all - Gill & Ron

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Swale Borough Council Meets with KCC Director of Health to Discuss the Rise in Covid Infections in the Borough

Leading members of Swale Borough Council met with Andrew Scott-Clark, Director of Public Health at Kent County Council (KCC), yesterday (26th Oct) to discuss the recorded rise of Covid infections in Swale.

On behalf of KCC - the lead authority in monitoring and controlling the spread of the virus in the county - Mr Scott-Clark confirmed that Swale had the highest level of infections in Kent at 102 per 100,000 people.

While this is still below the national average, Mr Scott-Clark explained that the virus was spreading much more seriously amongst younger people than in the first wave, and that the Isle of Sheppey had the highest levels in the borough, with some higher levels also emerging in Central Sittingbourne and Milton.

He reported that a number of cases in workplaces in Swale were a cause for concern, particularly because transmission looks to be happening outside the workplace as people socialise together. Care homes and food distribution companies are also a cause for concern.

Thankfully there are some areas of the borough with very low levels of infection and the council is working closely with KCC to keep the public properly informed.

Both the council and KCC are concerned about alarming messages being publicised in print and social media, and cabinet members are concerned that this could cause a mixture of fatigue and complacency making suppression of this second wave more difficult.

Cllr Angela Harrison, cabinet member for health and wellbeing at the council, said:

“It is of utmost importance that we do not become complacent when it comes to protecting ourselves, our families and our communities.

“Whilst we mourn every death and understand the impact it has on families, we did not suffer the same impact in the first wave as many other parts of the country.

“This second wave already suggests that we’re facing a real challenge, and we urge people to adhere to government guidelines by washing your hands frequently, wearing a face covering and remembering to maintain social distancing.

“Thankfully levels of hospitalisation are manageable for the moment, but we cannot take our NHS for granted.

“Alongside studying infection rates and levels of hospitalisation, we are also out visiting businesses to ensure they are covid compliant and sharing information and advice with them.”

Cllr Roger Truelove, leader at the council, said:

“Our officers have started compliance checks in the pubs and restaurants in our towns and have found good compliance procedures.

“Businesses have been welcoming and are clearly working very hard to keep their customers safe, however we did have some concerns about take away food businesses and will work with them to ensure they are compliant.

“We will soon be visiting rural establishments and hope for the same high standard we’ve seen so far.

“During lockdown earlier this year, we monitored the situation daily, and reported to the senior leadership team and cabinet every week to ensure we were doing everything we could to keep the residents of the borough safe, and will do the same again now that we are experiencing a second wave.

“We urge you to do your bit to limit the spread of the virus and keep your family and community safe.”

Swale Borough Council

Monday, 26 October 2020

Swale Borough Council Proposes New Housing Company

Swale Borough Council is proposing to set up a housing company to help deliver affordable homes for local people.

A report going to cabinet on Wednesday, 28th October proposes setting up a local housing company to increase the supply of affordable homes in the borough, without placing a financial burden on the council.

If approved, council-owned land at the old bus depot in East Street Sittingbourne, Fountain Street and Cockleshell Walk car park would be transferred to the company to provide around 139 new properties, in exchange for an equity share in the company.

Ben J Martin, cabinet member for housing at the council, said:

“The prospect of setting up of a housing company is a key indicator of the high priority we place on delivering decent affordable housing residents need, and, if approved, will enable us to intervene directly in the local housing market.

“It would also give us control of the density, location, environmental standards and management of any scheme, so we won’t be at the mercy of developers trying to maximise profit.

“By owning equity shares in the company, we can get an income stream on assets that should go up in value over time, which reduces the financial risk to the council.

“We estimate build costs, energy efficiency and lifecycle costs of developing, managing and maintaining the initially planned 139 properties to be up to £23 million, which we would initially pay for through 50-year loans to the company.

“If approved, the company will enable us to build additional affordable housing, on top of the ones provided through the planning system, and housing associations utilising their homes England grant money in Swale.

“This would be a real ray of hope for local people who are in need of local, affordable housing.”

Cllr Ghlin Whelan, deputy cabinet member for housing at the council, said:

“This is an exciting opportunity for us to provide the affordable housing the borough so desperately needs.

“Social housing is a nationwide issue and councils are looking for ways to meet the demand without being at the mercy of large developers.

