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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Upchurch 50 Years Ago in February 1966 by David Wood

Life continued as usual in Upchurch during February 1966 but a story concerning a 13 year old village schoolboy hit the local newspaper headlines and became the talk of the village. The boy admitted stealing £200 worth of property and cash in Upchurch, Rainham and Gillingham. When the police entered his house and lifted the floorboards in his bedroom they found a blue bag with a large quantity of cash. The boy told the court that he planned to burgle houses in Newington next. Sittingbourne Juvenile Court fined him 10 shillings and sent him to an Approved School.

In parish council affairs councillors wanted to improve some of the parish roads such as the bend at Anne’s Cottages at the bottom of Forge Lane. The council instructed Parish Clerk Aubrey Smith to contact the Kent Divisional Surveyor to request immediate repairs and to consider ways to strengthen the shoulder at the bend. The inner edge of the road had become softened by severe weather and several minor accidents had occurred because of this. At the same meeting the parish council announced that the new housing estate adjacent to the recreation ground would be named Bishop Lane in honour of former long serving councillor Cecil Bishop who had died in 1961.

Of the village clubs the Women’s Institute had a remarkably good turnout considering the freezing conditions to listen to Miss Larkin give a talk about flower arrangements for autumn and winter use. Prizes were awarded to Mrs Cox and Mrs Thompson for making toys for local hospitals. Mrs Hales received an award for coming first in the monthly competition for an indoor bulb while Mrs Langford presented the WI with an attractive cover for their scrapbook.

The football club did not have a very successful month with the First XI suffering a double blow against Northwood Diamonds losing 2-0 in the league and 4-2 in the Quarter Century Cup. While the First XI were placed second from bottom in Division Two of the Rochester & District League the Reserves were positioned about halfway in Division Five. For the First XI Wilf Busbridge and Ian Daniel were goal-scorers while veteran player Colin ‘Nippy’ Edmonds scored most times for the Reserves.

The Table Tennis Club recorded most success on the sporting front turning out seven teams in the Sittingbourne & District League on a regular basis. Every team held top position in their respective divisions in February. Top players were Keith Pamplin and Peter and Brian Boakes while other regulars included Stephen Davies, Janice Lacy, Bryan Veale, Frank Cook and Norman Bishop. Rich Boakes organised the club almost single handed and oversaw the matches and the practice night in the village hall every Monday evening.

In social affairs the Horticultural Society held a dinner and dance on February 5th while the cricket club held theirs on February 12th. Club Secretary Basil Barden and Treasurer Evelyn Veale gave speeches and said that the club had healthy finances and a good number of playing members with successful money raising social events.

The Darby & Joan Club visited the annual pantomime at the London Palladium and then followed this up with a visit to a party in Rainham. They continued their meetings every Wednesday afternoon in the village hall and maintained a sizeable membership and attendance.

In preparation for Lent Reverend Bradshaw organised Wednesday evening films at the vicarage which showed aspects of Christian work in different parts of the world. He also announced that at the church AGM to be held on March 6th everyone on the electoral roll from Upchurch could attend and that those under 21 years of age could also vote.

Baptisms for February included Tony Pamplin from Milton and Jonathan Kitney from Otterham Quay while the only recorded marriage involved Lawrence Taylor from Drakes Close and Janice Bearup from Chaffes Lane. Funerals were held for well-known village character Ellen Boast from The Street aged 74, Henry Murr from Oak Lane aged 75 and Nellie Ellen from Oak Lane aged 81. This ended a busy and freezing cold month in February 1966.

About David
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood


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