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Friday, 29 April 2016

Upchurch Horticultural Society - May Plant Sale

Upchurch Horticultural Society will be having a Plant Sale in the Paddock on Saturday the 14th of May at 9:00am.

We look forward to seeing those who have supported us in previous years.

All are welcome.

Further details from Steve Laming on: 07703 339290 or Email:

Steve Laming

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Newington History Group and Village Festival - News

Newington History Group

Some of the best examples of medieval church graffiti figures in Kent can be seen in Newington Parish Church, but they can be quite difficult to find. 
Join members of the village's History Group on Thursday, May 12, when Alan Anstee will take you on a tour of the church and help you identify the different types of graffiti, while Thelma Dudley will explain the history of the church's wall paintings. 
Bring a torch and you might spot some previously undiscovered graffiti yourself. The tour starts at 7pm.
Somme Centenary: The centenary of the start of the Battle of the Somme, the most devastating battle of WWI, is on Friday, July 1. Newington lost four men during the period up to Nov 18. They were: Henry Bishenden , Harold Brand, Edgar Hales and James Mannering.
The History Group will be commemorating these men. If you have any personal comments or family connections, please contact or 01795 842711.
The group organises community events to unearth, preserve and promote the history of the village and its neighbours. Guests (£3) and new members (£15p.a.) are welcome to its monthly meetings.

Newington's Village Festival

The village's annual summer festival will be held on Saturday, July 16, on the school field (noon-7pm).

Every year thousands of people enjoy this family-friendly community event, organised by the parish council and volunteers, in conjunction with Demelza Children's Hospice.

It's now one of the largest festivals of its kind in Swale, but that means it needs a lot of people to help retain its continued success. Contact Tony Mould at or 07590 464700 to offer your services, or to book a stall or programme advertising.

Among this year's attractions will be a medieval re-enactment camp and fight display, live bands, dance displays, funfair, sideshows and stalls.

The day includes the popular Newington tug-of-war tournament. Entries are open for teams of 8-10 people. Gather together your mates and have some fun taking part. It's free and there's a trophy for the winners.

Richard Thompstone

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Latest News from Upchurch WI

W.I. enjoyed a very successful Quiz Night on Friday evening, the 22nd of April in the Village Hall. Seventeen tables of six people competed for the prize of a bottle of wine for each team member, while enjoying refreshments organised by members of the Committee.

The raffle was very well supported and, when all the expenses are in, we hope to have raised a good sum of money to pay for interesting speakers during the coming year.

Thank you to all those people who supported us at what has been our most successful Quiz to date.

Our next Quiz Night will be on Friday the 14th of October.

We hope you will be able to join us.

Christine Stevens
Upchurch WI

Monday, 25 April 2016

Afternoon Tea Dance at Upchurch Village Hall - Amount Raised and Thank You

A very successful Afternoon Tea Dance was held at the Village Hall today, Monday the 25th of April to help raise money towards the refurbishment of the Hall.

With help from a lot of village people we managed to raise £289.00, but more importantly a great social afternoon was enjoyed by all!

It is hoped that this may encourage more people to use the Hall in the future.

Thank you,

Jill Lewis
Village Hall Secretary
Tel: 01634 230643

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Upchurch Scout Group - Old Clothes Collection

Spring is here... Summer soon to follow... Must be time for a new wardrobe...???

We are looking to collect old clothes... Men’s, Women’s, Kids & Babies 

To Help raise money for Upchurch Scout Group. All money raised goes towards running the hall, camps and weekly meetings 

If you think you can help, please could all items be brought to the hut
by 16th May
(This will give you loads of time to ask friends & Family) 

Please note all clothes must be in good condition 


Thanks for you help in advance

Gemma Tutt - Upchurch Beavers

Gladman Proposal Statement from Upchurch Parish Council

Gladman Proposal – Forge Lane, Upchurch

We are sure you are aware that a consultation leaflet was distributed by Gladman developers regarding a proposal for Forge Lane, Upchurch.

The Parish Council were asked by Gladman to facilitate a meeting, however they would only meet with the Parish Council privately and would not agree to the public being present. The Parish Council did not agree to meet with them privately.

At this stage this is only a proposal and no application has been submitted to Swale Planning. As the Parish Council are not party to any information other than that provided by Gladman in their leaflet circular, it is felt that a public meeting would have little gain.

