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Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Upchurch Author Set to Release Debut Children's Garden Inspired Picture Book

Upchurch author Joseph Hopkins will be launching his adorable new children’s book ‘Lydia Greenfingers’ on Saturday the 30th of July in WHSmith at Bluewater.

A primary school teacher, Joseph often shares his stories with his pupils in class. The story is about his late Nan 'Lydia Macklin' who lived and worked in Upchurch her whole life.

When Lydia's parents pass away, to her wicked aunt's, she goes to stay. The house is dark, cold and bare, the garden overgrown and without care. Lydia decides to make things right, by growing flowers, tall and bright!

Joseph said: "My first daughter of two, Betty-Sue, would play in my nan's garden for hours and I used to love watching them from the window. They were totally captivated with each other's presence and though years apart in age, they had a connection like the best of friends. When my nan passed away I felt empowered with the need to keep her memory living on, for her and also for Betty-Sue. That is how the story came to life."

"Having used lots of stories in my career for various teaching methods I do feel that my story is unique and rare. The book lightly and delicately touches upon the subject of bereavement but with a beautiful heart-warming resolution."

"Friends and family that have heard the story have said that it is a precious little book, some quoting it made them well up and want to give their little ones a big cuddle. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the story with my little girls and think it would be a welcome family favourite at bed time."

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‘Lydia Greenfingers’ ISBN 9781785549496 (Paperback, £8.99) by Joseph Hopkins will be available at WHSmith stores across North Kent and the Medway area and to buy from: and all good bookshops from the 29th of July 2016.

For more information, please visit: and Joseph's own website:

Lily Anderson | Marketing Coordinator
Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd


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