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The best way to tell us is through the contact form
Rapid-result coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for people who don’t have symptoms is now available to anyone who lives or works in Swale and Thanet. The testing will find people who don’t currently have symptoms, who may be unknowingly spreading the virus in the community.
Kent County Council Director of Public Health, Andrew Scott-Clark said:
“We have opened up the booking system for our symptom-free testing sites to allow anyone who lives or works in the two districts to get a test. It’s important that as many people without symptoms come forward and book themselves regular tests so we can find people who may be unknowingly transmitting the virus either at home or at work.
“Remember, up to 1 in 3 people may have COVID-19 without any symptoms at all and with this new strain that is more transmissible, we need to identify those people and encourage them to isolate so we break the chain of transmission.
“My message to everyone across Kent is please keep following the tier 4 restrictions and limit your social interactions. It’s important to self-isolate, not only after receiving a positive test result but also while you wait for the results.”
Symptom-free testing sites will be rolled out across the county from Monday 4th January to help try to reduce the rates of COVID-19.
To book a test in Swale and Thanet use this link: kcc.healthit.org.uk
Symptom-free testing sites are being set up using funding from central government to support local councils in tier 4 to help reduce rates of COVID-19.
These sites are in addition to the regional and local testing sites for people who have symptoms. If you have symptoms you should NOT attend one of our symptom-free testing sites but instead book a PCR test: www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test
Kent County Council
Upchurch Matters
Margaret and Cyril enjoying their trip to Bruges.
Sadly, Margaret Boakes of Chaffes Lane, Upchurch passed away swiftly and unexpectedly in the early hours of Christmas Day.
Margaret leaves Cyril, her husband of 72 years, daughter Linda and son Colin each of whom have given them two grandchildren.
Born Margaret Stringer in Ivy Street, Rainham on 9th December 1930, she moved to Chaffes Lane after her marriage to Cyril, where they have lived ever since.
Margaret was well known to many for the greengrocer’s stall she ran through the sixties, seventies, and eighties from their market garden home in Chaffes Lane.
Congratulations to Terence Honeyman, winner of the Christmas Hamper Raffle at Upchurch’s Co-op. Thanks to everyone who bought tickets ☺️ You helped us raise £74 for our chosen charity this year, MIND - the mental health and support charity. Please keep a lookout for future raffles and events to come. Read more about MIND at: www.mind.org.uk Thank you Nik - Upchurch’s Co-op
Madge and Richard on their wedding day in 1939. The couple with sons Peter and Brian attending a wedding circa 1947/48. The large 100 cut-outs created especially by the family as a surprise for Madge on her birthday.
Madge Boakes is celebrating her 100th birthday today.
Madge was born on 27th December 1920 and lived in Rainham before moving to Gravesend when Richard, who later became her husband, would visit her on his motorbike. Madge still lives in Chaffes Lane, Upchurch in the same home she and Richard moved into after they married in 1939.
The couple have two sons, Peter and Brian, both still in Upchurch. And each of their sons has two children - Peter has sons and Brian daughters. Both Peter's sons and one of Brian's daughters also live in the village. Madge has eight grandchildren, six of whom live in Upchurch too.
Madge used to work in a baby clothes shop, and when she wasn't busy would knit baby clothes herself - Madge still knits today!
More recently, Madge was called to Parkwood Health Centre, Rainham to receive her Covid-19 vaccination. Whilst Madge was there, it was announced she would soon be celebrating her 100th birthday. To Madge's great surprise, she was presented with a bouquet of flowers followed by a round of applause.
Congratulations Madge - Enjoy your special milestone birthday!
Upchurch Matters
Wishing everyone the merriest possible Christmas and a healthy more prosperous new year.
We really do appreciate all the support you have given www.upchurchmatters.co.uk throughout 2020, a worrying and challenging time for us all.
But there is still a way to go before things can hopefully return to some normality.
So for the sake of us all, please follow the guidance.
Onwards and upwards into 2021, and to happier days 🚀
Thank you, and stay safe.
