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Monday, 29 February 2016

Road Closure - Holywell Lane

Holywell Lane, Upchurch will be closed to through traffic on Monday the 7th of March, 2016 for 1 day between the hours of 6:00am and 6:00pm.

The road will be closed for its entire length.

Local diversion will be in place. The alternative route is via Sheerness Road, The Street and Breach Lane.

The closure is necessary to enable carriageway repairs.

Click Map to Enlarge.

Kent County Council

Friday, 26 February 2016

Barn Dance at Upchurch Village Hall

The Barn Dance is a fundraising event to help support Lucy Brown and Katie Reynolds trip to Southern India in association with their School and Outlook Expeditions.

The girls will be working side by side with The Animators for Rural Multipurpose Development Society (ARMDS). The ARMDS Project is a non-profit, voluntary, social development organisation working for the empowerment of marginalised groups and communities including women, children, Dalits (a ‘low ranking’ caste) and people with disabilities. Project work includes improving facilities, local outreach programmes, visiting local schools and learning about life in local communities.

Find out more about Outlook Expeditions at their Website:

Lucy Brown

Upchurch Cricket Club - 2016 Season

Upchurch Cricket Club 2016 Season will be starting in April.

Indoor nets are at Rainham Mark Grammar School, Pump Lane. Next session Monday 29th February and the following 4 Mondays from 6:45pm - 8:45pm @ £5 per session.

Also, for this Season UCC have reduced the Annual Subscription for senior players from £120 to £70 and are offering a discount to new players at £30.

Colts registration will be on Tuesday 5th April from 6:00pm and senior registration and training is on Wednesday 6th April from 6:00pm.

The Club would also like to say a big thank you to
Kent Trade Frames Ltd for their continued sponsorship and support.

Mick Hales - Upchurch Cricket Club

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Dog Waste in The Paddock

Unfortunately over the past few weeks there have been several incidents where a dog owner has not picked up their dog waste. The dog waste is situated in the area where the children’s play equipment is sited. This is not only an offense but is also extremely unhygienic. Please pick up your own dog waste.

Upchurch Parish Council are very grateful to the responsible dog owners that make the effort to pick up their dog waste in the Paddock. Unfortunately some of this is being placed in the two rubbish bins that are situated near the play equipment. These bins are emptied by our caretaker who is currently having to remove the dog waste and place it in the dog waste bin next to the new Paddock gate. As this is not a pleasant job for him to have to undertake we would be very grateful if you could dispose of your dog waste in the dog waste bin provided by the gate on Oak Lane.

Thank you for your help with this.

Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906

Attempted Burglary - London Road

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/007028/16

At 8:00pm on Tuesday the 23rd of February there was an attempted burglary by 2 unknown males at Orchard Barn, London Road, Upchurch.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Stop The Scammers

Kent County Council Trading Standards

Monday, 22 February 2016

Van Stolen from Halstow Lane & Burglars Disturbed in The Street

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/006408/16
Between the 18th and 19th of February a white sign written works van was stolen from Jack Russell Place, Halstow Lane, Upchurch.

Crime Number: XY/006365/16
At 2:15am on Friday the 19th of February, 2 burglars were disturbed by a resident in The Street, Upchurch.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Birding the Southern Medway - A New Blog by Tideway Birder Kevin Thornton

Kevin Thornton is a tideway birder covering the Medway Estuary part of the North Kent Marshes, limited to the southern shore. He routinely watches between the head of the Estuary at St. Mary's Island, Chatham, to the Estuary mouth just above Queenborough Spit-some eighteen or so miles as the seawall rat scuttles.

In 2013 Kevin set himself the task to understand the Estuary better, particularly the more common birdlife.

Those of you that already follow Kevin on his excellent Twitter account '@dunnokev' will have enjoyed his interesting pictures of the Estuary and interacting with his regular Tweets.

Kevin regularly posts to his NEW Blog 'Birding the southern Medway'. In his own words Kevin's Blog “is an attempt to piece together some random thoughts on the more common birds found about the Medway Estuary, part of the North Kent Marshes”.