Should an application be submitted to Swale Planning then a public meeting will be organised immediately. Gladman will be invited to attend. Please be assured that the meeting will go ahead whether they accept the invitation or not. Due to time limits with regards to submitting comments to Swale Planning this meeting would possibly be held at fairly short notice but we would endeavour to publicise this through our own website, noticeboards and Upchurch Matters.

Thank you.

Julia Cura
Clerk to Upchurch Parish Council
43 Woodside, Rainham, Kent ME8 0PL
Tel: 01634 363906

Friday, 15 April 2016

Latest POLICE.UK Crime Data for the Area - February 2016

Here is a brief summary of the crime information for the past 2 months:
January 2016February 2016
All crime3734
Anti-social behaviour25
Bicycle theft00
Criminal damage and arson44
Other crime21
Other theft33
Possession of weapons00
Public order11
Theft from the person00
Vehicle crime115
Violence and sexual offences67
Please visit: for more information including outcomes for these crimes and contact information for your local policing team.

Upchurch Matters

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Borough Councillors Grant Fund 2016 / 2017

As one of your Borough Councillors I have a grant fund for the 2016/17 civic year of £2,400 which I can allocate to local organisations.

What can the grant be used for? The fund is to support local, small scale community projects such as those which bring cultural, sporting, recreational, health, environmental, heritage, community safety, crime reduction or educational benefits to the local community.

The fund cannot be used to support items which should be funded by mainstream public expenditure such as highways or footways. Grants should also not support political or directly religious activity.

I usually award no more than £200 to each project but sometimes Cllr Wright will agree to “top up” from his fund.

I have already agreed to requests from the Town Twinning Group and to the Village Fete and bearing in mind I also represent Hartlip and Newington you will understand that the earlier you apply the better chance of a grant.

If you wish to apply please contact me on: 01634 366113 / 07946 996789

Regards Cllr Gerry Lewin

Agenda for the Annual Parish Meeting - 21st April 2016

I give you notice that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Main Hall of Upchurch Village Hall on Thursday 21st April 2016 at 7:30pm.

Dated this 12th day of April 2016.


1. Introduction 

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 30th April 2015

3. Presentation of KALC Community Award

4. Twinning Group

5. Friends of St Mary’s

6. Parents and Friends of Holywell School

7. Reverend Julian Staniforth

8. Upchurch Village Hall

9. Upchurch Village Fete Committee

10. Parish Council Projects

11. Questions from the public

Everyone is invited to stay afterwards for refreshments.

Julia Cura
Clerk to Upchurch Parish Council
43 Woodside, Rainham, Kent ME8 0PL
Tel: 01634 363906

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Destiny Africa Children's Choir at St. Mary's Church Upchurch


Rosie Liddell

Upchurch Parish Council Report - April 2016

The Draft Minutes of the MEETING of the Upchurch Parish Council held in the main hall of Upchurch Village Hall on Thursday 7th April 2016 commencing at 7:30pm. 

Present: Cllr Sara Tucker (Chairman), Cllr Pamela Denny, Cllr Gerald Lewin, Cllr Alan Horton, Cllr Peter Masson, Cllr Tyrone Ripley, Cllr Gary Rosewell, Cllr John Arnold, Mrs Julia Cura (Clerk) and 14 members of the public. 

Apologies: Cllr Stephen Hunt, PCSO John Cork, Ward Cllr Wright and Kent County Cllr Mike Baldock. 

Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March 2016. Cllr Lewin requested that the following amendments be made; Pg. 43 Public Time (iii) should read ‘port-a-cabins at Shoregate and Ham Green and the number of vehicles accessing the site’ It was noted for the record that although other matters were raised by a resident, it was agreed that the minutes recorded the conversation that had taken place at the time of the meeting. Cllr Lewin proposed that no other changes be made. All agreed. It was proposed by Cllr Lewin, seconded by Cllr Horton, that they were a true record and all agreed. Cllr Tucker signed them.

Before the meeting Cllr Tucker welcomed Cllr Gary Rosewell to the Parish Council and advised that the Council is now up to its full quota. 


