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Sunday, 31 July 2016

Objection to Application 16/505738/OUT - Land at Forge Lane from Councillor Gerry Lewin

Councillor Gerry Lewin.
I object to this application.


This application is an outline application for permission to build a main access to the development with ALL other matters to be dealt with in a future application.

Whilst this application does not include details of that access one asks what then is the point of this application?

 Clearly it is the applicant’s intention to test the Local Planning Authorities approach to housing of this quantum at this location and therefore we must respond as if it were a ‘FULL’ application.

 It is interesting that no details of the access being applied for are provided with the application on the website [I accept that an access has been pictorially represented by the applicant but surely this would not be acceptable as a document to support the application?].

The application on the planning portal is very thin in information and relies heavily on the contents of the consultation leaflet sent to parts of the village.


The site has NOT been allocated for housing in either a] the Swale Local Plan adopted in 2008 or b] the Swale Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications June 2016. Developers can however submit applications beyond the Local Plan that are in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework [NPPF] where a Local Planning Authority [LPA] does not an ongoing five year housing supply or where the LPA does not have a compliant [with the NPPF] Local Plan. In either of these situations the applicant, nevertheless, will only be granted permission if they can show conformity with the principle of sustainable development as given in the NPPF at para 7 – which refers to the economic role, the social role and the environmental role. Whilst Swale does not have a current five year supply I believe it can be shown that this application [albeit outline] can be shown to fail the sustainability criteria of the NPPF.

The position of Upchurch, in relation to its ability to accept further development is stated in policy SH1 para5 of the Swale adopted Plan and restated in policy ST3 page 58 of the Swale Proposed Mods June 2016 document. These are both worth reading but broadly state that development of this size would not be acceptable in this village – I recommend quotations from these policies be used in consultation responses.


Infrastructure – clearly a development of this nature will put pressure on the local highway system in the centre of the village both for pedestrians and vehicles. New vehicle movements from this site will in the majority travel westwards to leave the village by Oak Lane or Horsham Lane with few movements via Holywell or Halstow Lanes. The centre of the village at the church is constrained physically by the church wall and road width exacerbated by increasing on-street parking in this area by residents, shoppers and delivery vehicles. The position for pedestrians approaching this area is one where if there are no pavements to walk on then there are inevitable roads to be crossed. It is difficult to see how developer contributions could mitigate these issues. 

Services – Currently the primary school is at capacity with some capacity at local primary schools in Swale. However the demographic profile for Swale means that KCC is requesting money from developer contributions from rural areas be directed to urban schools. Others will comment on the ability of Holywell to expand its pupil input but any increase in its numbers will again cause vehicle movements that go through the centre of the village [see above]. I am neutral about commenting on access to health services as these are problems not of a local nature but can be found wherever you go.

Suitability – the site assessment of this location can be found in the Swale Proposed Mods June2016 appendix entitled ‘Ranked Assessment of Reasonable Non-Allocated Site Options to inform Modifications to Swale Borough Local Plan’. It is referred to as SW/718 and is ranked 
94th of 116 sites not allocated. This ranking indicates that, of the sites offered by landowners currently, this is unlikely to be approved for allocation for housing except in extreme circumstances which are difficult to imagine.

Agricultural Land – loss of our best and most versatile high quality agricultural land means a continuing impact on our ability to feed ourselves also any loss has an impact on our local economy. It is a consideration in planning and referred to in the NPPF also in Swale Proposed Mods June 2016 in policy DM31. I am unware of the grade that applies to this location but it can be easily found and cited.


It must be recognised that developer contributions can be used to mitigate some of the harm caused by development – hence the S106 legislation. I list some examples applicable to this application.

Affordable Homes – the scheme provides the opportunity to deliver some of this housing type. I am aware of the need expressed by some residents, of the lack of such provision in the village. There are however alternative ways of delivering such schemes not requiring this level of development to deliver them.

Local Economy – it could be argued that there may be some local uplift during the construction phase, however this scheme does not deliver lasting employment opportunity. I accept that some local retail and leisure businesses would welcome an increase in their trade.

School Parking – could be seen by some to be helpful in relieving the current congestion but I do not understand how the number provided has been calculated or to what degree it would relieve congestion.

Public Transport – it is suggested that some contribution will be made towards improving the buses. This would of course be welcome but is not quantified.

Benefits Overall – whilst developer contributions can be used to mitigate some of the harmful effects of development it is my view that in this case the harm significantly outweighs the benefits and that this application fails to meet the sustainability criteria required by the NNPF, The Adopted Feb 2008 Local Plan and the Swale Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications June 2016.

