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Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham

Patient Non Attendance

Patients are still NOT notifying the Surgery that they are unable to keep an appointment they have made. This includes seeing the Doctor and/or the Nurse.

On one day during the month of March, 3 people failed to attend to see the Nurse which meant 3 patients needing appointments could have booked these (Upchurch Surgery).

35 appointments during March were not kept.


Patients have responded well to the request made following January's meeting and publication on the subject.

‘Pharmacy to You’ website

This website is being advertised widely in newspapers/television adverts.

Please be aware that if you decide to use this website that your medication takes about 10-14 days to be delivered to you direct.

The reason being the company has to get in touch with your GP to authorise medication to be issued.

Cancer screening saves lives
Take action today if you have missed a screening test

Bowel Cancer Screening

Are you aged between 60 and 74?

Have you missed a bowel cancer screening?

Order a test kit on: 0800 707 6060

Breast Cancer Screening

Are you a woman aged between 50 and 70?

Have you missed cancer screening?

Get a new appointment on: 01634 825036

Cervical Screening

Are you a woman aged between 25 and 64?

Have you missed cervical screening (a smear test)?

Book one at your GP practice today

For more information about cancer screening programmes visit: or speak to your GP practice staff.

Repeat prescriptions/register on-line with Patient Access
Please don’t ask for drugs that you DO NOT need

NB Morning Surgery Dates

To accommodate staff training on the following dates the normal afternoon surgeries at UPCHURCH will be replaced by a morning session from 10:00am to 1:00pm. 

Thursday 21st June
Wednesday 18th July
Wednesday 22nd August
Wednesday 17th October 2018

If you have any questions or suggestions on the local practice, then please Email

Jan Bunting (Secretary) or 
Ray Kemsley (Chair)

Ray Kemsley
Chair - Surgery Patient Participation Group - Upchurch & Rainham


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