“The number of people needing local, affordable housing is only rising, and it’s our duty to do what we can to meet that need.”

The full report can be viewed here

Swale Borough Council

KCC Announces Dedicated Helpline for Free School Meals Support This Half-term

Kent County Council has announced vouchers for food are available during half-term for families whose children are eligible for free school meals, so that no Kent child goes hungry.

The county’s families most in need will receive supermarket vouchers for each eligible child to ensure they are able to feed their children outside of term time.

A dedicated helpline has been set up and is now open so that Kent’s low-income families are able to quickly and easily access the help they need when they need it most, including during the school holidays. Families who apply will receive one voucher of £15 per child.

The announcement comes after KCC Leader Roger Gough pledged that no child should ever go hungry during school holidays, or at any time.

Speaking after today’s announcement, Mr Gough said:

“Kent County Council and our partners in district and borough councils have already helped thousands of Kent residents, including families with school-aged children, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the weekend, with the half-term holiday approaching, I reminded residents about the help the Kent Together helpline and webpage offer and urged anyone who was struggling to contact us.

We have now taken that offer of help a step further, setting up a dedicated helpline families can call to apply for vouchers for Free School Meals to be used in a local supermarket during the school holidays. This dedicated helpline will streamline and speed up the process so we can get urgent help to those that need it.

This support for families in need has always been in place. I hope, though, that this helpline will enable people who need urgent help to get it, and to get it quickly.

Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we support the most vulnerable within our community. I hope that this service will quickly provide families with the help they need and ensure that no child in Kent is left to go hungry.”

Anyone eligible for free school meals who needs extra financial support to help feed their children can now visit or call the dedicated helpline on 03000 41 24 24. You have until next Monday 2nd November 5:00pm to apply.

Meanwhile, the KentTogether helpline remains open for any other Kent resident who needs support with food, collection of medication and prescriptions and other urgent needs during the pandemic, 24 hours a day. You can get help by visiting or calling 03000 41 92 92.

Suz Elvey
Kent County Council

NHS Kent and Medway CCG - Community Bulletin

Helping your community

The NHS is preparing for winter and the added pressures we usually experience at this time of year.

We can all play a part in making sure NHS services are available for those who need them by staying as active and healthy as possible.

One of the ways we're doing this in Kent and Medway is by recruiting Covid-19 Community Champions to help share information about how to stay healthy and safe.

Kent County Council, Medway Council and NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group are working together to recruit local people to:

 Update their community with the latest information.

 Talk to groups most at risk (including older people and BAME communities) to help them stay safe.

 Promote positive lifestyles, including healthy eating and physical activity.

Anyone interested can sign up to attend fortnightly champion update meetings and receive regular updates.

To register or find out more, Email:

Get your flu vaccine and spread the word

The flu vaccination provides protection from the virus which is common throughout winter. Vaccinations began in September and will continue over the winter months, with appointments available throughout the season (so there is still plenty of time to book).

Priority is given to those who are most at risk of complications from flu. GP practices and pharmacies are receiving phased deliveries of the vaccine and flu clinics are scheduled to coincide with these deliveries. By staggering appointments over the winter months, the NHS can help protect as many people as possible from flu.

If you know you're on of the at risk groups, because for instance you have a long term condition such as asthma, are pregnant, or disabled, you should speak to your GP surgery or local pharmacy about the vaccination.

Parents and carers of two and three year olds should receive an invitation for their child to have the vaccination at their GP practice before the winter. If you haven’t heard by early November, contact the practice directly to make an appointment.

For primary school-aged children and those in Year 7 at secondary school, a vaccination session will be held at school during the autumn term. Your local healthcare team will contact you via the school.

Carers and those who live with people who are required to shield are also eligible for the flu vaccine.

Help spread the message in your community by sharing this message and this link to a new flu awareness video

Cold weather alerts

Public Health England's cold weather alert service, operated by the Met Office, is moving to a new, upgraded platform. Current and new users must register their Email address with the new system by the 1st November. Due to compliance with GDPR, it is not possible to subscribe current users to the new system automatically.