All the documents I have referred to can be found on the Swale Borough Council website. Link:

Councillor Gerry Lewin
135 Oak Lane, Upchurch, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 7AY
Telephone: 01634 366113 / 07946 996789

Friday, 29 July 2016

Gladmans Proposed Development, Forge Lane, Upchurch

Location plan.

Following the 'house drop' leaflet from Gladmans, we said we would keep residents updated as to any progress on this matter. 

Please note that the outline plans for Gladmans proposal to develop the land at Forge Lane have now been submitted to Swale. The details can be found on the Swale planning website at the link: HERE by searching for reference: 16/505738/OUT.

All members of the public are invited to comment and we would remind people that comments should reflect constructive planning matters rather than personal views. The closing date is Thursday the 18th of August 2016.

This planning application is also on the Parish Council’s agenda for Thursday the 4th of August at 7:30pm in Upchurch Village Hall. All are welcome to attend.

Wendy Licence
Clerk to Upchurch Parish Council
Phone: 01634 363906

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Swale Weekly Planning List - 22nd July 2016

The latest list of applications received by the Council under the Town and Country Planning Acts.

You may inspect a copy of any application on our online planning database or at the Sheppey Gateway, 38-42 High street, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1NL, or Alexander Centre, 15 Preston Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8NZ or Swale Borough Council, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 3HT.

You can make your comments online or by email to: or in writing to MKIP Planning Support Service, Maidstone House, King Street, Maidstone ME15 6JQ.  Applications with the following suffix: ADJ, AGRIC, COUNTY, CPD, DEMO, SUB, TELNOT, TCA, NMAND, EIASCR or EIASCO are for information only. If an application is a householder application, in the event that an appeal is made against a decision of the Council to refuse to grant planning permission for the proposed development, and that appeal then proceeds by way of the expedited procedure under the written representations procedure, any representations will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representation.

Please be aware that any comments and your name and address will be placed on file, which will be available for public inspection and published in full on the Internet.  We will not publish your signature, email address or phone number on our website.  If you make any written comments we will notify you of the outcome of the application.  We will not make a decision on any application referred to in this list before 21 days from the date when the application was registered as valid except for those with the following suffix: ADJ, AGRIC, COUNTY, CPD, DEMO, SUB, TELNOT, TCA, NMAND, EIASCR or EIASCO.

Application: 16/505889/TCA
Officer: Mandi Pilcher
Grid: 602162/161026
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: De Gelsey House 1 Jubilee Way Faversham Kent ME13 8GD
Proposal: Trees in conservation area notification - Ash and Sycamores - cut back overhanging limbs and branches overhanging the boundary into the car park back to boundary line
Applicant: Avante Head Office
Contact Address: C/O Mr Sean Towey Bueleys Corner Moorhurst Lane South Holmwood Dorking Surrey

Application: 16/505728/LBC
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 601564/161537
Ward: Abbey
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: Shepherd Neame 17 Court Street Faversham Kent ME13 7AX
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for replacement of slate pitched roof covering, corrugated plastic cladding and rainwater gutters/down pipes, facade brick and stone restoration.
Applicant: Shepherd Neame Ltd
Contact Address: F.A.O Mr Jonathan Arthur Shepherd Neame 17 Court Street Faversham ME13 7AX

Application: 16/505238/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 603869/156502
Ward: Boughton & Courtenay
Parish: Selling
Address: Selling C Of E Primary School The Street Selling Kent ME13 9RQ
Proposal: New single storey group room, to be used as a teacher preparation area, to teach small group music and retain a small library area
Applicant: Mrs Kristina Dyer
Contact Address: C/O DesignIT 14 Southwood Gardens Ramsgate Kent CT11 0BQ

Application: 16/505281/FULL
Officer: Andrew Byrne
Grid: 606198/159334
Ward: Boughton & Courtenay
Parish: Boughton Under Blean
Address: Spinnaker Reach Bounds Lane Boughton Under Blean Kent ME13 9AR
Proposal: Conversion of loft space, construction of an orangery and window alterations.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Mark Duffy
Contact Address: C/O Ci3 Unit D3 Eurolink Commercial Park Bonham Drive Sittingbourne Kent

