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Thursday, 15 February 2018

Upchurch Parish Council Report - February 2018

Report of the Parish Council meeting 8th February 2018

Residents have raised concerns regarding the recent spate of flytipping, in particular the amount of tyres which have been dumped in the village and surrounding areas. The Parish Council has reported this to Swale Borough Council which is monitoring the situation. Councillors thanked Mr Friend for removing fifteen tyres from around the village and disposing of them in the proper manner. 
Residents are asked to report any incidents of fly tipping through the Country Eye App.

The Council continues to receive complaints about the problem of dog fouling in the village. Dog walkers are asked to clean up after their dog and to dispose of the waste responsibly, the waste can be put in litter bins and domestic waste bins. The Community Warden has started her anti-dog-fouling campaign and further action will be taken. It is an offence not to clean up after your dog and a person who is guilty of an offence will be issued with a fixed penalty notice. The amount of the penalty is £100. Failure to pay the fixed penalty will result in prosecution and a fine of £1,000.

Preparations for the Annual Litter Pick are progressing and it is hoped that as many people as possible will join in with the project. The school and young people's groups have already signed up to help.

The Council has contacted SECAMB on several occasions and it has been confirmed that SECAMB do have the locations and codes for the defibrillator. The incident which happened last year has been referred to the Emergency Operations Team who have checked the incident and a report has been sent to the head of department. The Council will receive a response within the next seven days.  The Parish Council is extremely concerned about the matter.

Recreation Ground and Paddock
The new bins have been delivered and will be installed in the Paddock shortly.  
A new padlock has been put on the Recreation Ground gate and the gate loop stolen from the Paddock gate has been replaced.

Church Clock
Quotations have been received to upgrade the clock mechanism to include an uninterrupted power supply to prevent the clock stopped during a power cut.

Battles Over Commemorations.
Quotations are being sought for a brazier and the church has agreed to ring its bells to mark the end of the First World War.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 1st March 2018 at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall
The Planning Committee and General Purposes Committee - Wednesday 14th March at 7:30pm in the Committee Room of the Village Hall.

All residents are welcome to attend the meetings and there is a time for members of the public to comment, raise concerns or ask questions.

Wendy Licence - Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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