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Sunday, 8 May 2016

Upchurch Parish Council - Annual Meeting and May 2016 Reports

The Draft Minutes of the ANNUAL MEETING of the Upchurch Parish Council held in Holywell School Hall on Thursday 5th May 2016 commencing at 7:15pm.

Present: Cllr Sara Tucker, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Stephen Hunt, Cllr Tyrone Ripley, Cllr Pamela Denny, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Gary Rosewell, Cllr Gerry Lewin, Mrs Julia Cura (Clerk) and 15 members of the public.

Apologies: Cllr John Arnold

Election of Chairman – Cllr Tucker reported that she would have no objection to continuing as Chair. Cllr Horton proposed and Cllr Lewin seconded, that Cllr Tucker be Chair. There were no other nominations. All agreed and Cllr Tucker signed her declaration of office.

Election of Vice-Chairman – Cllr Tucker proposed and Cllr Horton seconded that Cllr Ripley be Vice-Chairman. There were no other nominations. All agreed and Cllr Ripley signed his declaration of acceptance of office.

Election of Representatives – It was proposed by Cllr Tucker and seconded by Cllr Masson that the following were elected to represent Upchurch Parish Council as follows:

a) KALC Cllr Masson and Cllr Horton 
b) Village Hall Cllr Tucker 
c) School Representative Cllr Horton 
d) Police Liaison Officer Cllr Rosewell 
e) Highways Cllr Arnold 
g) Christmas Tree Rep Cllr Denny 
h) Twinning Group Cllr Lewin

Allocation of Responsibilities – The following areas of responsibilities were agreed:

Paddock and Recreation Ground: Cllr Denny 
Allotments: Cllr Masson 
Burial Ground and Churchyard – Cllr Hunt 
Internal Auditor – Kevin Funnell 
Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) – The Clerk

Sub Committees –

Planning: Cllr Tucker, Cllr Denny, Cllr Masson and Cllr Ripley

HR: Cllr Lewin, Cllr Denny, Cllr Arnold and Cllr Ripley Clerk to discuss with Cllr Arnold whether he wishes to remain on this sub committee

Finance: Cllr Horton, Cllr Arnold, Cllr Tucker and Cllr Lewin

This concluded the business of the Annual Meeting and the evening continued with the monthly meeting of the Council.


The Draft Minutes of the MEETING of the Upchurch Parish Council held in the Upchurch Village Hall on Thursday 7th May 2016 following the Annual Meeting of the Council.

Present: Cllr Sara Tucker (Chair), Cllr Tyrone Ripley (Vice-Chair), Cllr Gary Rosewell, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Pamela Denny and Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Stephen Hunt, Cllr Lewin Mrs Julia Cura (Clerk) and 15 members of the public.

Apologies: Cllr John Arnold and Ward Cllr John Wright.

Minutes of the meeting held on 7th April 2016 – Cllr Lewin requested that amendments be made to 160 (i). It was proposed by Cllr Lewin and seconded by Cllr Horton that the minutes be accepted as a true record and all agreed. Cllr Tucker signed them.


Public Time

i) Beckenham Park– Several residents attended from Beckenham Park with regards to the new planning application submitted by Haulfryn Ltd. Residents stated that a petition had been carried out on the site and 84% of residents object to the development. Residents raised the following concerns: There appears to be no allowance for disabled parking. Residents who currently have two spaces will have these reduced to one according to the application drawings, thus meaning no facilities for visitors to park. The application is misleading and in the opening paragraph of their report they refer to an entirely different park. The current parking spaces are shown incorrectly on the plans. The current parking bays are 15ft by 8.5ft there is no room to move these forward from the boundary fence without going into the road. The road around the park does not meet the 3m width requirement. The Haulfryn site office does not display a licence for 75 mobile homes. Residents stated that conditions should be attached if the application is allowed. Cllr Tucker thanked the residents for their comments and stated that the application is due to be discussed in the meeting by the members. She also advised that the Residents Association should check the SBC website, as if the application goes before the planning committee one person could request to represent the park and raise their concerns. Cllr Tucker also stated that if the application is accepted with conditions, the residents would need to report any conditions not being met directly to the enforcement team. Cllr Lewin reported that three minutes are allocated at a planning committee meeting per speaker and therefore it is imperative to prioritise concerns.