Application: 16/505747/FULL
Officer: Heather Murton
Grid: 605785/159425
Ward: Boughton & Courtenay
Parish: Boughton Under Blean
Address: 184 - 186 The Street Boughton Under Blean Kent ME13 9AL
Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and front boundary wall, removal of existing ash tree and erection of a one bedroom dwelling with integral garage and associates external works
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Payne
Contact Address: C/O Edgington Architectural Services Ltd 12 Swale View Hernhill Faversham Kent ME13 9JS

Application: 16/505877/FULL
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 605504/163358
Ward: Boughton & Courtenay
Parish: Graveney With Goodnestone
Address: Sunnydene Seasalter Road Graveney Kent ME13 9ED
Proposal: Rear single storey extension
Applicant: Mr And Mrs Morgan
Contact Address: C/O Bob Coombs Architect Ltd 38 Longtye Drive Chestfield Nr Whitstable Kent CT5 3NF

Application: 16/505879/FULL
Officer: Miss Alice Reeves
Grid: 603214/156700
Ward: Boughton & Courtenay
Parish: Selling
Address: 2 Sycamore Cottages Hogbens Hill Selling Kent ME13 9RA
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension and associated works.
Applicant: Mr Byrne
Contact Address: C/O S W D Surveying Limited F.A.O Mr Steven Dennis  16 Cranford Close Rainham ME8 7HD

Application: 16/506003/SUB
Officer: Andrew Spiers
Grid: 607542/158967
Ward: Boughton & Courtenay
Parish: Dunkirk
Address: The Old School London Road Dunkirk Kent ME13 9LF
Proposal: Submission of Details Pursuant to Condition 3: Landscape under reference SW/14/0416.
Applicant: Mr Phillip Legg
Contact Address: The Old School House  London Road Dunkirk Kent ME13 9LF

Application: 16/506007/SUB
Officer: Andrew Spiers
Grid: 607542/158967
Ward: Boughton & Courtenay
Parish: Dunkirk
Address: The Old School London Road Dunkirk Kent ME13 9LF
Proposal: Submission of Details Pursuant to Condition 4: Programme, Condition 5: Joinery & Condition 7: Landscaping under reference 16/500539/FULL. Condition 4: New External Walls, Condition 6: Joinery, Condition 7: Roofing & Condition 9: Insulated Spec under reference 16/500540/LBC. 
Applicant: Mr Phillip Legg
Contact Address: The Old School House London Road Dunkirk Kent ME13 9LF

Application: 16/505944/FULL
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 588792/162730
Ward: Borden & Grove Ward
Parish: Borden
Address: 235 Borden Lane Borden Kent ME9 8HR
Proposal: Porch extension and first floor extension to front elevation
Applicant: Mr Carl Murphy
Contact Address: C/O Julian Mann 9 Preston Lane Faversham Kent ME13 8LF

Application: 16/505519/LAWPRO
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 589777/164086
Ward: Chalkwell
Address: 23 Wellwinch Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1BW
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for a loft conversion with a rear dormer.
Applicant: Miss Laurence Berthod
Contact Address: C/O Nigel Sands & Associates FAO: Mr Nigel Sands Wises Oast Business Centre  Wises Lane Borden Sittingbourne

Application: 16/505802/SUB
Officer: Andrew Byrne
Grid: 601697/162057
Ward: Priory
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 97 Upper Brents Private Street Faversham ME13 7DL
Proposal: Submission of details pursuant to Condition 3: Pitched roof details, of application SW/14/0093.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Evans
Contact Address: C/O Mr John Payne Blackrock Architecture Ltd Unit 42 Canterbury Innovation Centre Canterbury CT2 7FG

Application: 16/505698/FULL
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 602374/154155
Ward: East Downs Ward
Parish: Sheldwich, Badlesmere And Leaveland
Address: Halls Bottom Cottage Stringmans Road Sheldwich Kent ME13 0LA
Proposal: Construction of a timber garden room to the rear of the property
Applicant: Ms Roberts
Contact Address: C/O Strutt And Parker Meridian House 9-11 Chertsey Street Guildford GU1 4HD

Application: 16/505699/LBC
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 602374/154155
Ward: East Downs Ward
Parish: Sheldwich, Badlesmere And Leaveland
Address: Halls Bottom Cottage Stringmans Road Sheldwich Kent ME13 0LA
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for construction of a timber garden room to the rear of the property
Applicant: Ms Roberts
Contact Address: C/O Strutt And Parker Meridian House 9-11 Chertsey Street Guildford GU1 4HD

