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Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Upchurch Parish Council Report - March 2019

Report of the Parish Council March 2019

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence

Memorial Plaque
The Historical Research Group of Sittingbourne wants to install a memorial plaque at Oak Lane railway bridge to commemorate those who lost their lives when the bridge was hit by a doodlebug. The Society has spent a lot of time researching the centenary of the end of the Great War and is now looking at the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. One of the casualties was sheltering under the bridge when the bomb exploded. The Society has permission from the authorities and is now seeking approval from the Parish Council for the plaque.
Councillors agreed unanimously to support the project but consideration must be given to safety at the location.

Upchurch Fete
The Parents & Friends of Holywell School will run the Annual Village Fete and this will be held at the school on the same day as the School Summer Fayre. If the field next to the school is in a fit condition, parking will be there. Councillors agreed that if the field is not suitable the Recreation Ground could be used for parking for the fete.

i. Ref: 19/500370/FULL Address: Twinney Acre Susans Lane Upchurch ME9 7HA
Proposal: Change of use of part of residential garden for the siting of 3no. shepherd huts with associated parking and access, for use as holiday lets.
Councillors considered the application and noted the huts had moved slightly from the previous proposal and were concerned that there would still be an issue of noise at night which could cause a disturbance to neighbours. The proposal does not meet the criteria of bringing employment or income to the village as there are sufficient B&Bs in the area.
Councillors agreed unanimously to object to the proposal.

ii. Ref: 19/500522/FULL Address: 2 Church Farm Road Upchurch ME9 7AG
Proposal: Single storey side extension with pitched roof.
Councillors considered the proposal and noted that there were no objections on the planning portal. Councillors agreed unanimously to support the proposal.

iii. New Kaine Solar Farm
The New Kaine Solar Farm is seeking an extension of the lease from twenty-five to forty years. The company wants to talk to the parish Council and seek its views. Councillors considered that the solar farm is on Grade 1 agricultural land; the land has to be re-instated when finished; the solar farm has only been online for a few years and has about another twenty years left under its present lease; solar panels have a twenty-five years life span although the inverters have a shorter life span.
Councillors agreed that the company be asked to give a presentation to the Annual Parish Meeting where more people will be in attendance.

Four more plots have been rented over the past few weeks and anyone else interested in having an allotment garden should contact the Clerk.
There has been a request for a disabled area with raised beds and proper pathways. There are grants available to facilitate this and the project will be properly managed.

Burial Ground and Churchyard
The Burial Ground Fees and Policy have been revised and can be found on the Parish Council website.

Church Clock 
The updates to the winding mechanism were carried out a year ago and the clock has been working well. The atomic clock went off air for two weeks and when it came back on it sent an erroneous signal although the operators do not accept responsibility for it. The mechanism has been taken out of the clock for a software update and was refitted last week and the time has been out of sync since. The clock has been restarted twice and it seems to be keeping time and this is being monitored. If necessary, the clock repairer will come out to help.

Highways and Street Lighting
There will be some road closures over the next few weeks to repair potholes in the parish
The street light tenders have been sent out.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 4th April 2019 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 17th April at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.
Annual Parish Meeting - Thursday 18th April at 7:30pm.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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