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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Upchurch Village Fete 2017 - Fun For All The Family

Upchurch Village Fete Committee

News From Upchurch Cricket Club

First Senior games are at home on Saturday the 8th of April.

Seniors training starts on Wednesday the 5th of April.

Colts signing on night is Tuesday the 4th of April from 6:30pm onwards.
All new players welcome!

Quiz Night on Friday the 21st of April.
Anyone interested in entering a team (of 6 people) please contact the club.

Steve, Rachel and Daniel Parker
Mobile: 07879 883153

Painting The Town Green - The Big Celebration at The BarnYard

On Tuesday the 4th of April from 1:00pm - 3:00pm at The BarnYard,
Oak Lane, Upchurch, ME9 7EZ.

For the past three years, Kent Wildlife Trust’s Big Lottery funded Painting The Town Green project has been working with communities across Medway, Swale and Thanet.

The project has been connecting people to nature and with each other. They have been working together to improve green spaces that are beneficial to both wildlife and people and having lots of fun!!.

As the project is drawing to a close, they are holding an afternoon Celebration Event to highlight the achievements of each group's hard work.

Join them for a family-friendly event. There will be arts and crafts, wildlife activities, storytelling and a Falconry Display as well as an opportunity to find out about other Kent Wildlife Trust Community projects.

This event is FREE but ticket only. Please register for a ticket for each attendee at:

Katie Gurdler

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Doctors L & V Shaunak Announce Their Retirement

Calling all Upchurch Surgery Patients

Doctors L & V Shaunak have announced their retirement as of the 1st of April 2017.

It is thought that we cannot let them go without some recognition of our thanks and appreciation of the many years of care and support they have given this community.

We have started a collection which is being held at Upchurch Surgery.

If you would like to contribute please take your donation there by the 20th of April 2017.

We have been so fortunate to have them as our GP’s which contrasts so favourably with what you hear about other surgeries.

Let us show how much we appreciate them.

Please note: The Surgery is not closing.

If you have any questions or suggestions on the local practice, then please Email
Jan Bunting (Secretary) or 
Ray Kemsley (Chair)

Ray Kemsley
Chair of Upchurch Surgery Patient Participation Group

Dog Fouling In Our Village - Please Clean It Up!

During public time at the Parish Council meeting in March, concerned residents raised the problems and hazards being caused by dog fouling around the village and in particular the amount of mess being left around the play equipment in The Paddock and in Chaffes Lane.

It was also reported that anti-fouling notices had been torn off the play equipment. The Parish Council has requested the Dog Warden visit the area.

The Paddock and Recreation Ground are both leased by Upchurch Parish Council and are therefore the responsibility of the Parish Council, not Swale Borough Council.

It is an offence not to clean up after your dog

You can be given an on-the-spot fine (FPN) of £80 if you do not clean up after your dog. 

If you refuse to pay the fine, you can be taken to court and fined up to £1,000.

Registered blind dog owners can’t be fined.

Dog mess is a health hazard!

Apart from being an unpleasant nuisance if you step in it, fall in it, cycle through it, or wheel your wheelchair through it, dog mess can also be a health hazard.

Both dog and cat faeces can contain the eggs of the roundworm 'Toxocara'. These eggs can survive in the soil for several years. If they are ingested or inhaled by humans, they may cause eye, liver, brain and respiratory problems such as asthma, hepatitis and epilepsy.

Children playing in fouled recreation areas are most at risk. Dog waste is also a potential health risk to farmers' livestock if you allow your dog to foul in their fields.

Do you really want any of these consequences on your conscience?

Please bag your dog waste and put it in any public litter bin or take it home to your household green bin

If you see anyone not cleaning up after their dog, please report it to either village PCSO John Cork, the Clerk or the Village Caretaker who is regularly in the area and works tirelessly to keep it clean and tidy for everybody to use.

Thank you for your support.

Upchurch Parish Council
Telephone: 01634 363906

The Old Upchurch Fire Brigade by David Wood

The idea of a village fire brigade arose in 1900 after a series of devastating fires in different parts of the parish that caused considerable damage. Questions were asked about the number of available fire hydrants and length of time for the Rainham Fire Brigade to reach the village to deal with the blazes.

The most serious fire took place at Otterham Quay in August 1900 when White Huts Cottages were razed to the ground in 45 minutes before the fire brigade even arrived. Later, in September, George Clark’s fruit store at Ham Green was burnt down causing £200 of damage. This led to discussions in the parish council about finding a solution.