Upchurch Matters
Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group is aware some people are receiving fraudulent calls and text messages offering the COVID-19 vaccination.
In some cases, people are asked to press a number on their phone keypad or to send a text message to confirm they wish to receive the vaccine. Doing so is likely to result in a charge being applied to their phone bill. In other cases, callers are offering the vaccine for a fee or asking for bank details. Please be alert to these scams. The vaccine is only available from the NHS and the NHS will contact you when it is your turn. The NHS will:
• NEVER ask you to press a button on your keypad asking you to confirm you want the vaccine.
• NEVER ask for payment for the vaccine or for your bank details.
If you receive a call you believe to be fraudulent, hang up. If you believe you have been the victim of fraud or identity theft you should report this directly to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. Where the victim is vulnerable, report it to Kent Police online or phone 101.
Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group
Congratulations to Jackie Warner, winner of the Christmas Stocking Sweetie Cake Raffle at Upchurch’s Co-op. Thanks to everyone who bought tickets ☺️ You helped us raise £50 for our chosen charity this year, MIND - the mental health and support charity. Please keep a lookout for future raffles and events to come. Read more about MIND at: www.mind.org.uk Thank you Nik - Upchurch’s Co-op
Councillor Roger Truelove.
Cllr Roger Truelove, leader at the council, said:
“Planning at all levels of government becomes a difficult task when the messages and instructions keep changing so radically.
“At the end of last week, we started to send out letters to all households, further encouraging people to comply with Tier 3 restrictions. And then on Saturday we were catapulted into a hitherto unheard-of Tier 4. I hope those who received a letter will understand that they are now out of date, as are many of our other public notices.
“Tier 4 is said to have been made necessary by the new variant strain about which we in Swale Council had heard nothing until it was announced by the Health Secretary in parliament. It has hit Kent in particular.
“Sadly, infection rates in Swale continue to rise, though not at the same rate as in other places and we are, now, not referred to as the “number one” in the country. Having said that, the situation is critical, and I can not only implore people to follow the guidelines but, in fact, if possible, go even further than the regulations to try to control the virus.
“We are asked to stay at home, get exercise of course, but only meet one person in an outdoors setting. I went for a walk to a park on Sunday afternoon and I have to say that that message had clearly not registered with most people. Regulations will only bring this virus down if we willingly comply.
“Because of our high rate of infection, asymptomatic testing has been introduced into Swale before other parts of the county in the KCC area of public health administration. This is obviously a good step forward. KCC tell us there will be a testing site in Sittingbourne in the New Year.
“The NHS is also starting a programme of vaccination, using the delicate Pfizer vaccine and we look forward to vaccination being rolled out in the months ahead.
“This is not the sort of Christmas that we want, and we must do our best to look forward to better times, but until then, we must do all we can to save lives. Infection comes from close human contact and so we must wear our masks and socially distance. That is the main way to defeat this virus.”
Swale Borough Council

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward Crime Number: 46/222805/20 Between Thursday the 17th and Friday the 18th of December, 2 personal and 2 business phones were stolen from an international produce firm in Spade Lane, Hartlip.
Crime Number: 46/224232/20
Between Saturday the 19th and Sunday the 20th of December, a blue Yamaha YZF R6 04 motorcycle, reg number: GF06 SXD, was stolen from Newington High Street.
If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.
Kent Community Messaging
As I was writing this Update Email the news broke about the introduction of Tier 4 by the Government following the PM's announcement this evening. As a result it has, unsurprisingly changed what I was about to write! I have to say that it is incredibly disappointing and frustrating at all levels at this point in time; I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that. Enough said probably.
The effect though is given the core message of "stay at home" advice and no essential travel, that we have no choice but to cancel the "Share the Light" in the form planned in the different church buildings across the benefice tomorrow afternoon/early evening + all Christmas services also on Christmas Eve & Day until further notice. There was already disquiet anyway before the announcement, such that Christmas Eve services would not have gone ahead any way. I'm not sure what the complete position is regarding communal worship, but I cannot see how that is credible in the current circumstances any way given the latest restrictions. I know this will be disappointing for some, yet also a relief to many too. Right now our core responsibility is the safety and well-being of everyone, whether they be members of the congregations or the wider village communities.
