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Monday, 4 March 2019

Swale Borough Council - Environmental Surgeries

People with concerns about littering, fly tipping, graffiti or any other environmental issues in their neighbourhoods are being invited to come to surgeries being held by Swale Borough Council and Kent County Council.

Environmental Wardens will be available on:

Friday 8th March, The Hub in Eastchurch from 10:00am till 12.00pm
Monday 11th March, Sheerness Gateway from 11:00am till 1:00pm
Friday 22nd March, 12 Market Place Faversham from 10:00am till 1:00pm

Cllr David Simmons, cabinet member for the environment said:

“Swale residents have a right to live in pleasant and clean environments, and these surgeries are a great way for people to tell us about the issues that affect them. I encourage anyone concerned about anti-social behaviour to come along and talk to our wardens. If you are concerned about issues in your communities, please don’t hesitate to come and talk to us. We need your feedback to keep delivering a great service to people in our area.”

About our Wardens

Our Environment Wardens team is here to help keep Swale clean, green and safe. They can be seen around the borough cleaning graffiti, removing abandoned vehicles, clearing up fly tipping, fixing play equipment or talking to residents about the issues that concern them in their area and reminding them of their responsibilities. They are visible in their new blue and orange uniform.

Some of the tasks that they can deal with include:

Untaxed and abandoned vehicles in public areas
 Undertaking routine road checks with the police
 Identifying, investigating and arranging the removal of graffiti
 Identifying and taking action against persons involved in fly posting
 Tackling fly tippers
 Issuing fixed penalty notices against people who drop litter, or allow their dog to foul in public without cleaning it up
 Enforcing local by-laws
 Tackling anti-social behaviour, and confiscating alcohol and tobacco off underage drinkers and smokers
 Offering advice to householders, and businesses regarding when and where to leave their waste for collection
 Maintaining and inspecting play park areas, including the installation of new equipment
 Inspecting green spaces
 Safety inspections of memorials
 Parking on grass verges

Swale Borough Council


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