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Thursday, 13 December 2018

Medway Council - Walking in a Wader Wonderland

The coastline of Medway is made up of a variety of valuable marsh and estuarine habitats that support an abundance of wildlife species.

Every year, around 250,000 birds arrive in north Kent, having travelled from as far afield as the Arctic, to spend the winter months resting and feeding on this food-rich haven.

We are committed to protecting our wildlife and keeping our greenspaces an enjoyable place for people to visit.

We have joined forces with the RSPB, Kent Wildlife Trust, Natural England and other north Kent councils to set up the Bird Wise project to help protect our feathered friends.

The coast is understandably a popular destination for many different recreational activities, both on the land and the water, but some activities can disturb our wildlife.

These fragile habitats and the birdlife they support are all part of what makes Medway so special, so be Bird Wise and help us to preserve them for future generations to enjoy.

Cllr Howard Doe, Medway Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Services, said:

“Hundreds of thousands of birds travel to Medway each year and it’s incredibly important that we continue to protect the estuaries and marshes to ensure they keep coming back. We’re encouraging residents and visitors to visit the coast and enjoy the wildlife they find there but we’re asking them to consider making small changes to reduce their impact on the environment.”

Top tips to protect our birds include:

Keep your dog under close control and on a lead if necessary.
 Stay back from birds that are feeding or resting.
 Always follow signs and keep to designated paths.
 Always pick up after your dog and take any litter home with you.

For more information visit >>

Medway Council


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