We may not be able to "Share the Light" in our buildings, but we can still do so in a different way in our homes tomorrow evening. You may know I've been encouraging everyone to "Shine a Light" each Sunday at 8:00pm. The experience was due to start at 4:00pm tomorrow afternoon into the early evening.
Can we all shine a light in our window from that time (it may be a candle, it may be a lamp) as a sign of prayer for our communities and our nation at this time. Can we share this as widely as possible, incl via social media contacts, so that around our benefice we continue to "Share the Light" as was planned. Can we take photos of our light and post them too, on Whatsapp, Facebook you name it so that those around us know the "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome the light" for it is just going to shine in a different way!
Of course we are on course for the shortest day of the year and hence longest night of darkness (in a way not imagined even a few hours ago). Yet Christians need not fear the dark, as this season reminds us. I shared the following words with someone during the week, which I wrote as a brief poem years ago. They seem even more apt than ever this evening:
“Sometimes only in the darkest moments of life as the storms gather and rage and everything is shaken, do we see the Light that has been present all along, shining brightly” We all have that opportunity to perceive this light, Jesus Emmanuel, God with us, quite differently this Christmas. Our celebrations will be different but important, for we can still celebrate in our homes, and know that we are joined even in 'virtual community' with others. This Light is not afraid to go into the most difficult moments of human experience to bring redemption, new life, hope, peace and yes even joy. So we need not be down-hearted or disheartened.
For now that is probably all I can say. The links to the online service tomorrow are below. It premieres at 10:30am on YouTube as normal. It may be that you haven't always connected with this service, or that you have just been added to the list. Whatever, it would be great to have as many of you there together at/from 10:30am, if for no other reason but to say "I'm here joining with you my brothers and sisters". Let us greet one another then and leave messages too. For we are one, we are the Body of Christ here. Why not then subscribe to the channel too?
As we look ahead to Christmas there will be an online Carol Service on Christmas Eve which will premiere at 7:00pm; we will be looking at how we can do Midnight Communion online too.
So for now, I leave you with these words from 1 Thess 5.16-18:
“Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus”
May we overcome...
Click poster to enlarge.
Following the earlier announcement from the Government, the whole of Kent will be entering the new Tier 4: Stay At Home from Sunday the 20th of December.
Upchurch Matters
Updated Saturday 19th December 2020
Sunday 20th December Share the Light Experience - CANCELLED
Christmas Eve Outdoor Carol Service - CANCELLED All Midnight Services - CANCELLED
Christmas Day Communion Service - CANCELLED
Reverend Julian Staniforth has taken the decision (with great sadness) to cancel all church services, including the Share the Light Experience event tomorrow.
This decision was taken after the Prime Minister's announcement this afternoon that the whole of Kent is to be placed into Tier 4.
There will be online services which can be accessed via The Six website at: www.thesix.org.uk
Thank you
Gill Gay
Each village within The Six Benefice will be hosting a Christmas Nativity Trail this year.
The trails are for everyone to join in with but especially for families as an activity to take part in together during the days leading up to Christmas.
Explore the nativity story in Upchurch from the 14th of December through the different displays specially put together in the roads identified on the map.
Keep your eyes peeled because they may not always be as obvious as you may think. There are guided prayers to use at each place when you find it and each trail ends with a crib scene and a blessing prayer.
Download the Upchurch Nativity Trail map at the link here >> http://bit.ly/3av2F0J and enjoy discovering the different images around the village together!
And click here >> https://bit.ly/34qGsgt to watch the video 'Encounter for Christmas' on The Six YouTube Channel.
Upchurch Matters
Thank you ❤️ Thank you ❤️
Another very full car!
The photo only shows our boot but the whole of our car is full with the seats flattened.
