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Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Upchurch Parish Council Report - April 2017

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th April 2017

Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chairman), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pam Denny, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Steven Hunt, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Pater Masson, Cllr Louis Newbery and 
Cllr Gary Rosewell. 
Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence. 

Address: The Cart Lodge Chaffes Lane Upchurch Sittingbourne Kent
Ref: 17/501423/FULL  
Proposal: Proposed conversion of the existing garage to a habitable room
Ref: 17/501424/LBC
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for proposed conversion of the existing garage to a habitable room
Councillors considered the applications and had no comment to make save that neighbours comments be taken into consideration.

Ref: 17/501609/FULL
Address: Land At Kent Terrace Canterbury Lane Upchurch Kent ME8 8QP
Proposal: Minor material amendment to condition 7 of planning permission ref 14/506519/FULL ( Redevelopment of existing landscape contractor's yard and land surrounding Kent Terrace to provide 13 dwelling houses and an extension to the existing terrace with associated car parking and landscaping. In addition, a ground floor rear extension to Number 15 Kent Terrace. Amendments) - revised layout so as to incorporate a pumping station that would be used for the disposal of foul sewage for units 15 - 28 (inclusive) and turning head tracking
Councillors considered the applications and had no comment to make save that neighbours’ comments be taken into consideration.

Ref: 17/501521/FULL
Address: 2 Wetham Green Cottages Wetham Green Upchurch Kent ME9 7EY
Proposal: Replacement of existing fence with a 6ft high fence.
Councillors felt there was not enough detail but had no objections and assume a visibility splay will be allowed for neighbor access to the highway.

Cllr Ripley and Cllr Rosewell had attended the Swale Planning meeting. The application for 116 Oak Lane was discussed and the proposal has raised highways issues in Oak Lane so officers will consult with the applicant.

The issues in Holywell Lane are being monitored and dealt with by Swale Borough Council Planning Enforcement.

The Parish Council heard from some allotment holders about their concerns regarding the rent increase and the tenancy agreement. 
Cllr Ripley explained the increase was necessary as the allotments have run at a loss for a number of years and the new tenancy agreement has been approved by a solicitor.  Councillors are seeking to work with plot holders to make the site a better place to be.

The Paddock
A Councillor had received a complaint about dogs in the Paddock as a German shepherd had jumped up at a child. Owners are requested to keep dogs on a lead and under control.
The Conservation Officer has been consulted and he has no concerns if a concrete slab is laid under the picnic benches to secure them.

The Church Clock
The church clock will be monitored to see what is needed to ensure power cuts do not disrupt its timing.

The Twinning Group
Councillors were informed the Twinning Group needs a new secretary.  The Group had received a message of condolence to the people of Upchurch for the atrocity in Westminster from Ferques.

Date of next meetings:
Annual Parish Council Meeting - Thursday 4th May 2017 at 7:30pm
Planning and General Purposes Committees - Wednesday 17th May at 7:30pm 

Wendy Licence
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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