The parish council agreed to have fire hydrants positioned at various points in the village. These were placed between the Lord Stanley and Three Sisters pubs in Otterham Quay, between Anne’s Cottages in Forge Lane and Holywell and between Forge Lane and The Street. A Fire Hydrant Committee was then established and led by Mr Tanner then by Mr Hubbard. The hydrants had to be tested by the Rainham Fire Brigade and Mr Fowler of the Rainham Water Company was made Superintendent of Hydrants and paid an annual salary of £4 by Upchurch Parish Council. This was followed by the placing of more hydrants in the village opposite Otterham Cottages, at Gore Bank and Holywell in May 1901.

On January 10th 1902 the hydrant committee proposed a volunteer fire brigade, fire-fighting equipment and a truck. Volunteers were requested and in response to this Tom Wraight, Edgar Fielder, Frank Golding and Arthur Bayley volunteered as firemen. Mr Fowler was elected Inspector of Hydrants. On the recommendation of Mr Fowler George Capeling from Gore Bank was made captain and Walter Golding from Otterham lieutenant. Mr Fowler also became instructor for the new village fire brigade.

During the course of 1902 parish council chairman Ernest Cozens tried to get permission from the managers of the Infant’s School to have a shed placed in the playground for the storage of the fire equipment and to use the school for drills and meetings. Although the managers allowed the fire equipment to be temporarily stored there they refused to allow a shed to be erected so the search for a permanent base continued.

Because they were unable to get sufficient funds from the parish council the firemen used their own initiative and held concerts to raise money for uniforms. In January 1903 they held a concert in the Infant’s School which proved very successful. Dr Tippett from Rainham also assisted by giving first aid lessons to the firemen who then had to take the Ambulance Certificate Examination which they all passed.

At the parish council Annual General Meeting of March 26th 1903, the council officially established the fire brigade and pledged to bring them up to a high standard, to supply them with a truck, a shed to store equipment and fire-fighting equipment. An agreement was made to fund them with £50. Ernest Cozens also allowed the brigade the use of an upstairs room at The Old Bakery in Forge Lane as an office.

The equipment was temporarily stored at the Infant’s School then Mr Kemp was approached to rent out a shed for the storage of equipment and the use of his yard in Forge Lane for fire drill and a truck. After a twelve month contract had been drawn up for £5 per year with notice to be given three months each side, the council terminated it on the basis that they did not have enough money to pay. Mr Kemp demanded that the parish council would still have to pay the rent for twelve months up to December 1903. The council refused so the fire captain George Capeling, lieutenant Walter Golding and firemen Gaskin and Fielder all resigned from the fire brigade in disgust at the lack of encouragement from the parish council and accused them of not managing their funds properly.

The arguments about storage continued then at the parish council meeting of January 15th 1904, Mr Fowler handed the fire equipment over to the council and resigned along with the remaining firemen because of lack of progress being made.

After the equipment had been stored in the Church Room, Ernest Cozens volunteered to store it at The Old Bakery on a temporary basis. After this it was moved to Mr Stevens’s barn at Holywell and eventually sold off and the money placed in parish council funds. The job of fighting fires in Upchurch then reverted back to Rainham Fire Brigade and there was no further attempt at forming a fire brigade in Upchurch.

About David
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood

'Island of Two' by Sarah Westby - Are you a Fraternal or Different Gendered Twin?

My name is Sarah Westby and I am currently in my final year studying a BSc in Film and Television at the University of York. I live in Hartlip and I am part of Uplift at St. Mary's Church, Upchurch.

I am currently in my final year at the University of York and in the research stage for my dissertation which is a research project in the form of a documentary proposal.

My documentary is called 'Island of Two' and is about fraternal and different gendered twins and their relationships throughout their lives.

I am currently looking for girl/boy twins to be interviewed as part of my research and was wondering if there are any in the village or the surrounding area?

I am interested in talking to twins of all ages, either as an individual twin or in pairs. It would be a short interview either in person or over the phone and I would be asking questions about their experiences of being a twin and about their relationship with each other.

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sarah Westby

Monday, 27 March 2017

Hartlip School May Fair

Anna Mayon Golding

Temporary Closure - Iwade Road, Newington

For details of roadworks, please see:

Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Upchurch Horticultural Society - April Meetings and Stockbury Cottage Gardeners

Sponsored by Upchurch River Valley Golf Club -

The UHS April meeting will be at 97 Chaffes Lane on Wednesday 5th April 2017 at 7:30pm. The main subject will be an Old Tools Workshop. So if you have any bygone tools bring them along to discuss or even to identify what they are.

Stockbury Cottage Gardeners (SCG) have a quiz night at the Stockbury Village Hall on Thursday 6th April 2017 and UHS hope to raise a team.

SCG will also be holding a plant sale at the Village Hall on Saturday 29th April 2017.
For further details contact Chris or Dianne Spree on: 01795 843859.