Public Time 

i) Forge Lane – A resident raised concerns regarding the state of the area around the flats in Forge Lane. The Clerk reported that as the land is not owned by Swale Borough Council they were unable to assist with keeping this area tidy, however they had provided a land search enabling the Clerk to contact the land owner and the Accommodation Shop who are responsible for renting the flats. The furniture that had been dumped in the car park has now been removed, however the general cleaning of the area may be more difficult to pursue. The resident advised that she would be willing to be part of a working party to keep the area clean if other residents were interested. 

ii) Bus Shelter – A resident enquired as to the current situation with the bus shelter. Cllr Tucker reported that following acceptance of their quotation at the February meeting a local contractor had been asked to provide and install the shelter. The application forms are currently with KCC and the Clerk reported that Southern Water and other utility reports had been received. Cllr Tucker reported that the Parish Council are hoping to have the new bus shelter in place in the coming months and that thanks should be given to Kent County Cllr Mike Baldock for agreeing a grant to fund 50% of the cost. 

iii) Churchyard Path – A resident raised concerns regarding the path through the Churchyard. Cllr Tucker reiterated that as discussed at the February meeting the Churchyard is the property of the Diocese not the Parish Council. As previously discussed at the February meeting, the Parish Council had entered into talks with the Church in the past regarding assisting with funding for such a project, however due to conservation issues this had not progressed. In order for the Parish Council to assist with any project of this size a business plan would need to be submitted by November of any year in order that it could be worked into the following financial year’s budget and precept. Cllr Tucker reported that representatives of the Church would be attending the APM and the resident may wish to take the opportunity to discuss the path with them at that meeting.

iii) Gladman – Forge Lane - Several residents raised concerns following the receipt of leaflets regarding a proposal for a new residential development of approximately 110 homes on land at Forge Lane Upchurch. It was confirmed that the Parish Council had themselves only received notification on 6th April regarding this and that SBC had been unaware of a proposal. Cllr Lewin reported that at this stage this is not a planning application. Gladman have offered this site to SBC following the submission of SBC’s Local Plan to the Inspector and her asking for the plan to be altered to increase the number of houses. This proposal is one of 80 that have been submitted across the Borough. SBC will look at all of the allocated sites at their committee meeting on 19th May 2016 the agenda for which will be available online on 8th May 2016. Cllr Lewin reported that if this does progress to a planning application, the Parish Council will be invited to consult again along with residents. Cllr Tucker reported that it is imperative that residents comment on this consultation as well as the Parish Council. Any objections should be based on planning issues rather than emotional or scenic as these will not be considered. It was agreed that an extraordinary meeting should be arranged to discuss this proposed development in full. Cllr Horton stated for the record that he could report as Chair of Governors of Holywell School, that the school have not been contacted or consulted with by Gladman regarding the proposal of a car park for the school in the development proposal. The Clerk will contact Gladman to request a representative attend the meeting. Residents will be kept informed of progress.

iv) Clean for the Queen – A resident thanked the Council for organising the Clean for the Queen and for the good work carried out by all that took part.

v) Lorries parking on A2 and Oak Lane – A resident raised concerns regarding the lorries parking on the A2 and at times in the layby opposite Upchurch golf course. Cllr Tucker reported that Ward Cllr Wright and the PCSO are aware of this and that unfortunately the problem is much wider spread than Upchurch. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact KCC to ask them to assess the situation in the layby on Oak Lane.

vi) Street Lights – A resident reported a faulty street light opposite 31 Oak Lane. A resident requested that the street light on the corner of the cottages opposite The Poles appears to be excessively bright. Cllr Arnold agreed to look into both lights.

vii) Paddock Play Equipment – A resident reported that following a statement issued to Upchurch Matters regarding the Paddock area and the play equipment several residents had expressed an interest in any plans the Parish Council may have. Cllr Tucker reported that the Paddock area is a topic of discussion for the APM on 21st April 2016 with a view to moving forward with a Paddock project.

The meeting was re-opened at 8:15pm. 


