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Friday, 5 October 2018

Dog Fouling In The Paddock - Please Clean It Up!

The problem of dog fouling in the Paddock was once again raised at the Parish Council meeting held on the 4th of October 2018, after a resident sent photos of the children's play equipment covered in dog mess.

The Paddock and Recreation Ground are both leased by Upchurch Parish Council and are therefore the responsibility of the Parish Council, not Swale Borough Council. 

Allowing your dog to mess near a children's play area and not clean it up is an offence and completely unacceptable to all residents and the Parish Council
You can be given an on-the-spot fine (FPN) of £80 if you do not clean up after your dog. 

If you refuse to pay the fine, you can be taken to court and fined up to £1,000.

Registered blind dog owners can’t be fined.

Dog mess is a health hazard!

Apart from being an unpleasant nuisance if you step in it, fall in it, cycle through it, or wheel your wheelchair through it, dog waste can also be a health hazard.

Both dog and cat faeces can contain the eggs of the roundworm 'Toxocara'. These eggs can survive in the soil for several years. If they are ingested or inhaled by humans, they may cause eye, liver, brain and respiratory problems such as asthma, hepatitis and epilepsy.

Children playing in fouled areas are most at risk.
Dog waste is also a potential health risk to farmers' livestock if you allow your dog to foul in their fields.

Do you really want any of these consequences on your conscience?

Please bag your dog waste and put it in any public litter bin or take it home to your household green bin.

If you see anyone not cleaning up after their dog, please report it to either PCSO John Cork on: 07772 226217 or the Parish Clerk on: 01634 363906.

Thank you for your support

On behalf of Cllr Tyrone Ripley - Chairman Upchurch Parish Council


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