The service begins on 1st November 2020 when the current distribution list will be retired and the service will only be delivered to those who have signed up via GovDelivery. Click here to register

Find out more about the cold weather plan and health on the government website

Medway and Swale

Swale CVS is looking for volunteers willing to do weekly shopping for elderly or vulnerable people who are unable to go themselves. Travel expenses will be reimbursed. If you think you can help, please contact Zoe on 01795 473828 or Email

Read the full bulletin at

NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Support for Local Families Struggling Through the School Holidays

Following the recent government decision not to extend the free school meals scheme, Cia Merrall has teamed up with St Margaret’s Church, Rainham to fundraise and provide local families with deliveries of fresh and frozen food and essentials.

If you are going to find it difficult to feed your children over the October half-term holiday, please contact Cia. Families can self refer or are referred by schools.

Or if you would like to donate funds, food or other essential items and volunteer to deliver parcels, please get in touch with Cia.

Donations of funds can be made at >>

Any excess will be donated to St Margaret’s Foodbank, Rainham and the Trussell Trust.

Upchurch Support Network is still here to support you.

Cia Merrall - 15 Forge Lane, Upchurch
Telephone: 07916 151299 - Email:

Upchurch Matters

Co-op Membership has Changed - Choose a Local Cause

Co-op membership has changed

From the 30th of September 2020, the Co-op doubled the amount they give to local causes on behalf of their Members and began offering Members the chance to save on their shopping each week with personalised offers and more discounts and deals on Co-op services and products.

Now, when you buy selected Co-op products and services, 2p for every £1 you spend goes into your Co-op membership account. 

You can spend the rewards you earn on most things you buy - not just Co-op products. 

You can join the Co-op for £1 to save money with personalised offers and earn rewards to spend in-store. If you’re not already a Member, you can buy a temporary membership card for £1 in any Co-op food store. The £1 you paid for the temporary card will be used to pay for your share in the Co-op.

Each week, you can go online or on the Co-op app to see new offers on products you like to buy or might want to try. Choose the 2 offers you want to use then scan your Co-op membership card in the app to use your offers.

Upchurch local causes have returned

For the first time in a year, Co-op Members can choose to support three local causes a bit closer to home.

The tremendous support villagers and the wider community give the busy Upchurch store has already benefited village local causes to the tune of thousands of pounds.

Choose a local cause

When you become a Co-op Member, you can choose a local cause to support through your membership.

As you spend on selected Co-op products and services, you'll also be contributing to your chosen local cause.

For every £1 you spend, 2p will go into your membership account and the same will be given to your chosen local cause.

If you do not select a cause to support, the Co-op will share the funds you raised equally between the 3 causes in your community.

It is now also possible for Members to donate the rewards they’ve earned to local causes.

The Co-op will give you a new set of causes to choose from every October.

You can change the cause you support at any time.

If you would like to see more local causes, please use the search function on the membership website at the link below.

Become a Member and choose a cause at

Upchurch Matters

Saturday, 24 October 2020

Upchurch Poppy Appeal - 2020

This year’s appeal is taking place during Remembrance Tide which this year is from 24th October to 7th November.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Royal British Legion will not permit or support house to house collections and so there will be no one calling at your house for donations this year.

Nevertheless, poppies and dated poppy pins will be available from the Upchurch shops, public houses, clubs and restaurants who have agreed to participate. The school has also been given a pack for the benefit of the students and staff.

This year for the first time, donations can be made using your mobile telephone.

If you would like to download a poppy for a donation then this can be done using the following link: Poppies printed this way are excellent for displaying in your windows especially the ones you can colour in yourselves.

I am able to supply from the stock I hold - poppies, dated poppy pins, VE poppy pins, wooden crosses, car poppies and wrist bands etc. Please contact me to see how I can help

The impact of the coronavirus has impacted heavily on the veterans of the Armed Forces and their dependents who rely on welfare support and care from the Royal British Legion. So the need for help goes on during these difficult times.


Gerry Lewin - Poppy Day Appeal Organiser 
Telephone: 01634 366113 - 07946 996789

Friday, 23 October 2020

Lower Halstow Scarecrow Trail 2020

Come and walk the Lower Halstow Village Scarecrow Trail.

From 3:00pm on Friday 23rd October until 4:00pm on Sunday 1st November.

Over 40 Scarecrows to see.

Make memories and vote for your favourite.

Raising funds for Lower Halstow School PTA. Every penny raised goes to help the children at Lower Halstow Primary School.

For more information, to download the latest version of the trail map and donate, visit:

The perfect fun and socially distanced family activity for the half-term holiday!