In his latest Blog Post 'Boris Waters' Kevin has written an interesting piece about Seaplane disturbance within the Medway Estuary, which we're sure will be of interest to people living in and around the Ham Green area of the village and to others further afield too.

You can follow Kevin Thornton on Twitter at:
and read Kevin's Blog at:

Upchurch Matters

Rainbow Café at St. Mary’s Church, Upchurch

Gill Gay

Monday, 15 February 2016

Upchurch Choral Society Presents Fauré's Requiem

St. Mary the Virgin, Upchurch. Picture courtesy of Kim Taylor Photography.
on Good Friday 25th March at 7:00pm
in St. Mary's Church, Upchurch.

Soprano: Sue Rossiter
Baritone: Bryan Veale
Organist: Janet Stone
Conductor: Helen Osborne
Admission FREE
Retiring collection in aid of the Wisdom Hospice.

Helen Osborne

New Teams Wanted to Join Upchurch Colts FC

Upchurch Colts FC are looking for new teams to join us. Any junior teams looking to join us or start a team please get in touch.

This years under 8s are looking for players for next years under 9s when they change from 5 a side to 7 a side. If we get more players we can keep 2 teams going.

If you are interested please Email:
or Call: 07909 688456.

Thank you.

Rob Croome
Chairman - Upchurch Colts FC

UpARA's Visit to Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara Gravesend

On a lovely bright winters day at the end of January, a coach full of UpARA members ventured to the extremely impressive Gurdwara (Sikh place of worship) in Gravesend - (if you have ventured to Gravesend by train in the last few years, you cannot fail to have missed it!), and enjoyed a very welcoming and informative few hours.

Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara Gravesend
Apart from taking in the scale of the temple and the vast site that it sits on, the group were given a very warm introduction by the guides who made everyone feel so welcome during the extensive tours and provided a very nice vegetarian lunch to everyone.

It was very enlightening, and everyone seemed to appreciate a further understanding of the Sikh faith and also some Sikh trivia ,(Did you know that Singh means 'Lion', and is the last name given to every Sikh man, and that Kaur means 'Princess', and is the last name given to every Sikh woman?).

Members now look forward to the next trip to the Kew Gardens Orchid Festival at the end of February.


Spoof Scoop

Upchurch Twinning Group Annual Quiz Night - Amount Raised and Thank You

Upchurch is twinned with Ferques-Elinghen in Pas de Calais, France.

One of the pleasures of being Honorary Secretary is to tell you that this years Annual Quiz Night was a great success. 104 people turned up and as they all dug deep into their pockets (or purses) we have a profit of £640.00 to show for a nights work.

Our grateful thanks, I know, go to our volunteer team. Without them and all the hard work they put in both on the day and on many, many days and nights before, over the last few months we would not have had a Quiz Night.

We also had our usual raffle. Thanks to Ray Kemsley for organising and running it and thanks to all the people who donated prizes - over 33 of them. We only paid for one prize - and we are certain that was at a lot less than cost! Thanks to Terry and Tina from the Upchurch Greengrocers Shop.

In conclusion, it just remains to say “Thank you” to everyone who turned out to support us on a wet and windy night.  

All proceeds go towards years 5 & 6 Holywell children visiting either Elinghen or Ferques schools.

Read more about Upchurch Twinning Group: here

Ann Harman
Honorary Secretary - Upchurch Twinning Group

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Upchurch WI - Quiz Night

Wendy Pitts - Tel: 01634 362253
Joyce Gilbert - Tel: 01634 232346
Upchurch WI

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Holywell Primary School Presents an Evening in Concert with Andrew Keeping

Resident guitarist to the British Royal Family

Friday 15th April 2016 from 7:00pm - 9:30pm In the School Hall

Tickets £10 available via the School Office

Please make cheques payable to H.S.O.A.C. and please mark your envelope ‘Concert’

Andrew Keeping Classical Guitarist
Andrew's website:

Ray Kemsley

Clean for The Queen - Update

We’d love to have the support of Upchurch residents in the biggest ever clean-up of the country, which will be taking place in March 2016.

In the run up to The Queen's 90th birthday on 21st April 2016, the aim is to inspire people to take action and enjoy a few hours together litter-picking to make the village more beautiful. We want to attack the blight of litter and reclaim our beautiful countryside.