Application: 16/505767/LAWPRO
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 598889/154212
Ward: East Downs Ward
Parish: Throwley
Address: Sunnyside Almshouse Road Throwley Forstal Kent ME13 0PJ
Proposal: Lawful development certificate (Proposed) - construction of shed in rear garden.
Applicant: Ms Louisa Dordoy
Contact Address: Sunnyside Almshouse Road Throwley Forstal Kent ME13 0PJ

Application: 16/505850/TCA
Officer: Mandi Pilcher
Grid: 595365/157636
Ward: East Downs Ward
Parish: Newnham
Address: 39 The Street Newnham Kent ME9 0LL
Proposal: Conservation area notification to Cherry (Prunus autumnalis) Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 1 metre; Acer negundo flamingo and Viburnum - Reduce the whole crown by 2 meters and cut branches overhanging the rear of the garden facing away from the pond back in line with the Viburnham hedge and trim the Viburnum hedge itself; Weeping pear (Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula') - Fell to ground level and remove all arisings; Bramley Apple and Philadelphus (Apple) - Remove major deadwood throughout whole crown area (Deadwood > 25mm in diameter) (Philadelphus) Cut back away from the Apple and reduce it by 2m all over; Apple (Cox Orange) rown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 0.5 metres; Ash - Fell to ground level and remove all arisings; Malus Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 0.5 metres.
Applicant: Mrs Mason
Contact Address: C/O CareFell Tree Surgery FAO: Mr Jonathan Ward 16 Station Road Adisham CT3 3JF

Application: 16/505881/ADV
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 591944/174891
Ward: Sheerness
Address: 41 - 43 High Street Sheerness Kent ME12 1NX
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for 1.No internally illuminated fascia sign and 1.No internally illuminated projecting sign.
Applicant: Bonmarche
Contact Address: C/O Escott Signs Ltd 378 Princes Way Team Valley Trading Estate Gateshead Tyne And Wear NE77 0TU

Application: 16/505282/FULL
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 583922/164282
Ward: Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch
Parish: Hartlip
Address: St Michaels Church The Street Hartlip Kent ME9 7TL
Proposal: Single storey ground floor extension to an existing church to form a wheelchair accessible WC
Applicant: The PCC Of St Michael's And All Angels Church
Contact Address: C/O Thomas Ford And Partners 177 Kirkdale  London SE26 4QH 

Application: 16/505818/LAWPRO
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 583911/166914
Ward: Hartlip, Newington & Upchurch
Parish: Upchurch
Address: 14 Wallbridge Lane Upchurch Kent ME8 7XH
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for proposed single storey rear extensions.
Applicant: Mr Ware
Contact Address: C/O Woodstock Associates F.A.O Mr Keith Plumb  53 Woodstock Road Sittingbourne ME10 4HJ

Application: 16/505592/FULL
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 590956/163546
Ward: Homewood
Address: 4 Bell Road And 5 High Street Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4AY
Proposal: Demolition of 4 Bell Road and erection of a new block of flats together with conversion of first and second floors and erection of two storey extension on existing 5 High Street to create a total of 16 new residential flats. Change of use of 5 High Street ground floor from commercial use to A1 use.
Applicant: Mr B Bell
Contact Address: C/O Architects Plus FAO: Mr C Sharpe 2nd Floor The Grange Market Square Westerham

Application: 16/505836/LAWPRO
Officer: Claire Attaway
Grid: 589930/163507
Ward: Homewood
Address: 14 College Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1LN
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for proposed single storey side lean-to extension.
Applicant: Mr Colin Hillburn
Contact Address: C/O Alpha Design Studio Limited F.A.O Mr Tony Day 43 Park Road Sittingbourne ME10 1DY

Application: 16/505938/LAWPRO
Officer: Mandi Pilcher
Grid: 590406/163413
Ward: Homewood
Address: 37 Albany Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1EB
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for loft conversion with two Velux rooflights
Applicant: Mr Luke Blanshard
Contact Address: C/O DEVA Design Dunelm Oak Lane Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3QP

Application: 16/505212/FULL
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 587890/164316
Ward: Bobbing, Iwade & Lower Halstow
Parish: Bobbing
Address: 18 Keycol Hill Bobbing Kent ME9 8ND
Proposal: Demolition of an outbuilding. Erection of a two storey extension with a 1st storey dormer window to front and back and a single storey rear extension.
Applicant: Mr Darren Monk
Contact Address: C/O DKM Consultants FAO: Mr David Meaney 82 Longfellow Road Gillingham Kent ME7b 5QQ