Declarations of Interest – Cllr Lewin declared a Disclosable non-pecuniary interest in the Draft equality scheme. Cllr Horton declared a Disclosable non-pecuniary interest in the School field event.


i) Online petition to vote to have appeal rights against planning decisions – Cllr Tucker reported that an email had been received from another Parish Council in Thanet requesting that Upchurch Parish Council support the petition. Cllr Lewin reported that in order for the petition to be successful it would mean amendments to primary planning, however he would encourage members to support this as Parish Council’s should have the right to appeal. Cllr Ripley stated that he felt that the Parish Council may not currently hold the knowledge required to appeal against planning decisions. It was agreed that those members that wish to vote should do so online as stated in the document provided.

ii) School Field Event – Cllr Horton reported that as part of the annual School Fete a medieval re-enactment group had agreed to perform. However due to the distance the group would be travelling to the school, they had requested to stay on the school field over night. The school were seeking advice as to any ideas the Parish Council may have with regards to facilitating this. Cllr Tucker reported that it is always best practice to ensure all residents are informed.

iii) Draft Equality Scheme – Cllr Horton reported that he had been part of the committee that had already reviewed the draft equality scheme and he felt that a response was not necessary from the Parish Council.

iv) Stakeholder Engagement Group – Cllr Tucker reported that the next meeting had been scheduled for 21st April 2016. As this is the same date as the APM no members are able to attend.


i) 16/510839/FULL – Polytunnels – Ham Green Poot Lane – Erection of polytunnels for the protection of Cherry Trees – comments due 8th April 2016 – Cllr Tucker reported that the Parish Council had received one response from a resident with objections to this application. Cllr Masson confirmed that he had been advised that the growing season for Cherry Trees is June to September, therefore the tunnels should only be in place for a period of 4 to 5 months. Cllr Lewin reported that concerns had been raised previously with regards to vehicular access to the farm, however this application does not increase the current volume of traffic. Cllr Lewin stated that 1/8th of the production of fruit in the UK is grown in Swale and the continued growth of local fruit should be encouraged. Another concern raised was the visual effect, it was agreed that at shore level the visual effect will be minimal and that a right to a view is not a material planning objection. Viewed from a distance the landscape is dominated by the industrial buildings across the water and it is felt that the polytunnels would have little or no effect on the existing view. Cllr Lewin reported that he had been contacted by the applicant who had assured him that no other fruit is being stored at the site and he would welcome anyone to visit and look around the farm. With regards to the port-a-cabins Cllr Lewin reported that these were purchased to improve conditions for workers. An excess amount had been purchased and not all are in use. This will be monitored by Cllr Lewin and the Swale Enforcement team. The design and access statement specifies March to autumn for the polytunnels to be in place. Cllr Lewin reported that at the last UPC meeting residents had raised concerns regarding lorries loaded with hard-core entering the site, it has been confirmed that the lorries are in fact entering the chicken farm and the hard-core is being used to level the ground. Cllr Denny reported that the trees surrounding the farm should block the view of most 
of the polytunnels. Cllr Tucker advised that support should be given to land owners farming their land due to the increase in non-profitable agricultural land being converted to housing across the Borough. Cllr Tucker reported that an anonymous letter had been received relating to this area of discussion. The Council does not follow up anonymous letters. It was agreed that the Parish Council had no objections to this application provided that the polytunnels are only in situ during growing season. Clerk to submit comments.

ii) Proposed Telecommunications Equipment – Due to the cut-off dates for comments being 24th March 2016 this was discussed at the GPC meeting. Comments had been submitted asking that the Company be cautious with regards to the cabinets and posts being painted a colour that would not be intrusive to the rural area. Cllr Tucker reported that the Company had responded that the colour used is fir green.

Other planning matters

i) Local Green Spaces SBC plan – Cllr Lewin reported that Upchurch Parish Council had already submitted the Recreation Ground, Paddock and Allotments as their green spaces to the Local Plan. Members were asked to let the Clerk know prior to 22nd April if there are any other green spaces they would like considered.

ii) Enforcement Update – Wallbridge Lane – Cllr Tucker reported that the Clerk had received confirmation from Swale Enforcement team that the property owner will be submitting an application seeking to retain the wall as built but will also include reference to increasing the single storey front extension to two stories. The enforcement team will be monitoring the receipt of this application.

iii) 16/500488/ADV – Advertisement consent – FCS Trade Sales Horsham Lane – Cllr Lewin reported that the signs are not in keeping with the rural area. Cllr Tucker suggested that strong objections be raised and questions should be asked as to whether the company are only trading online as agreed, as this does not appear to be the case. All agreed. Clerk to submit comments.

