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Sunday, 3 February 2019

Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Patient Participation Group

The PPG meets quarterly, in January, April, July and October. If you have any queries/observations you would like to be raised on your behalf, please contact the Chairman on: 01634 231585. The group next meets on Thursday 18th April 2019.

Group Committee 2019

Ray Kemsley - Chair
David Candy and Mrs Jackie Brown - Co-vice Chairs
Janice Bunting - Secretary
Gill Renshaw, David Kew, Rev Ron Partridge, Kathryn and Paul Rutson
Marian Richardson, Michelle Williamson - Surgery Representatives

Shingles Vaccinations

To check whether you are eligible to receive a Shingles vaccination, please log on to: Go to the 'search' box and enter ‘shingles eligibility’. Click on the 'calculator' box and enter your date of birth.


The Upchurch Surgery has now been equipped with a new defibrillator.

Patient Access

Why not register with Patient Access online to order your prescriptions and/or make appointments? Forms and details are available from reception.

Missed Appointments
The Problem Continues...

Across the 2 Surgeries a further 93 missed (ie not pre-cancelled) appointments were recorded in November/December. This brings the total for 2018 to a staggering 536.

It has been noticed that the majority of these relate to appointments with the Practice Nurses.

It is important that, if you have booked an appointment but subsequently find that you are unable to keep it, you please give the Surgery as much notice as possible by ringing: 01634 231423.

With an ever increasing demand for appointments, this will almost certainly allow your slot to be reallocated to another patient. This applies equally to Hospital appointments.

Please remember that, if you rebook an appointment online, this does not automatically cancel any earlier bookings.

Also, if you update Surgery records with your mobile phone number, you will receive a texted reminder just before your scheduled appointment is due.

Smear Tests

The Surgery urges all female patients between the ages of 25 and 70 to take up the offer of regular free smear tests. Eligible patients will normally receive a written invitation to partake of the test but, if you feel that you qualify but don’t receive such an invitation, please enquire at either Surgery.

If you have any questions or suggestions on the local practice, please Email:
Jan Bunting - Secretary: or 
Ray Kemsley - Chair:

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham


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