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Monday, 23 December 2019

Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2019

Report of the Parish Council December 2019

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence.

Christmas in Upchurch
The Parish Council would like to thank Mr Bob Friend for his generous donation of a Christmas tree for the village. The Council has secured a grant from Swale Borough Council for festive lights.
As the Parish Council has made a grant to Sittingbourne Lights for the Santa Sleigh, all money collected in the parish will be given to Upchurch Village Hall.

KALC Community Awards Scheme
Upchurch Parish Council is pleased to be participating in the Kent Association for Local Councils Community Awards Scheme again and would like residents to send in nominations for the award. The KALC Community Award is to acknowledge and give recognition to those who have made a significant contribution to their local community.  
Please send nominations to the Clerk. Deadline for comments is 31st December, full details can be found on the Parish Council website.

Ref: 19/505263/FULL Address: Kaynes Farm Breach Lane Lower Halstow ME9 7PA
Proposal: Retrospective application for siting of a portacabin for residential use in association with existing smallholding and equine facilities.
Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously to object to the proposal.

Ref: 19/505173/SUB Address: New Kaine Farm, Solar Panel Installation Holywell Lane Upchurch ME9 7HP
Proposal: Submission of details pursuant to Condition 4 (Landscaping) of application 19/502827/FULL. 
Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously to fully support the application.

Ref: 19/505106/FULL  Address: 13 Wilks Close Upchurch ME8 8EY
Proposal: Conversion of existing garage (Retrospective) 
Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously that they had no objections to the proposal.

Ref: 19/505211/FULL  Address: 6 Horsham Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7AL 
Proposal: Conversion of garage into habitable space with external alterations and creation of first-floor side extension. 
Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously that they had no objections to the proposal.

Ref: 19/505177/FULL Address: 101 Wallbridge Lane Upchurch Kent ME8 7XD 
Proposal: Erection of a garden room. 
Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously that they had no objections to the proposal.

Ref: 19/505389/PNQCLA Address: Building E1 Adjacent To Kaine Farm House Breach Lane Upchurch ME9 7PH
Proposal: Prior Notification for change of use of agricultural building to 1no. dwelling and for associated operational development. For it's prior approval to: - Transport and highways impacts of the development - Contamination risks on the site - Flooding risks on the site - Noise impacts of the development - Whether the location or siting of the building makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the use of the building to change as proposed - Design and external appearance impacts on the building. 
Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously that they had no objections to the proposal.

Ref: 19/505470/ADV  Address: 3 The Street Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7AJ
Proposed: Advertisement Consent for 1no. externally illuminated aluminium fascia with logo (only Logo illuminates), 1no. externally illuminated projector, and 1no. non-illuminated aluminium panel.  
Councillors considered the application and agreed unanimously that they had no objections to the illuminated sign and requested that there be a condition that it is only lit when the shop is open and if possible, the level of light be conducive to the village environment. It was also requested that the number of physical signs on the outside the building be limited if possible.

Paddock and Recreation Ground
The inspection of the play area will take place in December.

There is a problem with dog fouling in the village again. The Community Warden has replenished the bags in the bottles and will report owners who do not clear up after their dogs. There is a problem with dog fouling in Chaffes Lane.  
The Parish Council asks all dog owners to be responsible and clean up after their dogs. Toxocara canis can pass from dog poo to humans as Toxocariasis through contaminated sand or soil, and children are at particular risk.  

Following inconsiderate parking in Chaffes Lane during the school run, the Council is planning to install bollards to prevent vehicles being parked on the pavement and causing a hazard for pedestrians.

Overgrown vegetation along the footpath in Otterham Quay Lane, near the horses' fields, has been reported to Alan Blackburn (KCC Highways) who has spoken to the Ian Young, the Highway Steward. Mr Blackburn has confirmed that he has raised an order with the term maintenance contractor to carry out some work to clear the vegetation that is over the footway so as to reveal the full available width. The work is scheduled to be completed within the next 28 days, Mr Blackburn has apologised if this has been promised to the residents before but not delivered.

There have been reports of inconsiderate parking opposite the doctors’ surgery and PCSO Cork is looking into this.

The Council has been awarded £610 from the Swale Environment Grant Fund. The Chairman has met with Ali Corbel, Swale in Bloom Coordinator, who can offer environmental guidance. Swale Borough Council’s preference is for all-year-round planting for bees and wildlife.  

This is a precis of Council business, full minutes of all meetings can be found on the website when ratified.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 2nd January 2020 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 15th January at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01622 739324


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