Upchurch Matters

Robert Witherden 1927 - 2020

Bob Witherden.

Dad or Bob, as most knew him, lived and worked in and around Upchurch and Rainham all of his life, farming and producing fruit and veg which he sold in his farm shops in Rainham High Street and Station Road between 1972 and 1987 before retiring to Upchurch to continue farming.

Dad worked up until about five years ago and has gradually passed all of his skills onto his son David, who continues to run the farm and produce Upchurch Strawberries, which we all love!

Dad always got involved with things going on in Upchurch, playing for the Football Team, running the Upchurch Marathon, serving on the Parish Council, Swale Borough Council and much much more.

Family, farming and Upchurch were his life 💕

You will be missed by us all so much - we’re all 💔

Ann Gee

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Dog Taken | Car Vandalised - Newington

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: 46/187906/20

Between 11:30am and 11:40am on Monday the 19th of October, a Cocker Spaniel ran out of the owner’s garden. A car pulled over, the door was opened, the dog got in and the vehicle departed in Bull Lane, Newington. The dog has since returned home.

Crime Number: 46/188979/20

A car was vandalised overnight between Wednesday the 21st and Thursday the 22nd of October in Iwade Road, Newington.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Community Messaging

Upchurch Parish Council Report - October 2020

Report of the Parish Council October 2020

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Paddock and Recreation Ground

The adult exercise equipment will be installed soon at the Recreation Ground and the fencing will be replaced in December, weather permitting.

Sreet Lighting

The upgrade of the street lights to LEDs has been completed and the Council is waiting for UKPN to reconnect the lights.


Ref: 20/503637/FULL Address: Medway Autos, Christine And Muriel London Road Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7PD

Proposal: Change of use of auto showroom and workshop (Sui generis) to a banqueting hall, with food processing and distribution (Class D2 and B2), including the creation of a mezzanine floor and alterations to fenestration. Change of use of 2no. residential bungalows (C3) to guest accommodation (C1) associated with the banqueting hall, including the erection of a single storey rear extension and loft conversion, including 2no. rear dormers and installation of 4no. rooflights to front. Erection of a wedding gazebo to rear of bungalows.

Councillors considered the proposal and raised concerns about parking on site and on the roads; the impact of the increased traffic on the A2; the access and egress on the A2; it is an isolated site and would stand out in a rural setting; there is no clear business plan. Although the proposal might provide employment, the company already has staff for the venue at another site.

It was AGREED UNANIMOUSLY to object to the application.

Ref: 20/500305/FULL  Address: Jack Russell Place Halstow Lane Upchurch

Proposal: Retrospective application for erection of a brick wall and gate posts to front of site.

PINS ref: W/4001070

It was agreed to repeat previous comments and add that the brick walls bring an urbanising effect to this rural area also helping to create a sense of urban coalescence between the two separate and distinct villages of Lower Halstow and Upchurch. To refer the Inspector to the Swale Borough Council most recent Landscape Character Assessment of this lane.

This is a precis of Council business, full minutes of all meetings can be found on the website when ratified.

Date of next meetings:

Full Council - Thursday 5th November 2020 at 7:30pm.

The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 18th November at 7:30pm.

The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) Regulations 2020 now gives Local Councils the power to meet remotely during this COVID-19 pandemic and Upchurch Parish Council is now holding meetings virtually.  Please check the website for details of the meetings.

All residents are welcome to view the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions. 

Please contact the Clerk, to obtain login details for the meeting.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01622 739324

Gill Gay Will Be Collecting For Swale Foodbank Again

Hi everyone,

I would like to thank you all for the wonderful support we have received on behalf of Swale Foodbank so far.

My husband Ron and I will be collecting again in the bus stop lay-by opposite the Church in Horsham Lane on Wednesday 28th October between 10:30am and 11.30am.

Please come along with your donations (in carrier bags would be helpful) and put them into our open car boot while we remain at a safe distance.

We will then deliver your donations to the Swale Foodbank Warehouse, part of the Trussell Trust.

The warehouse is better stocked than most months because Churches have been donating their Harvest Festival gifts. But there are tough times ahead - a cold winter and Christmas.

Sadly for a lot of people this year, even more than in previous years, Christmas will not be full of sparkle and joy. For them, Christmas will be something to endure and just get through.