Holywell School are taking part in ‘Clean for the Queen’ on Friday 4th March 2016 and Upchurch Parish Council will be taking part on Saturday 5th March 2016. The meeting point for Saturday will be the Scout Hut in the Recreation Ground at 10:30am.

We desperately need volunteers to help on Saturday 5th March. Equipment will be provided. Please contact the Clerk if you would be willing to give up a few hours of your time to blitz the litter in Upchurch.

Thank you

Julia Cura
Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906

Upchurch Parish Council Report - February 2016

The monthly Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 4th February at the Village Hall where 7 Councillors were present and 7 members of the public including PCSO John Cork and Ward Cllr John Wright.
Minutes of the meeting held on 7th January 2016 – It was proposed by Cllr Masson and seconded by Cllr Arnold that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.
Public TimeStreet Lighting - A resident reported that a street light in Oak Lane is faulty. The Clerk advised that the contractors would be attending the village in the week commencing 8th February to fix three faulty lights including that one. St Mary’s Church Path- A resident raised concerns regarding the uneven church path. Cllr Tucker reported that the Church path is not the responsibility of the Parish Council. It is the property of the Diocese and she therefore suggested that the resident contact the Church directly. The Church had previously looked into replacing the path, but following a consultation with the conservation officer, the plans were not found to be appropriate for the area. The Clerk will also contact the Church to ascertain whether there are plans for a new pathway. Police Report  PCSO John Cork reported that crime is low in the village at the moment. During his surgery in the Post Office residents had raised concerns regarding speeding through the village. Cllr Denny reported that the Council have endeavoured to get residents involved in the speed watch scheme but have had little interest. PCSO John Cork asked whether Upchurch are looking to set up a neighbourhood watch scheme. Cllr Lewin reported that this scheme had been attempted several times in the past and there had been little interest from residents. Horsham Lane car sales – PCSO John Cork reported that a resident had raised concerns that the signage has still not been removed from this site. It was reported that Swale Enforcement Team are in the process of dealing with this.  Lorries – Ward Cllr John Wright reported that having received several complaints regarding the rubbish left behind from the lorries parked overnight in the village and on the A2 near Spade Lane, he will be speaking with the Environmental Warden and the Spade Lane depot.  England Coast Path – Ward Cllr John Wright passed the Clerk an update on the Iwade to Grain Coast path and this will be forwarded on to members.
Declarations of Interest – None.
Correspondence – Mobile Library Service– The Clerk reported that she had received notification that KCC are carrying out a consultation of the mobile library service, with a view to withdrawing stops, that have only had, on average, 2 or less visitors over the period of October 2014 to September 2015. The documentation was passed to the secretary of the Beckenham Park Residence Association as theirs is one of the stops that will be affected. The Clerk will forward the details to Upchurch Matters and place information on the noticeboards to keep residents informed. Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan – The Clerk had passed the members notification of modifications to the plan. It was agreed that Cllr Masson would discuss this with Ward Cllr John Wright and advise the Clerk of any comments to be made. Queen’s 90th Birthday Beacons – The Clerk had received correspondence regarding the lighting of a beacon to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday. It was agreed that the Clerk should forward the paperwork to the Scout leaders and the Upchurch firework team to ascertain whether this would be a project of interest to them. Mill Farm – The Clerk had reported to members prior to the meeting that correspondence had been received from the proprietor of Mill Farm raising concerns that the Parish Council’s reporting of the Mill Farm application was inaccurate. Following a discussion it was agreed that the previous minutes accurately reflected the discussions that took place. The December minutes reported that several residents had raised concerns and following this the Clerk contacted the Enforcement Team, whose initial response was to state that the building work was in keeping with the application. Cllr Horton commented that the works were not actually true to the application and the Clerk therefore followed this up again with the Enforcement team. The January minutes stated that the Parish Council were inforrmed by the Enforcement Officer that the building work is acceptable and in line with the application. In light of the correspondence a final update had been requested and the Parish Council were informed by the Enforcement Officer that the windows were in fact different to the application. The proprietor had also stated in their correspondence that they had omitted one of the garages. Cllr Horton stated that as there are differences between the application and the building works, the comment he made at the Parish meeting on 3rd December 2015 was a factual comment.