Refreshments and Raffle

If you are interested in becoming a new member of UHS (all ages are welcome), please contact
Rosey on: 01634 377812 (evenings) or Email:

Sean Barry - Upchurch Horticultural Society

Burglary - Holywell Lane

Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/013609/17

Between 12:00pm and 3:00pm on Sunday 26th of March (Mothers Day) a burglary took place in Holywell Lane, Upchurch. Money and jewellery were stolen.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Training for the 2 Village Defibrillators at the Annual Parish Meeting

Upchurch WI commemorated the Institute's Centenary in 2015 by fundraising for a village Defibrillator. Thanks to the generosity of many village organisations, individuals and through their own fundraising, they eventually raised enough money to purchase 2.

Councillor John Arnold installed the first Defibrillator to the side of Snaffles, and on Saturday 17th October Upchurch WI President, Carol Williams officially handed it over to the Parish Council at a small ceremony which was followed by a Coffee Morning in the Village Hall.

Bernie and Gail at The Three Sisters then kindly gave Upchurch Parish Council permission for Councillor Arnold to install the second Defibrillator to the front of their pub in November 2016.

Both Defibrillators are ready for use at:

Snaffles Equestrian & Country Store, 2 - 4 The Street, Upchurch ME9 7AJ

The Three Sisters Public House, Otterham Quay Ln, Upchurch ME8 8QR

A Defibrillator is a portable device that checks the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm. Defibrillators are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest and may save the person's life.

Kent Ambulance response times for critical emergencies can often take longer than the targeted eight minutes, especially in rural areas. For someone undergoing a heart attack, using an Automatic External Defibrillator within the 8-minute time frame is crucial for their life-chances. After 12 minutes it is often too late. Medway Ambulance Station and Sittingbourne Ambulance Station are both, according to RAC Route Planner, 16 minutes away (assuming no traffic issues). Clearly, using the Defibrillator is important as the emergency services would not be able to attend to someone having a heart attack in time. 

In the event of an emergency you must dial 999 and the emergency operator will give you the access code to open the Defibrillator cabinet. An ambulance will also be dispatched.

REMEMBER- No training is actually required to use the device. It comes with its own voice instructions which are given as soon as the device is removed from its case and is opened. It won’t deliver a shock unless one is needed.

If you notice a problem with the Defibrillator or if you have had to use it, please let the Parish Council know as soon as possible so that it can be made ready for future use.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Annual Parish Meeting - Thursday, April 20th at
7:00pm in Upchurch Village Hall

The Annual Parish Meeting is a general Parish meeting rather than a Council Meeting, with the aim of engaging with residents to discuss future projects and listen to issues they feel are of importance to the village.

Residents are invited to come along and use it as a forum to speak about any projects they are currently involved with or looking to go ahead with in future months.

Everyone is welcome to attend. Please stay for drinks and nibbles after.

Steve Westwood from Sittingbourne Community First Responders will be at this year's APM to teach how to do effective CPR and get the heart into a shockable rhythm and then use the Defibrillator to reset the rhythm. He'll give practical experience with training so people have the confidence to know what to do.

Upchurch Parish Council
Telephone: 01634 363906

Friday, 24 March 2017

Emergency Road Closure - Warren Lane, Hartlip

For details of roadworks, please see:

Streetworks Mid Team
Kent County Council - Highways, Transportation & Waste

Swale Weekly Planning List - 24th March 2017

The latest list of applications received by the Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts.

You may inspect a copy of any application on our online planning database or at the Sheppey Gateway, 38-42 High street, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1NL, or Alexander Centre, 15 Preston Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8NZ or Swale Borough Council, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3HT.

You can make your comments online or by email to: or in writing to MKIP Planning Support Service, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone ME15 6JQ. Applications with the following suffix: ADJ, AGRIC, COUNTY, CPD, DEMO, SUB, TELNOT, TCA, NMAND, EIASCR or EIASCO are for information only. If an application is a householder application, in the event that an appeal is made against a decision of the Council to refuse to grant planning permission for the proposed development, and that appeal then proceeds by way of the expedited procedure under the written representations procedure, any representations will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representation.

Please be aware that any comments and your name and address will be placed on file, which will be available for public inspection and published in full on the Internet. We will not publish your signature, email address or phone number on our website. If you make any written comments we will notify you of the outcome of the application. We will not make a decision on any application referred to in this list before 21 days from the date when the application was registered as valid except for those with the following suffix: ADJ, AGRIC, COUNTY, CPD, DEMO, SUB, TELNOT, TCA, NMAND, EIASCR or EIASCO.