All gifts of food and toiletries are welcome but they are really, really short of:

Rice Pudding
Bars of Chocolate
Shaving Gel

It would be nice if we could include some Christmas treats next month as well.

Thank you for your generosity and care. You really are a blessing for those struggling daily.

Please tell your friends and family.

Thank you

Gill Gay - Foodbank Co-ordinator

Appeal Lodged for New Homes and Public Spaces at Pump Lane, Rainham


AC Goatham & Son is challenging Medway Council's refusal to grant outline planning permission for significant 
redevelopment on land they own at Pump Lane, Rainham and has now lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate.

Medway Council's refusal

In June 2020, Medway Council refused outline planning application MC/19/1566 for the redevelopment of land off Pump Lane, Rainham to include residential development comprising of approximately 1,250 residential units, a local centre, a village green, a two-form entry primary school, a 60 bed extra care facility, an 80 bed care home and associated access.

Outline planning application MC/19/1566 including Medway Council's letter of refusal and new appeal documents can be viewed at:

The plans

The site is located south of Lower Rainham Road, centred upon Pump Lane and extending, in part to Lower Bloors Lane to the east and Lower Twydall Lane to the west. The southern most boundary is formed of the railway. The site is currently used as commercial fruit orchards.

The proposals are for a residential development of up to 1,250 homes with landscaped areas, open spaces and other community benefits.

It is proposed that at the heart of the development there will be a village green that will integrate with existing pedestrian routes.

A new primary school with playing fields is planned for space at the rear of the existing houses on Lower Rainham Road.

Access to the development will be from Lower Rainham Road and Pump Lane.

Representations to the appeal

Representations to the appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, to be submitted by Monday 16th November 2020 can be made online at: using the case reference number: APP/A2280/W/20/3259868.

Upchurch Matters

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Business Crime Survey 2020

Bosses invited to tell PCC about business crime.

For the first time, Kent’s elected Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott has created a survey specifically to understand the impact of business crime in the county.

Questions include:

How safe do you feel the area is where your business is based?
Has your business experienced crime in the past year?
What, if anything, has dissuaded you from reporting business crime in the past?

The responses received will help Mr Scott understand attitudes towards policing and other crime prevention initiatives across Kent.

At first glance, it may appear this isn’t relevant to the rural community but 40% of the responses so far have been from people working in farming. The survey covers rural, coastal and urban businesses and is an opportunity for you to have your say.

You can complete the survey at:

Upchurch Matters

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

AMENDMENT: Speed Limit Reduction - High Street, Newington

It will be necessary to put a temporary speed limit of 10MPH on the High Street, Newington from Friday 23rd October 2020 for up to 3 nights.

The restriction will be in place from the junction of Callaways Lane to Boyces Hill.

This is to allow the safe use of convoy working with two way traffic lights.

It is planned that the speed restriction will be in place between 20:00hrs and 05:00hrs each night.

This is to enable carriageway repairs to be carried out by Kent County Council.

The restriction will be lifted as soon as works are completed, and it is safe to do so.

Kent County Council 24hr Contact Centre:

03000 418181 (9:00am - 5:00pm)
03000 419191 (5:00pm - 9:00am)

For details of roadworks see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Enjoy Fireworks Responsibly - Stay Safe This Autumn

Fireworks can hurt and frighten people and animals - always follow the firework code.

For everything you need to know about firework safety, visit ROSPA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) at:

Kent Community Messaging

Sorry, No Trick or Treat Poster

Click the A4 poster to download it and print it out.
If you are worried about people coming to your door during Halloween - particularly after dark or late in the evening remember, you don’t have to answer the door.

You can make this clear by displaying this poster on your front window or door.

If you have young children:

Never let young children go trick or treating on their own.
 Make sure they only visit people known to your family.

If you have teenagers:

 Make sure they are not going to be using alcohol, flour or eggs.
 Make it clear that if a ‘no trick or treat’ sign is displayed, they should leave straight away.
 Make sure they do not travel alone and never go into the home of someone they do not know.
 Make sure they understand they must not frighten people.

If anyone calls at your door and their behaviour worries you, let a neighbour know. Alternatively, you can contact Kent Police.

In an emergency, if a crime is in progress or life is in danger call 999

Report a non-urgent crime online at:

Kent Community Messaging


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