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Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Cancelled - Upchurch Cricket Club Charity Football Match in aid of the Air Ambulance

Upchurch Cricket Club Charity Football Match in aid of the Air Ambulance at Upchurch Cricket Club, Holywell Lane on Sunday the 27th of December has now been cancelled due to a waterlogged pitch.

We hope to reschedule the Match for around Easter 2016. Please look out for an announcement nearer the time.

The first year we raised £150.00 and last year £350.00 through match fees and donations. We would like to raise a minimum of £500.00 next year, so as well as donations from spectators... we are also looking for a sponsor!

Support from the village would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Steve Parker
Mobile: 07879 883153

Latest POLICE.UK Crime Data for the Area - November 2015

Here is a brief summary of the crime information for the past two months:
October 2015November 2015
All crime2734
Anti-social behaviour57
Bicycle theft11
Criminal damage and arson47
Other crime10
Other theft13
Possession of weapons00
Public order01
Theft from the person00
Vehicle crime44
Violence and sexual offences68
Please visit: for more information including outcomes for these crimes and contact information for your local policing team.

Upchurch Matters

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Christmas 2015 and New Year Waste and Recycling Collections

Swale Borough Council

UpARA - Christmas Spectacular

It’s taken me some time to enter the inner circle of UpARA (Upchurch Active Retirement Association), but I managed it this Friday ( 11/12/15). The day was titled Christmas Spectacular, I had little idea what to expect. Perhaps some afternoon tea and a nice chat with the retired lay at the back of my mind. Wow how wrong I was thinking that. A two course meal, magic show, and dancing, but I am jumping ahead. To go back to the beginning, it all started in the afternoon at 2pm with a carol concert by the Holywell school choir. They were really very, very good, our village youngsters are something to be proud of, there must have been about forty in all, singing some old favourites and some lovely new carols. Their teachers must have worked tirelessly to have achieved such a high standard with the choir. This was followed by an explanation of a “Christmas Carol” by Malcolm Groves a club member. Did you know a carol was originally a pagan dance, no, well neither did I. As expected this was followed with a lovely cup of tea biscuits and cake, all provided free by the club. Expecting that this was the afternoon finished I collected my coat, I underestimated these retired folk. Next up was the Upchurch Choral Society. All I can say is, if you get a chance this festive season to hear them sing don’t miss out, I’m glad I stayed, as Bryan Veale performed the memorable “If I was a rich man” from” Fiddler on the Roof”, I thought for a moment I was back in London’s West End with Topol it was that good, Marion Whentringham also sang “O Holy Night” as a lovely solo. The choir finished with a sing-a-long with all joining in. It was then that I realised this was but the prelude to even more. I had my ticket for the evening and rushed home to change and return at 6:45pm sharp as I was told.

UpARA members and guests enjoying this years Christmas Party.
I doubted that the retired could better the afternoon, but I underestimated once again. I was met at the door by members of the committee, shown the table plan and given a glass of wine, not a bad start once again. While waiting for dinner to arrive our own Upchurch magic man (Masks & Magic) entertained us with table illusions that baffled all. My dinner arrived piping hot, a succulent chicken breast cooked in a tomato and sherry sauce garnished with a large prawn, minted new potatoes three coloured baby carrots (all English) and sweetcorn. Our very own magic man then entertained us further with a stage magic show. My meal finished with a fruit cheese cake and lashings of double cream. I had earlier told my other half I would be home about 9:30pm, after all this was the retired and I expected then to be heading home for a hot chocolate by then. Once again I was wrong, so very wrong.

It was now music and dance time, with Jeff Pedley our Upchurch troubadour as entertainment. He in turn was supported by the Pedletts a group of singers from the club membership. Two songs performed the group prepared to leave but the merry audience called for more and two further numbers were performed. The evening continued till almost 11pm with dancing and singing. It would be an understatement to say everyone had a good time (including me) and I was late home, but for £10.00 a head these retired UpARA lot know how to do it.

I look forward to next year!

By Spoof Scoop
Upchurch’s only Investigative Journalist

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Parents & Friends of Holywell School Christmas Fayre - Thank You

Dear All,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in this year’s Christmas Fayre. This includes all those who helped organise and run stalls, and also those who supported on the day. As a result of everyone’s hard work and dedication, a total amount of just over £2,000.00 has been raised. This is a real achievement and will make a significant contribution to our fundraising efforts this year.

Many thanks again for your continued support.