Application: 17/501305/LBC
Officer: Graham Thomas
Grid: 601701/161534
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: The Tun House & Brewhouse Court Street Faversham Kent ME13 7AT
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for remedial work to elevated link.
Applicant: Mrs Augusta Lynch
Contact Address: C/O OSG Architecture FAO: Mr Jason Chandler OSG Architecture Wyseplan Building Occupation Road Wye
Application: 17/501310/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 601754/161641
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 94 Abbey Street Faversham Kent ME13 7BH
Proposal: Erection of a two storey rear extension, including internal alterations, and replacement of existing entrance gates and paving to drive.

Applicant: Mrs Walker
Contact Address: C/O Anthony Swaine Architecture Ltd FAO: Mr David Stere The Bastion Tower 16 Pound Lane Canterbury CT1 2BZ

Application: 17/501370/FULL

Officer: Andrew Spiers
Grid: 601520/161402
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 118 & 118A West Street Faversham ME13 7JB
Proposal: Replacement of first floor timber windows on the front elevation.
Applicant: Public Service Property Investment Ltd
Contact Address: C/O FDA Chartered Architects F.A.O Mr Barry Hunt Royal William House 57 St Mary's Road Royal William House Faversham

Application: 17/501489/SUB
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 601782/161770
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 14 Goldings Wharf Belvedere Road Faversham Kent ME13 7FB
Proposal: Submission of Details to Discharge Condition 3 (External Joinery Work and Fittings) Subject to 16/506959/FULL
Applicant: Ms Juliet Thomas
Contact Address: C/O Richard Baker Richard Baker Partnership 31 Highsted Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4PS

Application: 17/501493/TCA
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 601684/161129
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 11 Newton Road Faversham Kent ME13 8DZ
Proposal: Tree in Conservation Arear for 1 x Hazel - to re-coppice this plant back down to a suitable height of approx 30-45cm. 1 x Swedish Whitebeam - to remove the climb from the crown of the tree and any idea branches that may be present. 1 x Hazel - to sever and strip the ivy leaving a 1metre clear gap and to left the low branch over the garden to give 1-1.5 metres clearance from the ground. Also to prune sympathetically to give 1 metres clearance from it's neighbouring yew tree. 1 x Horse Chestnut - to prune to give 1 metres clearance from the Yew tree and re-balance subtle if needed. Climb and thin the crown of the tree by removing any dead wood and crossing/rubbing branches if not fused. Crown-lift over the public footpath to the rear to KCC highways specs. Assess the various wounds on the historic pruning point and give feedback, provide photos and management suggestions of defects that may be of alarm. To remove the unsightly pruning stubs. 1 x Cider Gum - to remove the old, redundant plating stake and reduce the height of the tree by approx. 2-3 metres to stimulate lower/thicker growth. 1 x False Acacia - to reduce the crown of the tree by apron. 1 metre and remove the various torn and hung up branches from within the crown.
Applicant: Martin
Contact Address: C/O About...trees Mr Wayne Elwell Ebb House 11 St Swithins Rd Whitstable CT5 2HT

Application: 17/500930/FULL

Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 602119/157215
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Sheldwich
Address: 6 Newhouse Farm Cottages  Newhouse Lane Sheldwich ME13 9QS
Proposal: Erection of a detached oak framed music room.
Applicant: Ms K Sanderson
Contact Address: C/O Butcher & Associates F.A.O Mr David Potter 5 Shipbourne Road Tonbridge TN10 3DJ United Kingdom

Application: 17/501081/FULL
Officer: Maria Tomalova
Grid: 608061/161406
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Hernhill
Address: Elm Tree Cottage Butlers Hill Dargate Kent ME13 9HG
Proposal: Demolition of existing garage/store and erection of replacement.
Applicant: Mr Jason Clifford
Contact Address: C/O Peter S. Ferguson-McCardle Black Pond Farm Fleming Road Woodnesborough Sandwich CT13 0PX

Application: 17/501090/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 605357/159304
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Boughton Under Blean
Address: 1 Poplar View Brickfield Lane Boughton Under Blean Kent ME13 9AF
Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension including second storey in the roof, together with internal alterations.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs M & J Francis
Contact Address: C/O Bob Coombs Architect Ltd F.A.O Mr R J Coombs 38 Longtye Drive Chestfield Nr Whitstable Kent

Application: 17/501234/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 606421/156759
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Dunkirk
Address: Joan Beech Farm Rhode Common Road Selling Kent ME13 9PU
Proposal: Change of Use from pasture/part site of former orchard to an Outdoor Riding Arena 20 x 30 metres for private use.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Floyd
Contact Address: C/O Mr Peter Mellor Mill Farm  Sissinghurst Cranbrook TN17 2HX

Application: 17/501295/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 606261/160478
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Hernhill
Address: Springfield Church Hill Hernhill Kent ME13 9JX
Proposal: Single storey side extension

Applicant: Mr Stephen Oborne
Contact Address: Springfield Church Hill Hernhill Kent ME13 9JX

