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Saturday, 17 August 2019

Medway Council Planning Policy Update - Make Your Voice Heard

Medway Council has recently updated its programme for preparing the new Medway Local Plan.

They are now working to publish the draft plan later this year, so they can take account of the outcome of a major bid for infrastructure funding. You can see the updated timetable for the new local plan in the Medway Local Development Scheme here (Click on LDS document).

The council is working on a number of documents to support the local plan. This includes planning for town centres. They are publishing draft masterplans and delivery strategy documents for Chatham, Gillingham and Strood for comments.

Medway Council is consulting on these documents from 16th August to 30th September 2019. They welcome your comments and will take these into account in drawing up final versions of the plans. You can view the information online here.

You can also view copies of the documents at Chatham, Gillingham and Strood libraries and at the council's offices at Gun Wharf during normal opening hours. You can find details of the opening hours and locations of the libraries here.

The new local plan will set out how Medway Council seek to protect and strengthen the environment. They have prepared some early work on a draft Medway Green and Blue infrastructure Vision and welcome your comments and ideas from16th August to 30th September 2019. This will form part of a wider strategy document.

The council has also published a Housing Delivery Test Action Plan. This sets out how the council will help lo boost rates of housebuilding in Medway. You can view the plan here.

The council welcome any comments that you may have on the action plan.

If you have any queries, please Email the Planning Policy Team at: Telephone: 01634 331629

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