Application: 16/505963/COUNTY
Officer: Paul Gregory
Grid: 592161/167397
Ward: Bobbing, Iwade & Lower Halstow
Parish: Iwade
Address: Countrystyle Recycling Storage Land Ridham Dock Iwade Sittingbourne Kent
Proposal: County matter - details of proposed landscaping to the front of the site pursuant to condition (12)
Applicant: Countrystyle Group
Contact Address: C/O Kent County Council Planning Applications Group First Floor Kent County Council  Invicta House Sessions House Square

Application: 16/505878/SUB
Officer: Martin Evans
Grid: 589242/165741
Ward: Bobbing, Iwade & Lower Halstow
Parish: Bobbing
Address: Holiday Cottage Rear Of Blossoms Lodge  Stickfast Lane Bobbing Kent
Proposal: Submission of Details  to discharge Condition 3 ( external materials- bricks,tiles and cladding); Condition 4 ( hard and soft landscaping); Condition 7 ( prevention of mud/debris on the road); Condition 9 ( parking/turning, loading and off loading); Condition 10 ( renewable energy/water conservation). All subject to 15/ 509675/FULL.
Applicant: David Phillips
Contact Address: Blossoms Stickfast Lane Bobbing Sittingbourne ME9 8QL

Application: 16/505886/FULL
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 590337/166731
Ward: Kemsley
Address: Featherbed House Featherbed Lane Sittingbourne Kent ME9 8RA
Proposal: Single storey side extension to include room in the roof with rooflights, to form annexe. Single storey side extension to include room in roof with dormer and rooflights (Revised Scheme to 15/508992/FULL).
Applicant: Mr & Mrs N Shaw
Contact Address: C/O Kent Design Partnership - Architect Grove Dairy Farm Business Centre Bobbing Hill  Bobbing Sittingbourne Kent

Application: 16/505992/LAWPRO
Officer: Mandi Pilcher
Grid: 590383/166307
Ward: Kemsley
Address: 18 Bramblefield Lane East Of Iwade Pass Sittingbourne Kent ME10 2SU
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for loft conversion with a rear dormer.
Applicant: Mr Brian Wilkinson
Contact Address: C/O Mr Philip Taylor 2 Harrow Cottage 22 Horseshoes Lane Langley Kent ME17 1TD

Application: 16/504551/OUT
Officer: Martin Evans
Grid: 595188/173906
Ward: Minster Cliffs
Parish: Minster On Sea
Address: Little Oyster Residential Home  Seaside Avenue Minster-On-Sea ME12 2NJ
Proposal: Outline application for a 50 bed care home with ancillary accommodation, over 3 floors (the top floor within the roof) and with a basement kitchen and staff rooms, with Appearance, layout and scale to be considered at this stage and all other matters reserved for future consideration
Applicant: Mr Ernesto Batten
Contact Address: C/O Prime Folio 35 Albion Place Maidstone ME14 5DZ 

Application: 16/505863/SUB
Officer: Aaron Wilkinson
Grid: 591888/171584
Ward: Queenborough & Halfway
Parish: Queenborough
Address: Land West Of A249 (Phase 2C Of Neatscourt Development Site) Queenborough Isle Of Sheppey Kent
Proposal: Submission of details pursuant to Condition 8: Surface water drainage strategy, of application SW/14/0577.
Applicant: Mr Giles Haywood
Contact Address: C/O Mr Paul Galgey Planning Potential Ltd Magdalen House 148 Tooley Street London SE1 2TU

Application: 16/505794/FULL
Officer: Martin Evans
Grid: 591199/163518
Ward: Roman
Address: The Old Oak 68 East Street Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4RT
Proposal: Proposed development of 1no. one bedroom flat and 1no. two bedroom flat.
Applicant: Family Homes
Contact Address: C/O Woodstock Associates 53 Woodstock Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4HJ

Application: 16/505342/FULL
Officer: Ross McCardle
Grid: 599109/172024
Ward: Sheppey East
Parish: Eastchurch
Address: Brook Cottage First Avenue Eastchurch Kent ME12 4JN
Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling, erection of new one and a half storey dwelling and erection of open fronted cart shed/double garage
Applicant: Miss Petrina Swift
Contact Address: C/O Dan-Wood Concept Plus 1 Wilderhaugh  Galashiels TD1 1QI 

Application: 16/505542/FULL
Officer: Andrew Byrne
Grid: 593934/159250
Ward: Teynham & Lynsted
Parish: Lynsted And Kingsdown
Address: Robin House Kingsdown Road Lynsted Kent ME9 0JW
Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and replacement with new three bay garage/store
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Miles
Contact Address: C/O CJS Design Services 13 Doubleday Drive Bapchild  Sittingbourne ME9 9PJ United Kingdom