Application: 17/501381/LDCEX

Officer: Heather Murton
Grid: 601369/158788
Ward: Boughton And Courtenay
Parish: Sheldwich
Address: The Oast Porters Lane Ospringe Faversham Kent
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for an existing development for demolition of existing outhouses and replacement with a new games barn (detached from the Oast, which is the main house)
Applicant: Ms Jane Steadman Mallett
Contact Address: C/O Buckland Pool And Building Company Ltd FAO. Mr Terry Withers Reigate Road Buckland Reigate RH2 9RE

Application: 17/501472/SUB
Officer: Emma Eisinger
Grid: 590401/163996
Ward: Chalkwell
Address: Morrisons  Mill Way Sittingbourne ME10 3ET
Proposal: Submission of Details to Discharge Condition 32 - Archaeological Scheme of Investigation subject to SW/11/0159
Applicant: Mr Red Iskandar
Contact Address: C/O Mr Andrew Wakefield NC Architects Ltd 23 High Street Wroughton Swindon SN4 9JX

Application: 17/500929/FULL
Officer: Thandi Zulu
Grid: 593676/174884
Ward: Sheerness
Address: Sea Breeze Marine Parade Sheerness Kent ME12 2BX
Proposal: Change of use of land and erection of 7 pairs of semi detached 3 storey dwellings with integral garage, parking spaces and access driveway.
Applicant: Seabreeze Caravan Park
Contact Address: C/O Kent Desgn Partnership Grove Dairy Farm Bobbing Hill Bobbing Sittingbourne ME9 8NY

Application: 17/500946/FULL
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 586260/164686
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch
Parish: Newington
Address: Land Rear Of 148 High Street Newington Kent ME9 7JH
Proposal: Demolition of existing garage, erection of 2 replacement garages for 146 and 148, erection of 3 dwellings to include new access with associated parking and landscaping and a summer house/studio.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Steve Mason
Contact Address: C/O Kent Design Partnership Grove Dairy Farm Bobbing Hill Bobbing Sittingbourne Kent

Application: 17/501098/FULL

Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 582641/163016
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch
Parish: Hartlip
Address: Yaugher Manor Yaugher Lane Hartlip Kent ME9 7XD
Proposal: Conversion of barn and outbuildings to residential dwelling.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Barnsby
Contact Address: C/O Trevor Weeks The Spinney Woodchurch Ashford TN26 3TE

Application: 17/501099/LBC
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 582641/163016
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch
Parish: Hartlip
Address: Yaugher Manor Yaugher Lane Hartlip Kent ME9 7XD
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for conversion of barn and outbuildings to residential dwelling.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Barnsby
Contact Address: C/O Vernacular Homes Limited Mr Trevor Weeks The Spinney Woodchurch Ashford TN26 3TE

Application: 17/501134/FULL
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 585424/164096
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch
Parish: Newington
Address: 141 Bull Lane Newington Kent ME9 7NB
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear orangery extension with light lantern, removal of front canopy, erection of front porch and three bay garage with accommodation above, widening of drives and landscaping works.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs S & J Smith
Contact Address: C/O Richard Bailey Architects FAO: Richard Bailey Numbernine 9 Church Street Wye Ashford

Application: 17/501293/LAWPRO
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 582934/166673
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch
Parish: Upchurch
Address: 15 Wilks Close Upchurch Kent ME8 8EY
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) to erect a fence along the length of my driveway approximately 1.2 metres tall
Applicant: Mr Mark McCusker
Contact Address: 15 Wilks Close Upchurch Kent ME8 8EY

Application: 17/501437/FULL
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 584344/163550
Ward: Hartlip, Newington And Upchurch

Parish: Hartlip
Address: Redundant Barn  Old House Lane Hartlip Sittingbourne Kent
Proposal: Conversion of redundant farm storage barn into a holiday let
Applicant: I. Kemley Farms Ltd
Contact Address: C/O Alpha Design Studio Limited Mr Tony Day 43 Park Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1DY

Application: 17/501511/LDCEX
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 590137/163390
Ward: Homewood
Address: 99 Ufton Lane Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1JA
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for an existing development for a single storey rear extension
Applicant: Mr And Mrs Wherrell
Contact Address: C/O Mr Clive Wherrell 54 Woodberry Drive Sittingbourne ME10 3AT

Application: 17/501547/SUB
Officer: Emma Eisinger
Grid: 590468/163546
Ward: Homewood
Address: Land Adjacent To Telephone Exchange Albany Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4NR Proposal: Submission of Details to Discharge Condition 4 (Materials) Condition 9 (Crime Prevention Measures) Condition 10 (Hard and Soft Landscaping Details) and Condition 19 (Hard and Soft Landscaping Details - Duplication of Condition 10) Subject to SW/14/0163
Applicant: Mrs Maya Al-Khalil
Contact Address: Pink Fortress Ltd Trinity House Heather Park Drive Wembley HA0 1SU

Application: 17/501600/SUB
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 590143/163285
Ward: Homewood
Address: 1 Connaught Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1HY
Proposal: Submission of details pursuant to condition 3 (External Surfaces) for planning application 14/504797/FULL and appeal decision APP/V2255/D/16/3143711
Applicant: Mr Laurence Lock
Contact Address: 1 Connaught Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1HY

Application: 17/501299/LAWPRO
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 589544/165994
Ward: Bobbing, Iwade And Lower Halstow
Parish: Bobbing
Address: Stickfast Farm Sheppey Way Bobbing Kent ME9 8QP
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for the installation of a four post vehicle lift, rolling road which is sunk into existing floor.
Applicant: Mr Harry Stockwell
Contact Address: 17 Horsham Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7AN

Application: 17/501123/FULL

Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 591150/165625
Ward: Kemsley
Address: 58 Clerke Drive Sittingbourne Kent ME10 2RY
Proposal: Single storey extension to garage, repositioning of 1.8m close boarded garden fence
Applicant: Mr Anthony Horrigan
Contact Address: C/O Mr John Liddiard 14 Wentworth Drive Cliffe Woods Rochester ME3 8UL

Application: 17/501497/COUNTY
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 591818/166375
Ward: Kemsley
Address: Kemsley Paper Mill Ridham Avenue Sittingbourne Kent ME10 2TD
Proposal: County Matter - Proposed details of vehicle parking, surface water drainage and external finish of structures pursuant to conditions 4, 9 and 10 of planning permission SW/11/1291
Applicant: DS Smith Paper Ltd
Contact Address: C/O Kent County Council Invicta House Sessions House Square Maidstone Kent ME14 1XX

Application: 16/508687/FULL
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 594740/174090
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: Land At Scarborough Drive Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 2NF
Proposal: Erection of a 4 bedroom detached dwelling with associated parking spaces
Applicant: Malro Homes Ltd
Contact Address: C/O Kent Design Partnership Grove Dairy Farm Business Centre Bobbing Hill Bobbing Sittingbourne Kent

Application: 17/501073/FULL
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 595006/173607
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: Cornish Mount  Sexburga Drive Minster-On-Sea ME12 2LF
Proposal: Erection of a detached four bedroom dwelling.
Applicant: Mr Scott Curtis
Contact Address: C/O Wyndham Jordan Architects F.A.O Mr Patrick Jordan Heron House 8 Faversham Reach Upper Brents Faversham

Application: 17/501306/MOD106
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 593296/173456
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster-On-Sea

Address: Former Hbc Engineering Power Station Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 1XX Proposal: An application to modify the Section 106 Agreement for 14/500561/OUT (Outline Planning permission (all matters except access reserved) for residential redevelopment of up to 142 dwellings, including provision of associated vehicular and pedestrian access, open space, drainage and services) for provision of 11 two bedroom flats for affordable housing to consist of 4 affordable rented housing and 7 intermediate housing.
Applicant: Kerri-Ann Bland
Contact Address: Persimmon Homes South East Scholars House 60 College Road Maidstone Kent

Application: 17/501354/FULL
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 595232/173806
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: Kalimna Southsea Avenue Private Street Minster-on-sea Kent
Proposal: Demolition of existing 2 bedroom bungalow and erection of a 4 bedroom dwelling with associated detached double garage with hobby workshop, parking and access driveway.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs L Rochat
Contact Address: C/O Kent Desgn Partnership Grove Dairy Farm Bobbing Hill Bobbing Sittingbourne ME9 8NY

Application: 17/501459/FULL
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 595840/173381
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: Manresa Imperial Avenue Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 2HG
Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and bungalow and erection of two detached bungalows with associated access and parking.
Applicant: South Leas Developments LTD
Contact Address: C/O Michael Gittings Associates 14 Vale Road Loose Kent ME15 0EP

Application: 17/501552/SUB
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 594865/172743
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: 320 Minster Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3NR
Proposal: 0Submission of Details to Discharge Condition 3 (Sustainable Construction Techniques) Condition 4 (External Finishing Materials) and Condition 5 (Hard and Soft landscaping) Subject to 15/507246/FULL
Applicant: Mrs Mandy Hughes
Contact Address: Daydream 320 Minster Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3NR

Application: 17/501332/FULL
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 592311/163591
Ward: Murston
Address: 2 Peel Drive Sittingbourne Kent ME10 3BS
Proposal: Erection of a two storey side extension with pitched roof.

Applicant: Mr Craig Austin
Contact Address: C/O Mr Ken Crutchley 67 Adelaide Drive Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1XU

Application: 17/501278/FULL

Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 592615/164092
Ward: Murston
Address: 5 Mulberry Way Sittingbourne Kent ME10 3TG
Proposal: Erection of a two storey front extension to provide porch and enlarged ensuite.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs M Burgess
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands & Associates FAO: Mr Nigel Sands Wises Oast Business Centre  Wises Lane Borden Sittingbourne

Application: 17/501474/SUB
Officer: Andrew Spiers
Grid: 601162/161209
Ward: St. Ann's
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Land Adjacent To 71 South Road Faversham Kent ME13 7LX
Proposal: Submission of details pursuant to Conditions 5: Details of external joinery, 6: Details of eaves & verges, 7: Measures for sustainable construction, 3: Material samples, 14: Details of landscaping, 11: Programme for the suppression of dust, 12: Measures to prevent the deposit of mud or any other material on the public highway (relates to original application ref: 14/503662/FULL).
Applicant: Mr Billy McQuoid
Contact Address: C/O Miss Nicola Harvey 2 Dane John Watling Street Canterbury CT1 2QU

Application: 17/501556/COUNTY
Officer: Thandi Zulu
Grid: 600233/161634
Ward: St. Ann's
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Bysing Wood County Primary School Lower Road Faversham Kent ME13 7NU Proposal: County Matter - Details of School Travel Plan pursuant to condition (15) of planning consent SW/16/502866
Applicant: Kier Group
Contact Address: C/O Kent County Council First Floor Invicta House County Hall Maidstone Kent

Application: 17/501557/COUNTY
Officer: Thandi Zulu
Grid: 600233/161634
Ward: St. Ann's
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Bysing Wood County Primary School Lower Road Faversham Kent ME13 7NU Proposal: County Matter - Details of external materials pursuant to condition (3) of planning permission SW/16/502866
Applicant: Kier Group
Contact Address: C/O Kent County Council First Floor Invicta House County Hall Maidstone Kent

Application: 17/501558/COUNTY
Officer: Thandi Zulu

Grid: 600233/161634
Ward: St. Ann's
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Bysing Wood County Primary School Lower Road Faversham Kent ME13 7NU Proposal: County Matter - Details of Reptile Mitigation Strategy and Management Plan pursuant to condition (10) of planning consent SW/16/502866
Applicant: Kier Group
Contact Address: C/O Kent County Council First Floor Invicta House County Hall Maidstone Kent

Application: 17/501559/COUNTY
Officer: Thandi Zulu
Grid: 600233/161634
Ward: St. Ann's
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Bysing Wood County Primary School Lower Road Faversham Kent ME13 7NU Proposal: County Matter - Details of Construction Management Plan pursuant to Condition (13) of planning consent SW/16/502866
Applicant: Kier Group
Contact Address: C/O Kent County Council First Floor Invicta House County Hall Maidstone Kent

Application: 17/501186/FULL
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 595529/172963
Ward: Sheppey Central
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: Prince Of Waterloo 428 Minster Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3NZ
Proposal: Proposed detached annex to provide 6 no. guest rooms and 1 no. staff accommodation and change of use of guest bedroom in host building to breakfast/secondary dining room
Applicant: Mr M Seebrook
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands & Associates Mr Nigel Sands Wises Oast Business Centre Wises Lane Borden Sittingbourne

Application: 17/501296/FULL
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 594116/172514
Ward: Sheppey Central
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: Camelia Tub 34 Sanspareil Avenue Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3LE
Proposal: Single storey front extension
Applicant: Mr Andrew Powell
Contact Address: C/O KCR Design Mr Keith Rogers 6 Chada Avenue Gillingham Kent ME7 4BN

Application: 17/501399/FULL
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 595451/171429
Ward: Sheppey Central
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: Ramblin Rose Greyhound Road Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3SP
Proposal: Variation of condition 1 of 14/504681/FULL (Change of use of land to gypsy residential site for the stationing of two static caravans, two tourers, one day room) - to make permission permanent

Applicant: Mr Danny Penfold
Contact Address: C/O Philip Brown Associates FAO Mr Philip Brown 74 Park Road Rugby Warwickshire CV21 2QX

Application: 17/501366/LAWPRO

Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 594360/172450
Ward: Sheppey Central
Parish: Minster-On-Sea
Address: 76 Barton Hill Drive Minster-on-sea Sheerness Kent ME12 3NF
Proposal: Certificate of Lawful Development (proposed) for conversion of loft into habitable space with the insertion of rear dormer.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Morgan
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands & Associates FAO: Mr N Sands Wises Oast Business Centre Wises Lane Borden Sittingbourne