ii) Upchurch Colts Junior Football Team – The Chairman of Upchurch Colts football team asked that the members consider the request for the younger teams to train on the Recreation Ground. Cllr Lewin asked whether facilities would be required. It was confirmed that Upchurch Colts have all of their own equipment and nothing other than the use of the ground would be required. Cllr Tucker reported that as the item was on the agenda the request would be discussed in the meeting.

iii) Burial Ground – A resident had been asked to approach the Council to ascertain whether residents are allowed to cut the grass and verges in the Burial Ground themselves. As the Council pay a contractor to carry out this work and it is unclear exactly what the residents were asking to do, it was agreed that anyone with such requests contact the Clerk directly to discuss them.

iv) Wallbridge Lane – A resident requested that the hedge on Wallbridge Lane where the road joins Horsham Lane be cut back. The Clerk will contact KCC regarding this.

v) Church Path – A resident asked whether any progress had been made with regards to the Church Path. Cllr Tucker reiterated to the resident that as previously stated the Churchyard is private property and not under the jurisdiction of the Parish Council. As discussed at the APM the Church Path is a matter for the PCC and Village Hall to discuss. A member of the PCC reported that they will be widening the path by the Church gate themselves by digging this out and placing bark down to ensure it retains a natural look. This is being done with a view of creating access to their new ashes plot area. Through access to the Village Hall car park will remain the same. The PCC reported that a tarmac path cannot be put in place due to the cost and conservation order. Cllr Lewin stated that he was grateful to the PCC for addressing the issue.

vi) Orchard Park site – A resident raised concerns regarding activity with lorries unloading hard core at this site. Cllr Lewin reported that the amount being unloaded is below the minimum amount stipulated on the enforcement notice.

The meeting re-opened at 8:10pm


Declarations of Interest

Cllr Lewin declared a Disclosable Non Pecuniary Interest in 5(iv). Cllr Horton declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in 6 (ii).


i) Outer Thames Estuary Consultation Letter– An email had been received by the Clerk inviting comments on this. Cllr Lewin proposed that the Council should respond stating that they are grateful to have been consulted, however this is of little interest to the area of Upchurch. All agreed.

ii) Upchurch Colts Football Team – As discussed in public time a request had been submitted for the teams to use the Recreation Ground for training. All agreed that permission should be granted on the understanding that any rubbish is disposed of and that any activity is carried out at their own risk. The Clerk will write to confirm the terms. Cllr Denny requested that vehicles are not taken onto the grass to transport equipment. The Parish Council are happy for the Recreation Ground to be used in such a way but do request that people seek permission so that we can ensure the correct insurance and liability is in place.


i) 16/501900/FULL – 53 Drakes Close Upchurch- Conversion of garage into habitable room – Update on comments submitted 29th April 2016. This application was discussed at the GPC meeting due to the cut-off date for comments falling before the Council meeting. Cllr Tucker reported that the Clerk had submitted comments stating that the Council had no objections to this application.

ii) 16/503183/FULL – Resubmission of 2 dwellings – Land adjacent to 18 Wallbridge Lane, Upchurch – Following discussion it was agreed that the houses have been completely redesigned and the concerns regarding off street parking have been addressed. It was agreed that the Clerk should submit comments stating that the Council have no objections to this application.

iii) 16/502999/TNOT56 Telecommunications Notification – As this application had been discussed at proposal stage and comments submitted, it was agreed that the Clerk would submit comments stating that the Council had no objections.

iv) 16/5013132/FULL – 30 The Poles Upchurch – Replace existing felt roof of front porch with tiled pitched roof. Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should submit comments stating that the Council have no objections to this application.

