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Tuesday, 18 August 2020

FREE Online Family Courses Launched by KCC Adult Education

Free online family courses launched by Kent Adult Education.

Kent’s Adult Education service has launched three series of family courses which offer a great opportunity for parents, carers and their children to enjoy quality time together learning new skills or perhaps rediscovering old ones.

These online courses are informative, practical, fun and completely free. They are delivered virtually, in real-time to enable live interaction with the tutor and fellow learners.

The “wider family learning” courses include: First Aid for Families; Mini Builders and Boffins; and Rocket Making

The second series is aimed at parents, grandparents and carers of children. Some help parents tackle everyday family issues and others help parents and children enjoy family life.

Courses include:

Confident Parent Confident Child

 Managing Children’s Behaviour
 Parents Towards Employment
 Stepping Up into Primary with Crafts
 Understanding your Teenager

A third series concentrates on English, Maths and Language. These courses help parents and carers support their child at school and with homework. Courses also enable adults to recognise and develop their skills for paid employment, volunteering and for further learning.

Courses include:

 Keeping up with the Children Maths
 Keeping up with the Children English
 Chatter Matters
 Family Language ESOL
 Cooking on a Budget
 Family Story Writing

One of the participants in a “family learning” course was Vicky, who suffered from anxiety and a lack of confidence.

She said:

“I joined the Adult Education courses because I wanted a chance to get out of the house and start to learn again.

“My anxiety had got so bad that going anywhere without someone I knew was a massive trigger for me. We had some awful times as a family, with different people and it was time to make a change and create something positive in our lives.

“The courses at the school were ideal for me because the Story Sacks course involved the children, and they were held somewhere I knew.

“It was nice to be able to do something productive and educational with my children, but also for me, it was nice to learn and build up a bit of confidence in my knowledge again after being out of education so long.

“I also wanted to show my children that it’s never too late to go back to learning and that every step counts. I want them to be proud of me and I want a better life for all of us. I don’t want them ever to doubt that they can do anything they put their minds to.”

For further information, visit:, or call: 03000 41 40 25

Murray Evans
Kent County Council


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