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Monday, 30 May 2016

Good News for Upchurch? A report from Councillor Gerry Lewin

As Cabinet Member for Planning Services at Swale Borough Council I have been steering the emerging Local Plan, titled Bearing Fruits, through consultation, Cabinet Committee and to a recent Examination in Public [EIP] by a Planning Inspector [PIN].

Following the first stage of the EIP in November and December last year. The PIN advised a number of required modifications, the most significant was that we should set a higher target for housing development, in accordance with National Policy, across the borough at 776 homes per year [as against our submitted 540] to the year 2031. If we deliver the required modifications after public consultation, then at the next stage of the EIP the PIN will declare our emerging Local Plan sound and we can adopt it at Council to be one if its strategic policies.

In the last month or so I have been heavily involved in steering the revised housing targets through Committee and Cabinet. This has involved a call for fresh sites to accommodate the housing and to then deciding which sites should be allocated to meet the increased target. From over 170 sites submitted for development only 16 have been selected.

Using the same methodology for considering sites at first stage, NO site in the Parish of Upchurch has been identified as being needed to help with the increased borough target imposed by the PIN and so none will appear in the next round of public consultation.

Councillor Gerry Lewin
Tel: 01634 366113 Email:

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Upchurch Village Fete - Saturday 18th June 2016

Upchurch Village Fete Committee

Upchurch Village Fete - Saturday 18th June 2016 - Schedule of Events

Upchurch Village Fete Committee

Upchurch Village Fete - Saturday 18th June 2016 - Chairman's Note

Upchurch Village Fete Committee

Your Village Hall - Use It or Lose It!

The hall is a village facility that can easily be forgotten due to its position yet if it was no longer available it would very much be missed. It was once used for events such as wedding receptions and celebrations but times have changed and use of halls for such events seems no longer in fashion.

The village hall is struggling to make ends meet due to the decline in the number of bookings. It is obvious that one of the reasons for this is that the hall itself is in need of major refurbishment. We are in a catch 22 situation that without bookings the money will not be available to carry out the work required to make these improvements.

It is a shame that yet again a few have spoiled it for the majority where damage to the hall during a private hiring and regular vandalism has necessitated repairs at cost to the hall.

We would like to thank a group of residents who, on their own instigation, recently held a tea dance and raised around £300 as our first donation!

If anyone else is as passionate as these residents and the hall’s committee about keeping the hall functioning within the village, and not seeing it turn into another derelict area, then any form of help such as donations, offers from local builders, electrical companies, plumbers, etc towards maintaining the hall is welcomed.

Please help promote the hiring the hall, for private or society events, to friends and family to help us keep it going.

We are able to co-opt new trustees to the committee if you are interested, or you can just work with us to make things happen!

Join in and lets save it!!

Contact our Secretary Jill Lewis on: 01634 230643 or visit our website: Here

Monday, 23 May 2016

Lower Halstow Parish Council - Planning Application for 55 Homes at Funton Brickworks Site

Residents will wish to note that an appeal has been lodged by Nightingale Homes (Upchurch) Ltd against the Borough Council’s refusal for outline Planning Permission for 55 houses at the Funton Brickworks Site. Details of the application can be found at:

or by calling into Swale House and asking to see the application.

One of the reasons given for the appeal is the low number of objections received from residents of Lower Halstow. The Council objected to the proposal and would urge residents to make their views known to the Planning Inspectorate.

Set out below are points you might like to raise to object to the proposal, based on the National Planning Framework (NPF). Using the NPF policies give valid reasons for the Inspector to turn down the appeal.

The development is in an inappropriate location as it is an isolated site. This goes against Swale Borough council’s recommendations which state that the problems that the proposals create are not outweighed by any gain. The location means it will have a very negative impact on:

Visual impact – over intensification of the site, plus light and noise pollution, (NPPF 55) Site falls within an Area of High Landscape Value (AHVL)

Visual impact on the open coastal, marsh environs

Unsustainable – cannot meet the everyday requirements of the residents (NPPF 70, 32) everything that residents will need for day–to–day living must come from offsite, resulting in increased traffic movements.

Traffic movements – concerns were raised by Kent Highways, the impact will far outweigh any nuisance/noise Halstow residents experienced when the brickworks were open as the factory operated a deliberate policy of not allowing traffic to pass through the village. A residential site will operate 365 days a year, the roads are unclassified, therefore national speed limit of 60mph applies, traffic does pass at speed; walkers, cyclists and horse riders use the road. No footpath and no street lighting. Children will not be able to safely walk to school.

Detrimental impact of significance on the protected RAMSAR/SSSI site nearby, increased use of nearby Special Protection Areas leading to an overall negative impact on the wildlife, especially bird watching (NPPF 109, 113,118,119)

Spirit of Sittingbourne Regeneration and Perry Court, Faversham have both been granted permission for housing since this application was first refused, weakening the argument for need.

Any comments should be sent to the Planning Inspectorate by Email to: or in writing to Room 3/0,Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN, quoting reference APP/V2255/W/16/3146393.


Lower Halstow Parish Council


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