Your generosity has again been amazing.
The words Jesus spoke to his disciples seem very appropriate:
"I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink".
And the disciples responded:
"Lord when did we ever see you hungry and not feed you or thirsty and not give you something to drink?"
Jesus replied:
"When you give food or drink to anyone of my children, you are giving it to me"
We will continue our foodbank collections in January when we will be back in the bus stop lay-by opposite the Church in Horsham Lane on Wednesday the 13th of January between 10:30am and 11:30am.
Hoping your Christmas is joyful.
Bless you, all and keep safe.
The Planning Inspectorate has dismissed an appeal lodged by Gold Property Development Ltd against the decision of Swale Borough Council to refuse permission for outline planning application: 19/501773/OUT | For residential development of 41no. two, three and four-bedroom houses. (all matters reserved except for access) at land off Jubilee Fields, Upchurch, Kent ME9 7AQ.
Upchurch Matters
People who have been financially impacted by the covid pandemic can now apply for a pre-packaged essential food box from Swale Borough Council to help feed their families.
The council’s winter grant scheme has been created to help support local families who have been financially impacted by covid and will help people who have received a reduction of income, loss of employment or other financial suffering due to the pandemic.
Nine different pre-packaged essential food boxes will be available to meet the various dietary, cultural and religious needs of local residents.
Each box will provide enough food for seven days and will be delivered within a maximum of two weeks of an application being accepted.
Cllr Richard Palmer, cabinet member for community at the council, said:
“The winter grant scheme is a new service that is in direct response to those who are suffering financial hardship because of the covid pandemic.
“This year has taken its toll on families in many ways and we want to help those who have been hit the hardest financially.
“We’ll be working with both Bidfood and Diversity House to deliver the food boxes to residents’ homes.
“Working with both organisations means we can provide a range of dietary requirements as well as cultural and religious specifications.
“If you’ve recently become unemployed because of the pandemic we encourage you to visit our website to see if you are eligible and make an application.
“Once your application is submitted, our community support team will carry out an assessment. If successful, the essential food box will be delivered to you within two weeks.
“We know this has been a difficult year for people and we’re doing everything we can to help support families experiencing financial hardship this winter.”
To be eligible for support you must:
• Have recently become unemployed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. • Not already be receiving help from the Kent Support and Assistance Scheme. • Not already be receiving benefits related free school meals. • Not already be receiving support through all the available government benefits. • Be experiencing current financial hardship, for example loss of income before benefits have been assessed. • Be fleeing domestic abuse.
Swale Borough Council
A lovely new Nativity Scene, beautifully built by Frank Osborne has been installed in the Churchyard at St Mary’s, Upchurch.
Upchurch Matters
The roads will be closed between the junctions with South Bush Lane and Bull Lane from 14th December 2020 for up to 3 nights between the hours of 20:00 and 05:00.
The alternative route for motorway traffic is via A249 Maidstone Road, M2 between Junction 5 to Junction 4, A278 Hoath Way, A2 London Road and vice versa.
The alternative route for non-motorway traffic is via Oak Lane, Forge Lane, The Street, Breach Lane, Boxted Lane, School Lane, Iwade Road, Stickfast Lane, Sheppey Way and vice versa.
To allow carriageway patching and preservation works to be carried out by Kent County Council.
This programme is subject to weather and other factors and may therefore change; every effort will be made to keep as close as to the programmed dates and durations.
Changes will be notified locally and signposted on site.
For information regarding this closure, please contact Kent County Council on: 03000 418181, who will be able to assist with the scope of the works.
Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste
Swale Borough Council has now received the guidance for the grants available to support businesses severely impacted by tier 3 restrictions, which came into force on the 2nd December 2020.
The three main schemes are:
• Local Restrictions Support Grant (for closed businesses)• Local Restrictions Support Grant (for open businesses) • Additional Restrictions Grant 2
You can use the business support finder tool on our website to find out which funding scheme is available for you and your business.
