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Friday, 10 August 2018

Upchurch Parish Council Report - August 2018

Report of the Parish Council August 2018

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Janet Marshall, Cllr Gary Rosewell and Cllr Neil Sheppard. Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence

i. Ref: 18/502708/FULL Address: The Old Woodyard Land Rear of Lord Stanley Bungalow Otterham Quay Lane ME8 7UX 
Proposal: Erection of two detached chalet bungalows with associated parking and extension of residential garden (serving Lord Stanley Bungalow) with revised access arrangements following demolition of existing building 
Councillors considered the application and expressed concerns about the exit onto the highway due to the bend.

ii. Ref: 18/503123/FULL Address: 131 Wallbridge Lane Upchurch ME8 7XD 
Proposal: two storey side and rear extension incorporating single storey entrance/hall and associated internal alterations.  
Councillors considered the application and raised concerns that there was insufficient off-road parking for vehicles.

iii. Ref: 18/503040/FULL Address: 27 Oak Lane Upchurch ME9 7AU 
Proposal: Single storey extension to provide adequate accommodation on ground floor for a person with disability 
Councillors considered the application and were fully supportive of the proposals and requested neighbours’ views should be taken into consideration.

iv. Ref: 18/503080/FULL Address: Bell Grove Stud Farm Halstow Lane Upchurch ME9 7AB Proposal: Variation to condition 4 of application SW/10/0485 (change of use from stabling for private use to commercial stud farming and livery) to allow unrestricted overnight use of an existing caravan/mobile home by the applicant, employees and customers of the stud farm.   
Councillors considered the application and objected to the proposal as there was insufficient reasons for an onsite residence.

v. Ref: 18/503039/FULL  Address: The Nesta Breach Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7PE 
Proposal: Change of use of a barn and the land around it to form a single dwelling 
Councillors considered the application and supported the proposal and requested that neignhbours’ views be taken into consideration.

vi. Ref: 18/503348/FULL Address: Mill Farm Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch ME8 7XA
Proposal: Erection of a detached outbuilding to provide garages with storage facilities. (Part retrospective) 
Councillors requested an extension of time to consider the application.

vii. Ref: 18/503499/FULL Address: 29 Drakes Close Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent ME9 7BL 
Proposal: Installation of balcony to rear of dwelling and erection of a car port.  
Councillors considered the application and had no objections to the proposals and requested that neighbours’ views be taken into account.

viii. Ref: 18/503009/FULL Address: Land at Kent Terrace Canterbury Lane Upchurch 
Proposal: Minor material amendment to 14/506519/FULL (Redevelopment of existing landscape contractor's yard and land surrounding Kent Terrace to provide 13 dwelling houses and an extension to the existing terrace with associated car parking and landscaping. In addition, a ground floor rear extension to Number 15 Kent Terrace. Amendments) - with minor amendments to dwelling plans and elevations, removal of carport to the rear of plot 16. Revised layout to external paving and landscaping
Councillors considered the application and had no objections to the proposals but agreed there needs to be more detail regarding access and egress to the site.

ix. Ref: 18/503781/FULL  Address: 134 Chaffes Lane Upchurch ME9 7BD 
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension 
Councillors considered the application and supported the proposals and requested that neighbours’ views be taken into account.

x. Ridgedale Stables, Halstow Lane,Upchurch ME9 7AB 
It was agreed that Cllr Rosewell will contact Paul Gregory at Swale Borough Council to ascertain the status of the site.

xii. Ref: MC/18/1796  Address: Land South of Lower Road, Rainham 
Proposal: Outline planning application (all matters reserved except access) for the development of up to 202 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), open space, landscaping (including Sustainable Urban Drainage), access, up to 455 car parking spaces and associated works. 
Councillors considered the application and were concerned about the impact the development would have on the Parish. Councillors objected to the proposals.

Paddock Play Area
The Parish Council is still waiting to find out if it is successful in its bid for lottery funding.

Burial Ground and Churchyard 
Upchurch Horticultural Society has started maintaining the rose beds at the Burial Ground and Councillors were pleased with their excellent work.
The new rubbish bin recently provided by Swale Borough Council has gone missing.
Signs have been put on the compost bins to remind visitors to put their waste in the right bin.

Church Clock 
The Parish Council has received £750 from the Swale Borough Council’s World War 1 Centenary Grant Fund towards the restoration of the clock. The Crowdfunding page stands at £950. Further donations towards the clock fund have been received: Upchurch Horticultural Society has given £150 as an act of remembrance; Upchurch Handbell Ringers have given £500 as an act of remembrance; Upchurch Fete Committee has given £1100 to the fund as an act of remembrance; Upchurch Guides and Brownies have given £317 as an act of remembrance and Upchurch Active Retirement Association have given £100 as an act of remembrance.
Donations from groups and individuals can be made by cheque payable to “Upchurch Parish Council” and sent to the Clerk at 14 Trapfield Close, Bearsted ME14 4HT or via the Crowdfunding page:

A confidential response from SECAMB has been received in response to the Council’s complaint about the handling of the investigation into the defibrillator code not being given to a resident last November.
New battery and pads have been installed in the Snaffles defibrillator by Cllr Sheppard.

The Best Kept Garden Competition 2018 went very well and the judges were pleased with the high standard of the entries. The presentation of the awards will be made at the Horticultural Society Show in September.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 6th September 2018 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall.
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 19th September at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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