v) 15/509058/FULL – Beckenham Park, Otterham Quay Lane Upchurch – Change of use of land for the siting of five mobile homes, to include demolition of garages, 14 new communal parking bays and 29 new on-pitch private parking bays. Members agreed that Haulfryn Ltd still had not taken into account concerns of residents following the initial application. Cllr Horton reported that although there are concerns regarding disabled parking spaces, none are actually being removed from the site. Cllr Lewin reported that there are two types of disabled space, one specifically designated to an applicant and placed close to the home and secondly spaces in public car parks which require the proof of a disability badge. The need for a space next to the home requires proof of disability. Cllr Lewin reported that there is no lawful requirement for the provision of disabled parking on private land. Cllr Lewin stated that the members should consider whether the recreational needs of residents had been taken into consideration in this application. Whether the application ensures enough parking spaces for the current residents as well as the proposed five extra homes. Cllr Lewin stated that emotive reasons for objections would not be considered at planning and neither would a resident’s survey. Reasons for objections should be factual planning reasons. Cllr Masson agreed to look into the parking situation and discuss his findings with the planning committee who will assist the Clerk with comments to be submitted to SBC.

vi) 16/503404/FULL – 18 Wallbridge Lane, Upchurch – Part single, part two storey extension to rear of property – Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should submit comments to SBC stating that the Council has no objections to this application, however it is unclear as to the difference between the original and amended drawings.

Any other Planning

i) Cllr Lewin advised that access can be gained via the SBC website on 19th May 2016 to a large document regarding the additional housing needs in Swale.


i) Payment of Councillor expenses – The subject of Council allowances and expenses was discussed. Parish Councils can place councillor expenses in the budget, although this has not previously been done by Upchurch. Cllr Horton stated that this should be the choice of the individual. It was agreed that this would be revised and discussed further at the precept budget meeting.

ii) Final Accounts for approval – a copy of the accounts for the year 2015-16 had been circulated to the members. Cllr Horton raised concerns regarding the future of the Burial Ground income and it was agreed that this should be placed on the agenda for the GPC and discussed further. The Clerk reported that she is still to meet with the Internal Auditor following a delay with the end of year bank statement from Barclays Bank. The Annual Audit return will therefore be presented at the Council meeting on 2nd June 2016.


i) General Purposes Committee (GPC) – a copy of the notes taken from the meeting held on 19th April 2016 had been circulated and agreed.

ii) Insurance Renewal – The Clerk reported that two quotations had been received, one from AON and one from Zurich. The Clerk explained the differences between the quotations. It was agreed that the Clerk should discuss the amount of cover for fences and gates further with Zurich. All agreed that following this discussion the Council should renew their insurance with Zurich and the Clerk was given permission to get the cheque signed at the GPC meeting on 18th May 2016.

iii) APM Follow up – Cllr Tucker requested permission to place a statement regarding the outcome of the APM on the Council website and Upchurch Matters. Cllr Horton asked whether any feedback had been received regarding the change in format of the meeting to previous years. No formal feedback had been received, but comments made to both Cllr Lewin and Cllr Horton reported that the general feeling is that it had been an excellent meeting with positive comments regarding the different village groups being represented at the meeting. Cllr Tucker will provide a statement on the APM.

iv) Clerk’s Resignation – Cllr Tucker reported that regrettably the Clerk had tendered her resignation due to personal circumstances. It was agreed that the Clerk and Cllr Ripley would draft an advertisement for the role and once agreed publicise the vacancy.


i) Vacant Plots – The Clerk reported that these are currently being advertised.