In addition, there are two additional schemes, for which eligible businesses are being contacted directly: • Local Restrictions Grant (Sector) • Christmas Support Payment for wet-led pubs - further details to be announced shortly
If you applied for a Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) and are looking for an update, please remember that you can check the status of your application by logging into the Grant Approval website.
If you have any queries, please Email us at: economicdevelopment@swale.gov.uk
Swale Borough Council
Dr Supriya Das & Dr Lakshmi Subbiah
COVID-19 vaccinations will begin on Wednesday the 16th of December at Parkwood Health Centre for patients at this practice.
The first 18 (over 80 patients) have been contacted by the NHS to attend.
As a result, there will be a MORNING SURGERY ONLY at Upchurch on Wednesday the 16th of December and NO SURGERY OPEN in the afternoon/evening as our GP’s will be at Parkwood assisting with the vaccinations.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham
Hartlip, Newington and UpchurchHere is a brief summary of crime information for the past 2 months: 56 crimes are shown on the map in October 2020 including:
16 Anti-social Behaviour 5 Criminal Damage and Arson 5 Other Theft 3 Public Order 1 Shoplifting 6 Vehicle Crime 15 Violence and Sexual Offences 5 Other Crime
33 crimes were shown on the map in September 2020.
Not all crime that occurs is shown on the map.
Please visit: www.police.uk for more information including outcomes for these crimes and contact information for your local policing team.
Lower Halstow and Iwade
Here is a brief summary of crime information for the past 2 months:
31crimes are shown on the map in October 2020 including:
11 Anti-social Behaviour 1 Burglary 4 Criminal Damage and Arson 1 Shoplifting 2 Vehicle Crime 11 Violence and Sexual Offences 1 Oher Crime
39 crimes were shown on the map in September 2020.
Not all crime that occurs is shown on the map.
Please visit: www.police.uk for more information including outcomes for these crimes and contact information for your local policing team.
Upchurch Matters
Medway Council is encouraging businesses which have been affected by Coronavirus restrictions to apply for the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG).
The council has received £5.571million ARG funding from government to support businesses between December 2020 and March 2022.
The funding has been split into two elements; a scheme which will provide grants to businesses impacted by national lockdown restrictions and a programme of business support interventions which will be developed over the coming months.
Medway businesses can apply for up to £3,000 ARG funding if they were forced to close, or were significantly affected, during the national lockdown (from Thursday 5th November to Wednesday 2nd December 2020) and are not eligible to apply for a Local Restrictions Grant. Businesses can apply for the grant on: Medway Council’s website
The deadline for applications is 12:00pm on Wednesday 6th January 2021. If businesses are unable to apply online they can Email: businessandskills@medway.gov.uk at least two working days before the application closing date.
Leader of Medway Council, Cllr Alan Jarrett, said:
“Throughout the pandemic we have continued to support Medway’s businesses and I am pleased that local business owners can now apply for funding from the Additional Restrictions Grant. There is a range of advice and support available for business owners on our website and I would also encourage residents to continue to shop local and support Medway’s businesses, especially in the run-up to Christmas. Medway is resilient and it is vital that we all act now to save lives in the fight against coronavirus.”
For more information about the support available to businesses, and to apply for the ARG, visit: medway.gov.uk/coronavirusbusinesses
Medway Council
Kent County Council has made an order to temporarily prohibit through traffic travelling on Horsham Lane, Upchurch from Wednesday 13th January 2021 for up to 1 day between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30.
The road will be closed from outside number 97 to the junction with Woodruff Close, to the extent indicated by signs and barriers on site.
The alternative route for any through traffic is via Horsham Lane, The Street, Oak Lane, Wallbridge Lane and vice versa.
The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while pole testing works are undertaken by BT.
For information regarding this closure please contact BT on: 0800 800150, who will be able to assist with the scope of the works.
Kent County Council 24hr Contact Centre:
03000 418181 (9:00am - 5:00pm) 03000 419191 (5:00pm - 9:00am)
Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste