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Thursday, 13 October 2016

Upchurch Parish Council Report - October 2016

The monthly meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 6th October 2016 in the Village Hall. 

Present: Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Chair), Cllr John Arnold (Vice Chair), Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Stephen Hunt, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Louis Newbery, Cllr Gary Rosewell, and Mrs Wendy Licence (Clerk).

Also present were County Councillor Mike Baldock and seven members of the public.

Co-option of Councillor
Mr Louis Newbery was co-opted as Councillor.

Public Time
Concern was raised about shredded paper in The Paddock, the incident has been reported to the PCSO and the culprit is known.
The Council also heard that the construction work at the garage is causing residents in Croziers Court problems. Cllr Lewin will ask Swale Borough Council to write to the developers.
A resident raised concern about the retrospective application for use of a static caravan for toilet block and tack room at Little Gore Wood, as the mobile home is being advertised for residential use. Councillors advised that information should be given to Swale Borough Council.
It was pointed out that the caravans in Spade Lane were used by one family now there are eight families.
A resident expressed concern that there have been bonfires at the allotments which have been a problem for residents in Croziers Court.

Church Footpath
The Parochial Church Council has requested a meeting with the Parish Council to discuss laying a footpath through to the Village Hall Car Park.  The Parish Council will seek views from the Village Hall committee.

i) Ref: 16/506168/FULL
Address: Ham Green Farm Poot Lane Upchurch Kent
Proposal: Winter storage of portable cabin style units for the use of seasonal temporary employees to provide accommodation and facilities for the production and picking of fruit.
Councillors considered the application and had no comments to make but views of neighbours must be taken into account.

ii. Ref: 16/506986/FULL
Address: 116 Oak Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7AY
Proposal: Demolition of no. 116 Oak Lane and construction of 2 no. three bedroom houses and 1 no. four bedroom with associated garages and parking.
This application is a revision of a previous one and deals with many of the fundamental objections. The application has sought to resolve access onto Oak Lane and also parking. There are concerns about an extra entrance/ access onto Oak Lane.
The Parish Council will express reservations about access and egress onto Oak Lane.

iii. Ref: 16/504184/FULL
Address: Little Gore Wood Holywell Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7HP
Proposal: Retrospective application for use of a static caravan for toilet block and tack room for two livery yards
Councillors were concerned to have been informed by a resident the caravan is being advertised for residential use.  The proposal impacts on the rural scene and that a 30ft caravan was not fit for purpose as a tack room and toilet especially as it was not near the stables.  It is not an appropriate structure for a tack room and would not be secure to store high value equestrian tack.  The drainage was not adequate and a toilet should be purpose built.
Councillors agreed to object to the application.

iv. Ref:  16/506942/FULL 
Address: Land at Spade Lane, Hartlip  ME9.7TT
Proposal:  Proposed private traveller site comprising 8 pitches, each with a mobile home, touring caravan and utility room together with access road
Although the application is not in the parish the Council can comment on it. The site had been refused permission previously when there were less pitches because of landscaping and the impact on the area. The owners have moved onto the site even though SBC had issued a stop notice. The owners were find and the matter went to the High Court where the judge suspended the injunction to allow the owner to submit a planning application, if the application fails the SBC still has a valid injunction.
Councillors considered the application and agreed to object to the proposals.

v. Ref: 16/507061/PNQCLA
Address: Agricultural Buildings at Holywell Farm Holywell Lane Upchurch Kent ME9 7HN
For its prior approval to:
- Transport and Highways impacts of the development.
- Contamination risks on the site.
- Flooding risks on the site.
- Noise impacts of the development.
- Whether the location or siting of the building makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the use of the building to change as proposed.
- Design and external appearance impacts on the building.
This application is a resubmitted amended application, due to the first being withdrawn, Councillors heard that Agricultural Building Policy is a presumption in favour of development.

vi. To receive an update on planning matters
The Three Sisters Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch Kent ME8 8QR
Retrospective application for two storey extension
Councillors considered the application and had no comments to make but views of neighbours must be taken into account.

The next meeting of the General Purposes Committee will be on 26 October and 16 November at 7.30pm in the Village Hall Committee room.

i)  Bus Shelter
Work to install the bus shelter will start at the end of the month, possibly in the next two weeks.

ii) Defibrillator
The landlord of The Three Sisters has agreed for the defibrillator to be sited on the outside wall. Maintenance will be the responsibility of the Parish Council.

i) Allotment rent review
The allotment fees and regulations will be reviewed and the Finance Committee need to consider the budget for the allotments. The grass needs to be cut and more allotments could be made if the area was cleared.  Allotment holders pay a small rent and there are people outside the parish who have allotments.  The allotments need to be cost neutral to the Parish Council.  The matter will be taken forward for decision.

ii) Allocation of plots
Councillors heard that someone has put a car parking space in the allotments without permission and has encroached on an allotment.  The General Purposes Committee will consider what actions will be taken.

Paddock and Recreation Ground
i)  The Paddock Project
There had been a meeting with the Paddock Project group to discuss their proposals, two picnic tables have been requested and prices will be obtained.

The fence in the paddock opposite Church Farm Road, where the tree has recently been removed, is broken and needs repairing. Quotations will be obtained for the work.

Anti-Social Behaviour
A Section 59 Notice had been issued to a lad on a trials bike riding through the village.  The PCSO has asked for reports of nuisance bikers to be reported to him. Residents are advised to report all incidents to the Police on 101.

Date of next meeting Thursday 3rd November 7:30pm at Upchurch Village Hall.

Wendy Licence
Clerk to the Parish Council


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