Application: 16/505807/TCA
Officer: Mandi Pilcher
Grid: 595517/162196
Ward: Teynham & Lynsted
Parish: Lynsted And Kingsdown
Address: 17 - 19 Cellar Hill Lynsted Kent ME9 9QY
Proposal: T1 Cypress - fell.
Applicant: Dave Gurney
Contact Address: Treeworld 46 Station Road Teynham Sittingbourne Kent

Application: 16/505816/TCA
Officer: Mandi Pilcher
Grid: 595521/162321
Ward: Teynham & Lynsted
Parish: Lynsted And Kingsdown
Address: 4 London Road Teynham Kent ME9 9QS
Proposal: Trees in conservation area notification - T1 Cypress- Reduce height by 1.5 metres and lateral crown by 0.5 metre. T2 Cypress - Reduce height by 2 metres and lateral crown by 0.5 metre. T3 Yew - Reduce height by 2 metres. T4 Cypress - Reduce height by 1 metre and lateral crown by 0.5 metre. T5 Cypress-Reduce height by 2 metres and lateral crown by 1 metre.
Applicant: Treeworld
Contact Address: 46 Station Road Teynham Sittingbourne ME99SQ

Application: 16/505701/TCA
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 600829/160759
Ward: Watling
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: 78 London Road Faversham Kent ME13 8TA
Proposal: Tree in a Conservation Area to 1 - Oak for removal of epicormic growth and cut back branches
Applicant: Mr Christopher Brend
Contact Address: C/O Whitstable Tree Surgery 3 Oyster Bay Court 19A Harwich Street Whitstable CT5 4HU

Application: 16/505855/PN14J
Officer: Andrew Byrne
Grid: 601235/160399
Ward: Watling
Parish: Faversham Town
Address: The Abbey School London Road Faversham Kent ME13 8RZ
Proposal: Prior Notification for the installation of Solar Photovoltaics (PV) equipment on the roofs of 2 buildings, up to a capacity of 1083.375 kilowatts.
For it's Prior Approval for: The design and external appearance of the development.
Applicant: Peradelta UK Limited
Contact Address: C/O Igloo Environmental Ltd F.A.O Mr Andrew Gilbert 9 Kestrel Park Finch Drive Braintree  Essex

Application: 16/505856/FULL
Officer: Andrew Spiers
Grid: 587382/158946
Ward: West Downs
Parish: Bredgar
Address: Pear Tree Cottage Swanton Street Bredgar Kent ME9 8AS
Proposal: Erection of brick built chimney in rear extension.
Applicant: D & M Uden & Davies
Contact Address: C/O Kent Design Partnership FAO: Mr D Batson Grove Dairy Farm Bobbing Hill Bobbing Sittingbourne

Application: 16/505860/LAWPRO
Officer: Andrew Byrne
Grid: 592865/160808
Ward: West Downs
Parish: Rodmersham
Address: New Orchard Farm Upper Road Rodmersham Kent ME9 0QL
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate (Proposed) for erection of a new garage building and parking area. Surface water to drain to new soak-aways.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs John McGrath
Contact Address: C/O Colin Ladd Associates FAO: Mr Colin Ladd 8 Haymakers Lane Ashford TN23 4GN

Application: 16/505735/LAWPRO
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 590525/162252
Ward: Woodstock
Address: 74 Northwood Drive Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4QS
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed development for conversion of garage to form a shower room
Applicant: Mr B Ealey
Contact Address: C/O Richard Baker Partnership F.A.O Mr R Baker 31 Highsted Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4PS

Application: 16/505646/FULL
Officer: Mandi Pilcher
Grid: 590434/162187
Ward: Woodstock
Address: 16 Crossways Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4RH
Proposal: Conversion of garage into bedroom and single storey rear extension comprising wet room and utility room.
Applicant: Mr Stephen Judd
Contact Address: C/O CDH Design Ltd 118 Athelstan Road Faversham Kent ME13 8QW

Application: 16/505791/FULL
Officer: Sara Potter
Grid: 590176/161613
Ward: Woodstock
Parish: Tunstall
Address: 41 Ruins Barn Road Tunstall Kent ME10 4HS
Proposal: Proposed two storey and single storey rear extensions.
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Louden
Contact Address: C/O Woodstock Associates FAO: Mr K Plumb 53 Woodstock Road Sittingbourne Kent ME10 4HJ

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