Other Planning – Local Plan/Bearing Fruits – Cllr Lewin reported that interim findings had been received from the Inspector of the Local Plan and it had been recommended that the housing amount be increased from 540 to 766. The consultation is ongoing. Housing and Planning Bill – Cllr Lewin reported that there are several matters of concern on this bill, including the reference to setting up a competitive planning system, thus taking decisions away from local authorities. Polytunnels in Ham Green – Cllr Lewin reported that the proprietor has submitted a retrospective planning application. Jack Russell Place – Cllr Lewin requested that the Clerk submit additional comments objecting to this application based on the Traveller Site Policy implemented in August 2015. Land off London Road Newington – Following the submission of a new application reducing the dwellings for this development to 200 it was agreed that the Clerk would contact Newington Parish Council to discuss the effect this will have on Newington before comments are submitted to Swale Planning. Cllr Lewin reported that the appeal for the original application has not yet been heard. Land off Moor Street Rainham – Cllr Tucker reported that the Public enquiry into the appeal will take place at Medway Council offices from 23rd February to 26th February and at Bridgewood Manor Hotel on 1st and 2nd March 2016. 15/506513/FULL – Tranquility amendment to application– The applicant for this application was present at the meeting and advised that the application includes two garages and four parking spaces and therefore there would be no requirement for parking on the highway. Cllr Tucker reported that the Council’s existing comments with regards to the danger of traffic on the highway bordering this development would still stand. The Council have no objections to this application. Land at Otterham Quay Lane Rainham – Appeal – It was reported that any comments regarding this appeal must be submitted before 23rd February 2016. Mierscourt Road – Cllr Lewin reported that there is a proposed application for a large development on Mierscourt Road. Due to the close proximity to the parish boundary, the Clerk will contact Medway Council to request that she is kept updated.
Finance – Precept for 2016/17– The Clerk will provide the members with a copy of the final precept for 2016/17 as agreed at the January meeting.
APM Preparation – Cllr Tucker reported that following investigation, it was found that, the Annual Parish Meeting should be a general parish meeting rather than a Council meeting. It was agreed that the format of the meeting should change from previous years. Following a discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should contact local organisations to invite them to the meeting in order that they can publicise any upcoming projects to the residents. Cllr Lewin reported that the change in format would require a transition period of several years and that the Parish Council should continue to fund expenses for this meeting.
General Purposes Committee – A copy of the notes from the meeting held on 20th January 2016 had been circulated. All agreed that these were a true record of the meeting.
Paddock – The Clerk reported that the gate had been ordered and she had received confirmation that installation would take place in the week commencing 8th February 2016.
Recreation Ground gate – It was agreed that the Clerk will purchase a new combination padlock for the Recreation Ground gate.
Allotments– Cllr Masson reported that he had met with Southern Water on 8th January 2016 in order for them to carry out an inspection. Following the inspection the Council have been advised that the taps must be changed to hose union non return taps and the polyethylene pipe must be covered. Southern Water raised several issues including the risk of water sitting in hosepipes leading to legionnaire’s disease. In order to comply the work must be carried out before the 12th February 2016. The Clerk will send letters with the allotment rent letters to tenants asking that they do not leave hosepipes connected after use and explaining the reasons for this.
Burial Ground and Churchyard – The Clerk reported that the laurels in the Burial Ground had been cut back and that further tree work will be taking place.
Church Clock – Cllr Horton reported that he and Cllr Masson will be meeting with Gillett & Johnston on 9th February 2016 in order for repairs to be carried out.
Clean for the Queen – In the run up to the Queen’s 90th birthday on 21st April 2016 a countrywide clean-up is taking place on 4th and 5th March. It was agreed that the Clerk would purchase the equipment for this. It was proposed that the litter pickers work in teams over the weekend. The Clerk will contact the Scout’s to ascertain whether they would like to be involved. Further details will be published closer to the date.
Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on 3rd March 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council
Tel: 01634 363906


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