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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Upchurch Parish Council Report - March 2017

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on 2nd March 2017

Public Time
Residents raised concern about the problem of dog fouling in the village and particular concern was raised that this is occurring in the Paddock.
Dog mess is an eyesore and a health hazard. Dog owners have a legal duty to clean up every time their dog messes in a public place. It is an offence not to clean up after your dog and a fixed penalty notice as prescribed by Section 59 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 will be issued to owners. The amount of the penalty is £80. Failure to pay the fixed penalty will result in prosecution.
The Parish Council has contacted the Dog Warden who will issue on-the-spot fines to dog owners who do not clean up after their pet.
Apart from being an unpleasant nuisance if you step in it, fall in it, cycle through it, or wheel your wheelchair through it, dog mess can also be a health hazard. Dog faeces can contain the eggs of the roundworm 'Toxocara'. These eggs can survive in the soil for several years. If they are ingested or inhaled by humans, they may cause eye, liver, brain and respiratory problems such as asthma, hepatitis and epilepsy. Children playing in fouled recreation areas are most at risk. Dog waste is also a potential health risk to farmers' livestock if you allow your dog to foul in their fields.
The Parish Council requests all dog owners to clean up after their pet.

A resident reported the issues in Holywell Lane to the Council. The matters are being dealt with by Swale Borough Council Planning Enforcement.

The Paddock 
A new litter bin has been installed in the Paddock and Councillors have agreed that Upchurch Horticultural Society can use the paddock for the annual plant sale.

Twinning Group
The Twinning Group held a successful Wine and Wisdom in February to provide funding for the primary school exchange trips.

Church Clock
Councillors were informed that if there is a power cut the church clock will stop if power is not resumed within forty minutes. The clock then needs to be started manually and it is not easy to assess if the clock stopped during the am or pm period, this has caused issues with the clock chimes ringing in the middle of the night. The Council will consider a backup system.

Annual Parish Meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 20th April at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. The KALC Community Award will be presented at the meeting and this will be an opportunity to thank one of the parish’s unsung heroes. All are welcome to attend and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Date of next meetings:
Full Council - Thursday 6th April 2017 at 7:30pm 
Planning and General Purposes Committees - Wednesday 19th April at 7:30pm 
Annual Parish Meeting - Thursday 20th April at 7:30pm
All meetings will be held in Upchurch Village Hall

Wendy Licence
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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