Application: 17/501324/FULL
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 599109/172024
Ward: Sheppey East
Parish: Eastchurch
Address: Brook Cottage  First Avenue Eastchurch ME12 4JN
Proposal: Proposed demolition and replacement dwelling, open fronted cart shed double garage and associated landscape proposals.  (Revised scheme to planning application 16/505342/FULL)
Applicant: Ms Petrina Swift
Contact Address: C/O Meme Architects LLP FAO. Ms Sonya Flynn 69 Cromwell Road Whitstable SE12 8QN

Application: 17/501328/FULL
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 595184/162528
Ward: Teynham And Lynsted
Parish: Teynham
Address: 1 Cherry Gardens Teynham Kent ME9 9SF
Proposal: Erection of a single storey front, side and rear extension to create a double garage and dining room.
Applicant: Mr B Ives
Contact Address: C/O Mr R Baker 31 Highsted Road Sittingbourne ME10 4PS

Application: 17/501230/FULL
Officer: Maria Tomalova
Grid: 595928/162992
Ward: Teynham And Lynsted
Parish: Teynham
Address: 3 Bridge Cottages  Conyer Road Teynham ME9 9ED
Proposal: Erection of a two storey and one storey rear extension
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Ades
Contact Address: C/O Woodstock Associates FAO. Mr Keith Plumb 53 Woodstock Road Sittingbourne ME10 4HJ United Kingdom

Application: 17/501542/NMAMD
Officer: Andrew Spiers

Grid: 593489/163222
Ward: Teynham And Lynsted
Parish: Tonge
Address: Hempstead Farm Hempstead Lane Tonge Kent ME9 9BH
Proposal: Non-Material Amendment Being Extension of Mezzanine to Accommodate Offices, Reconfigure Ground Floor Offices, Removal of External Fire Escape, Relocation of Office Entrance and Changes to Number of Windows Subject to 16/500017/FULL
Applicant: Mr O Doubleday
Contact Address: C/O Mr Paul Sharpe Paul Sharpe Associates LLP 24 Beech Lea Blunsdon Swindon SN26 7DE

Application: 17/501534/SUB
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 593910/159344
Ward: Teynham And Lynsted
Parish: Lynsted With Kingsdown
Address: The Greys Kingsdown Road Lynsted Sittingbourne Kent
Proposal: Submission of Details to Discharge Condition 2 (Details of Materials) Condition 3 (External Joinery Work and Fittings) Condition 4 (Details of Eaves and Verges) and Condition 5 (Roof Light Details) Subject to 15/506535/FULL
Applicant: Mr Miles Lemon
Contact Address: The Greys  Kingsdown Road Lynsted Sittingbourne ME9 0JW

Application: 17/500942/TPO
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 602171/160427
Ward: Watling
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Preston Lea Hall Canterbury Road Faversham Kent ME13 8XA
Proposal: TPO application 1 x large oak to be cut back by 25%
Applicant: Mrs Nicola Okroj-Williams
Contact Address: Preston Lea Hall Canterbury Road Faversham Kent ME13 8XA

Application: 17/500637/FULL
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 589594/164803
Ward: The Meads
Address: 8 Realgar Court Sittingbourne Kent ME10 5JZ
Proposal: Change of use of one bedroom into a home office
Applicant: Mrs Thelma Murakasha Kapesa
Contact Address: 8 Realgar Court Sittingbourne Kent ME10 5JZ

Application: 17/501388/FULL
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 589560/162235
Ward: Woodstock
Parish: Tunstall
Address: 150 Sterling Road Tunstall Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1SW
Proposal: Proposed single storey side and rear extensions.

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Rist
Contact Address: C/O Woodstock Associates Mr Keith Plumb 53 Woodstock Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4HJ

Application: 17/501400/PNEXT

Officer: Andrew Spiers
Grid: 590261/161881
Ward: Woodstock
Parish: Tunstall
Address: 2 Ruins Barn Road Tunstall Kent ME10 4HS
Proposal: Prior notification for a proposed single storey rear extension which:
A)  Extends by 3.5 metres beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling.
B)  Has a maximum height of 4 metres from the natural ground level.
C)  Has a height of 2.5 metres at the eaves from the natural ground level.
Applicant: Mrs Jennifer Zaluska
Contact Address: 2 Ruins Barn Road Tunstall Kent ME10 4HS

Application: 17/501413/FULL
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 589663/162360
Ward: Woodstock
Parish: Tunstall
Address: 44 Roseleigh Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1RS
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension with roof lantern.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs M Houlgraves
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands & Associates F.A.O Mr Nigel Sands Wises Oast Business Centre  Wises Lane Borden Sittingbourne

Application: 17/501457/FULL
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 590027/162496
Ward: Woodstock
Address: 12 Park Avenue Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1QX
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension.
Applicant: Mr J Hodges
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands And Associates Wises Oast Business Centre Wises Lane Borden Kent ME9 8LR

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