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Friday, 10 May 2019

Speeding in Horsham Lane

Upchurch resident, Karen Weller contacted us recently about her tabby cat, Rosie who went missing from their family home in Horsham Lane on Wednesday 1st May 2019. After an appeal on our pages, the same day, the family were sadly contacted by a resident telling them they had found Rosie dead on their driveway, close to the brow of Horsham Hill, on the morning of Saturday 4th May 2019, probably as a result of a road traffic accident.

Remarkably, the stretch of Horsham Lane running between the Three Sisters roundabout up to the brow of Horsham Hill is still a 60mph speed limit. 30mph roundels (pictured) then warn drivers they are entering the built up centre of the village where they should not be travelling at more than 30mph.

Problems with speeding vehicles and selfish driving on all sections of Horsham Lane remains a problem unfortunately, not just within the section between the brow of Horsham and Hill and the junction with The Street.

Problems include, amongst others:

• Drivers using Horsham Lane regularly approach and accelerate away too fast from the tight bend near Plantation Cottages, meaning by the time they are at Woodruff Close they are travelling too fast to safely navigate the narrow section where the footpath ends.

• Instead of keeping left, many drivers leaving the village drive straight down the middle of Horsham Hill, for fear of scratching their cars. This is dangerous when they meet vehicles at the bottom of the hill, travelling into the village (the same thing seems to happen on Chapel Hill, Lower Halstow).

• Drivers turning into Horsham Lane from The Street regularly drive too fast round the corner by St. Mary's Church, meaning pedestrians forced to walk in the road on the stretch where there is no footpath (near St. Mary's Mews) are put at greater risk from speeding vehicles.

Upchurch Parish Council has been looking at speeding in Horsham Lane and we await what action will be taken. 

In the meantime, Karen has asked us to post this below on her behalf:

“I just wanted to let you know that someone has contacted us this morning with regards to Rosie. Unfortunately she was run over on Saturday morning and was found dead on a ladies driveway.

We have now collected her from the Council and have brought her home to bury her. Now comes the job of telling our children! She was found at the top of the Hill in Horsham Lane, where the speed limit goes down to 30mph, as you enter the centre of the village.

Unfortunately many drivers either don’t see or choose not to see that the speed limit has changed and continue to speed till they get to the junction by the Church, where they have to stop.

I know our cat is not the first to be run over on this section of road, and unfortunately I’m sure she won’t be the last. Someone hit her and didn’t bother to see if she was OK or required veterinary attention, but just sped on past.

I believe something needs to change before it’s not just our pets who pay the price but our children!”

Upchurch Matters


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