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Saturday, 12 January 2019

Upchurch Parish Council Report - January 2019

Report of the Parish Council January 2019

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence

Street Lights
The Parish Council wants to complete the upgrading of the street lights to LEDs as quickly as possible it will need to take out a loan, if the cost were to be added to the precept it would take several years to complete. It was agreed to pay for the project with an increase in Council Tax, the Council will use the money to repay a loan. There are the equivalent of 1003.54 Band D properties in the Parish and if the increase for a Band D property were to be £1.33 per month the loan would be repaid in five years, if the increase is £1.66 per month the loan can be repaid over four years. The lighting has a five-year guarantee so there would be no maintenance costs and as they will be LED lights there will be a saving on electricity costs. The aim is to upgrade all the lights at the same time and to replace the columns, where a light is mounted on a telegraph pole only the lamp will be replaced.  Councillors have received feedback from villagers that they are fed up with the lights not working and concern has been raised about the differing brightness of the lights. Residents have agreed the upgrade is a good idea.
Cllr Lewin said the increase will add £16 to £21 per annum per Band D property.

Ref: 18/505949/FULL Address: 15 Kent Terrace Upchurch Gillingham Kent ME8 8QP
Proposal: Demolition of existing end terrace house and erection of 2no. semi detached dwellings with rear parking.
Councillors considered the application and agreed that consideration should be given to residents’ concerns. Councillors also queried whether the drainage service vehicles will have sufficient space to manoeuvre.

Ref: 18/505468/FULL Address: The Orchard Holywell Lane Upchurch ME9 7HP
Proposal: Erection of a single storey dayroom building and single storey utility block (part retrospective).
Councillors considered the proposal and were concerned about the size given that it is for a dayroom. Councillors agreed unanimously to object to the application as the proposal is too large for the applicants’ requirements for a dayroom.

Ref: 18/505598/FULL Address: 38 Oak Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7AU
Proposal: Demolition of existing rear conservatory. Partial demolition of rear single storey projection to facilitate the erection of new single storey flat roof extension with roof light.
Councillors considered the application and supported the proposal.

Ref: 18/506062/FULL Address: Land West of Brown Jug 76 Horsham Lane Upchurch 
Proposal: Proposed residential development of 6 x 3 bed two storey houses and associated access to/from Horsham Lane.
Councillors considered the application and were concerned as to whether the development is in the right location as vehicles from the houses would have to go onto the road at a difficult point. The road is narrow and there are problems when two wide vehicles meet. The new footpath in front of the houses ends at the Brown Jug making it difficult for residents to walk safely to the village, this will increase the number of traffic movements. Concern was raised about the sustainability of the development. More information on access and egress to the proposal is needed due to the location of the development and the narrowness of the road. There is insufficient parking for visitors and residents.

Ref: 18/506381/FULL  Address: 15 Forge Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7AE
Proposal: Demolition of existing Conservatory. Erection of single storey rear extension with flat roof and lantern skylight. Alterations to fenestration including 2no. new conservation Velux roof lights to rear roof slope (Revision to 18/504810/FULL).
Councillors considered the application and agreed to support the proposal and request that consideration be given to any forthcoming comments.

Ref: 18/502771/FULL Address: Jack Russell Place Halstow Lane Upchurch  ME9 7AB
Prposal: Installation of a brick wall and gates to front entrance (part retrospective)
Swale Planning Officer recommended refusal of the proposal and the application was rejected by Swale Borough Council. The applicant lodged an appeal which has been dismissed.

Ref: 16/508521/FULL Address: Tranquility Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch Kent ME8 7UT
Proposal: Conversion of former storage building (originally built for agricultural purposes) into 1 No. 2 bed dwelling and 1 No. 3 bed dwelling with associated parking and amenity space.
The proposal was refused by Swale Borough Council and the applicant appealed against the decision, the appeal has been dismissed.

There are still plots available in the Allotment Garden and anyone interested in having one should contact the Clerk.

Paddock and Recreation Ground 
The new play equipment has been installed in the Paddock and is being enjoyed by children.

Budget 2019-20
Councillors have agreed a precept of £50,177 which includes £17,959 as a special lighting project. This means the precept for a Band D property will be £50.00.

Christmas Lights
The Council has received superb feedback from residents regarding the new Christmas lights and tree lights which were bought from a grant given by Swale Borough Council. The Parish Council is extremely grateful to Mr and Mrs Osborne for the use of their electricity for all the Christmas lights. Councillors are also grateful to Mr Friend for his generous donation of a Christmas tree.

The Parish Council had negotiated for the Sittingbourne Christmas Lights sleigh round to visit Upchurch on 10th December 2018 and Councillors volunteered to help with the event.  £275 was raised on the evening and the village has been invited to take part again this year.
Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 7th February 2019 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 20th February at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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