iv) Holywell Lane – Cllr Lewin reported that the applicant had been refused permission at appeal for the access they had built. In recent weeks hard core has been delivered to the site and a ‘Stop Notice’ has been served by SBC. Cllr Lewin asked that anyone who notices any activity at the site report it to SBC.

v) Windmill Hill – Cllr Horton enquired as to whether there was an update to this site. Cllr Lewin reported that a meeting had taken place with Swale planning and the owners and it was agreed that the current building work is not in keeping with the application submitted in 2000, therefore the applicant is required to submit a new application.


i) General Purposes Committee – A copy of the notes from the meeting held on 22nd March 2016 had been circulated.

ii) Membership renewal for Campaign to Protect Rural England – Following discussion it was agreed that this should be renewed.

iii) Defibrillator – Cllr Tucker reported that the Clerk is now in possession of the second defibrillator donated by the Women’s Institute. Following discussion it was agreed that Cllr Arnold would discuss with the Beckenham Park Residents Association whether they would like it to be sited there.

iv) Terms of Reference for representatives – The terms of references had been distributed before the meeting. Cllr Tucker reported that it would be useful for the members to read these prior to the AGM on 5th May 2016 at 7.15pm, when the roles are allocated. If any members require any further information on the roles they should speak with the Clerk. Cllr Lewin asked for amendments be made to the Finance Committee Terms of Reference. The Clerk will make these amendments. To give time for consideration for anyone who may have an interest in being Chairman, Cllr Tucker advised that she is considering standing down from the role of Chairman at the AGM.

Allotments – The Clerk reported that there are currently six vacant plots at the allotments. She is currently working through the waiting list. Once the list has been exhausted the Upchurch Horticultural Society have offered to assist in advertising any remaining plots. Cllr Masson reported that there are currently no issues at the allotments.

Paddock and Recreation Ground

i) St John’s College Visit – The Clerk and Cllr Denny will meet with St John’s College when they make their annual visit to the Recreation Ground and Allotments on 8th June 2016.

ii) Paddock – Cllr Denny reported that rubbish has been dumped in the Paddock area along with a Christmas tree. Over the recent weeks there have been several incidents like this including the ongoing dog fouling around the play equipment. A discussion took place regarding new dog waste bins and signs. Any new equipment will incur a cost to the village along with the cost of emptying extra dog bins. Cllr Denny requested the Parish Council place a statement on Upchurch Matters informing residents that the Paddock is leased by the Parish Council and therefore not the responsibility of SBC or their services. Any work carried out in this area is by Volunteers. A lot of the rubbish is being dumped in the bushes at the back of Bradshaw Close and Cllr Tucker suggested arranging a meeting with the residents of these houses to discuss the cutting back of some of the vegetation in order to discourage this and other activities such as people sleeping there.

iii) Recreation Ground Gate – Cllr Denny reported that the padlock is being removed from the gate, possibly by a resident with permission to use this area. Due to the padlock being removed there has been further damage to the grass in the Recreation Ground with cars driving on it. Cllr Masson enquired why we continue to let residents park in this area when the rules are not being respected and we are not obliged to provide parking. Cllr Lewin reported that historically this was a gentleman’s agreement between the Parish Council and residents with no facilities for off road parking. Cllr Lewin stated that we are one of the few villages fortunate enough to have its own Doctor’s surgery who also make use of the Recreation Ground for parking. Cllr Horton raised whether erecting bollards around the grass area had been considered previously. Cllr Tucker reported that this had been looked into in the past but had been found to be a considerable cost. Cllr Horton suggested that with all the local planning developments Section 106 monies could be considered in the future for such work. As the Parish Council lease this land and do not own it, continued damage could result in the owners refusing renewal of the lease, it was therefore agreed that the Clerk would contact the PCSO regarding the improper use of this area and write to all residents who currently have permission to use this area advising them that the padlock will now be welded to the gate and that if holders of the key code continue to miss-use this area the right to park will be removed.