Paddock and Recreation Ground

i) Play Area Resurfacing – Cllr Tucker proposed that the Council obtain three quotes to remove the tarmac and metal fencing left in the old play area and seed this area. This work was budgeted for in the precept. Cllr Lewin reported that he had been contacted regarding a working group of residents making improvements to this area by means of a grant. The Clerk reported that she had also been contacted by the same resident and had asked for clarification of their intentions via email. Cllr Denny seconded Cllr Tucker’s proposal and all agreed. The Clerk will obtain three quotes.

ii) Vandalism in Play Area – Cllr Denny reported that further vandalism had taken place in the Paddock with broken tree debris having to be removed again.

iii) Fence posts on boundary of Chaffes Lane – Cllr Denny reported that fence posts had been removed from the Chaffes Lane boundary. The Clerk reported that she had instructed the contractor to carry out works to this fence. The Clerk will check that it is the contractor that has removed the posts.

iv) Paddock Bushes – It was agreed that Cllr Denny and Cllr Masson would meet with Grasstex to discuss the options for cutting back the bushes in the Paddock on the Bradshaw Close boundary. The Clerk will ask Cllr Arnold if he would like to be present as he is interested in this project.

v) Recreation Ground Gate – Cllr Denny reported that the padlock is still missing from the gate and that a car had been seen driving on the grass as well as quad bikes. Both incidents had been reported to the PCSO. A discussion took place regarding the prevention of vehicle access to the grass and it was agreed that the Clerk should obtain quotes for possible solutions to the problem.

Burial Ground and Churchyard

i) Church Clock – The Clerk had provided quotations from two companies for the annual servicing of the Church Clock. Cllr Horton and Cllr Masson reported that they felt they had familiarised themselves enough with the clock to carry out the requirements for the day to day running of it. Due to this it was agreed that following poor service from Gillett and Johnston the Clerk should contact them to state that the Council will not be renewing their maintenance contract with them. The Clerk will write to the other two companies to ascertain whether it is possible to use them for repairs when required if a maintenance contract is not entered into.


i) Bus Shelter – The Clerk reported that she is chasing the licence department daily regarding the application. This part of the process can take up to twelve weeks. Cllr Ripley asked whether the contractor had given a timescale to make and place the shelter. The Clerk will contact him to obtain this information.

ii) Tree Survey – The Clerk had distributed the tree survey to the members. All agreed that this is a very informative document. Cllr Tucker suggested that a member take ownership of this document in order that the Council can budget for required works, as this was the original purpose of it. It was agreed that this should be placed on the GPC agenda.

iii) Speedwatch Conference Update – Cllr Denny reported that she had attended the conference with her husband. Cllr Denny stated that the conference had been very informative and although it had shown that Upchurch does not have the speeding issues suffered by many villages it would be beneficial for the speedwatch equipment to be utilised. Unfortunately due to a lack of volunteers this has not been possible. However Cllr Masson and a resident have put themselves forward to attend speed watch training.


i) Street Lights – It was reported that the both the Bradshaw Close and Oak Lane street lights have been fixed.

Reports from representatives

i) Village Hall – Cllr Tucker reported that she is now Chair of the Village Hall committee. The committee recently had a meeting with a representative from ACRK who recommended that projects be split to smaller more achievable ones. The representative stated that the amount of regular bookings is a good sign. Cllr Tucker reported that the intention is to get one project off the ground in the near future. The hall still requires assistance financially and Cllr Tucker asked if the Council would consider the village hall’s grass area being added to the Council’s grass cutting contract. Cllr Horton commented that if the Council did this it could set a precedent for further requests. It was agreed that the details for the contractors should be passed to the village hall in order for them to deal directly with them.

ii) PCSO – The Clerk had received a report from the PCSO which she read to the meeting. Crime has been low in the village. There had been a theft from a motor vehicle in Grenadier Close, reports of youths in motor vehicles in the village hall car park. Damage in the Paddock area and youths playing football in the road. The PCSO requests that any anti-social behaviour be reported to him.

iii) Twinning Group – Nothing to report.

iv) KALC – Nothing to report.

Matters arising not yet covered

i) Traveller site near Three Sisters – Cllr Masson reported excessive vans at this sites and raised concerns with regards to their close proximity with each other and the amount of gas bottles on the site. The Clerk was asked to raise this with the enforcement team.

Next meetings – Confirmed as being 2nd June 2016 and 4th August 2016 in the Village Hall.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting closed at 9:45pm. 

Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council


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