Burial Ground and Churchyard 

i) Waste Disposal – The Clerk had contacted the Village Hall regarding the terms of the waste disposal as the Parish Council contribute to the cost of this and it does not currently include Burial Ground waste. The Clerk has received a reply stating that the contract with Biffa will end in April and the new contractors will be made aware that the Burial Ground waste is part of the contract.


i) Clean for the Queen  Cllr Tucker thanked all those that had taken part and confirmed that a statement of thanks had been posted on Upchurch Matters and the Parish Council website. Cllr Horton reported that the weekend had been very successful and that SBC had indicated that the intention is to make this an annual event. Cllr Horton requested that the budget be set to arrange more litter pickers be purchased over the coming years. Cllr Rosewell reported that following the event unfortunately a great deal of fast food wrappers had been thrown into the hedges down Windmill Hill and suggested that the fast food companies be written to regarding this as they may sponsor such events in the future or assist with the purchase of equipment.


i) Street Light Update – The Clerk reported that the quote had been received for the replacement of the lamp between Bradshaw Close and Oak Lane. Cllr Arnold reported that the post would need repairing at some point in the future but is currently structurally safe. All agreed the Clerk should contact the contractor to get the lamp replaced.

Reports from representatives

i) Village Hall – Cllr Tucker enquired whether any members had given thought to taking on the role of becoming a trustee. No members expressed an interest. Cllr Tucker reported that should would be willing to stand again on the understanding that another member take this on in the future.

ii) Twinning Group – Cllr Lewin reported that following the success of the quiz night the school children took part in a successful exchange trip on 22nd March 2016. The group are currently in talks with Ferques to arrange a sports day. The AGM will take place shortly.

iii) KALC – Nothing to report.

iv) Police Report – PCSO John Cork had provided the Clerk with a report that was read to the members. The Village Hall was broken into on 24th March. A gate had been damaged in Ham Green 18th March. Burglary to dwelling in Oak Lane possibly to gain access to cars 7th March. Vehicle damaged in golf club car park. Arson to derelict bungalow on Oak Lane.

Matters arising not yet covered – Cllr Lewin reported that the notice for the Best Kept Garden competition will be placed on Upchurch Matters and in the Gabriel shortly. The prizes for this will be given at the Horticultural Show on 3rd September 2016.

Meeting Dates – The full Council meeting takes place on the first Thursday of the month in the Village Hall. The date of the next meeting is stated on all agendas and minutes. It can also be found on Upchurch Parish Council website, Upchurch Matters and the Gabriel along with both Parish Council noticeboards.

Bus Timetable – Cllr Tucker reported that she had met with Kent County Cllr Mike Baldock along with representatives from other Parish’s and Stockbury bus service to discuss the cuts to the bus timetable. Stockbury have purchased their own bus which is driven by a volunteer. They have extended their service to other villages and would be willing to do so to Upchurch who would need to provide their own driver. Cllr Tucker reported that this would need to be fully discussed with the residents that had raised concerns regarding the reduced timetable. Cllr Tucker and the Clerk will contact residents.

174. Next meetings – Confirmed as being 5th May 2016 in Holywell School Hall and 2nd June 2016 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm.

(Please note the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on 21st April 2016 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm) 

The meeting closed at 9:45pm.

Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Upchurch Best Kept Garden 2016

All gardens in the Parish that can be viewed from the front of your home will be judged on Saturday 23rd July 2016.

The judging takes place without interviews with the occupants - so if you are shopping or on holiday your garden will still be judged!

Prizes are awarded for:-
Firstly a garden which is predominately growing flowers.
secondly a garden which is mixture of flowers, trees and or shrubs.
Finally for those with only a small or no front garden the judges will assess any hanging baskets or flower troughs. 
The Overall Winner will look after the Barbara Webb Memorial Rose Bowl for one year.

Prizes for the above will be presented at the Upchurch Horticultural Society Show taking place on Saturday 3rd September 2016 in the Village Hall.  

This year the prizes are sponsored by Upchurch Parish Council, though should you or your business consider sponsoring a prize.

Please contact:
Tyrone Ripley on: 07702 222093 Email:
Stephen Hunt on: 01634 268963 Email:

Update - This year's First Prize has been announced.

The overall winner of this year's Best Kept Garden Competition 2016 will be treated to High Tea for 4 people courtesy of The BarnYard. Their High Tea is proving very popular and is valued at £19.95 per person.

Please see their menu below.

Thank you,

Tyrone Ripley - Stephen Hunt
On behalf of Upchurch Horticultural Society and Upchurch Parish Council.


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