Simon Smith
On behalf of PFHS

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Trailer Stolen - Poot Lane

Hartlip Newington & Upchurch Ward

Crime Number: XY/043331/15

Just after 10:00am on Tuesday the 8th of December a 4 Metre Flat Trailer with drop sides was stolen from Poot Lane, Upchurch.

If you have any information that could help investigators please contact Kent Police on telephone number 101 and quote the relevant crime number above.

For more information on crime prevention visit:

Kent Police Neighbourhood Watch

Upchurch Parish Council Report - December 2015

The monthly Meeting of the Parish Council took place on Thursday 3rd December at the Village Hall where 8 Councillors were present and 39 members of the public including Ward Cllr Baldock and PCSO John Cork.
Minutes of the meeting held on 5th November 2015 – Amendments were made, which can be seen on the full minutes. It was proposed by Cllr Lewin and seconded by Cllr Denny that they be accepted as a true record. All agreed.
Public TimeFlats on Forge Lane - A resident raised concerns regarding the rubbish and general condition of the area outside of the flats. Cllr Tucker reported that the Clerk has tried to contact the landlord several times without success. PCSO John Cork provided the Clerk with a contact number for the Environmental Warden at Swale and it was agreed that the Clerk should contact her. Bus Shelter- Ward Cllr Baldock reported that he had been liaising with the Clerk and KCC with regards to the siting of the Bus Shelter and that the Clerk is now awaiting a response from KCC. Bus Service – Ward Cllr Baldock provided an update on the recent meeting between Chalkwell buses and KCC and stated that unfortunately Chalkwell were not accommodating with regards to increasing the recently reduced services. He is now looking into alternatives and is arranging a meeting between Councillors of the local Parishes to ascertain how to move forward. Paddock Play Area – A resident reported that the survey on Upchurch Matters face book page asking whether residents would like the play equipment replaced has had 52 responses to date. 49 for and 3 against.  Planning – 15/509058/FULL – Beckenham Park –A large number of residents from Beckenham Park were in attendance to raise their concerns with regards to the recent application submitted to erect five new mobile homes at Beckenham Park. The Chairman of the Residence Association of Beckenham Park spoke on behalf of the residents and raised the following concerns – a) No prior notification had been given to them by Haulfryn Ltd which goes against their residency agreement. b) The report submitted with regards to the parking was carried out over one day which is not substantial evidence to assess the need or usage. c) The garages to be demolished are currently in use. d) The amount of parking spaces to be cut will leave less than one remaining per home. Also having an impact on visitors, carers and other services currently visiting the park. e) There will be health and safety issues with large vehicles coming into the park. It is already difficult for them to turn and will be even more so with the lack of space that will be left. f) The age limit on the application is 40 however the report shows 55 and uses the incorrect age to back up parking usage figures. g) Residents have previously been turned down for hard standing outside of homes and this is now being allowed in order for new homes to be erected. h) The proposed plans will greatly reduce the green areas on the site and the views. Cllr Tucker thanked the residents for attending and for putting across their views. It was agreed that Cllr Lewin would assist Beckenham Park with the process of speaking with Haulfryn Ltd and Swale Planning. The Clerk will contact Swale Planning and advise them of the large attendance at the meeting and reiterate the issues raised as well as asking for an extension on the consultation period due to Haulfryn Ltd failing to provide Beckenham Park with the correct notification period.  New Councillors– Cllr Tucker introduced two recently co-opted Councillors and welcomed them to the meeting. PCSO Report – PCSO John Cork reported that there had been further reports of a homeless person sleeping in the Paddock and a local farmer’s barn. Following the Clerk reporting cars being left in the Recreation Ground, he had contacted Horsham Garage who denied that the cars belonged to them. The cars are registered to private owners. The PCSO holds monthly surgeries in the Post Office, the dates and times of these are on Upchurch Matters and in the Post Office.
Declarations of Interest – None.
Correspondence – Request for parking in Recreation Ground and Paddock– The Clerk had received a letter from the school requesting the use for both areas for parking on 11th June 2016. The school are organising an open air concert to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday and are hoping for an attendance of up to 1000. The profits from this will be split with 70% going to the school and 30% to the village hall to assist with the required maintenance. The Clerk reported that having spoken to the holders of the lease for the Paddock and the Recreation Ground, she had received clarification that they do not feel the Paddock is a suitable area for parking. They will allow the Recreation Ground to be used once a year for parking with permission. As permission has already been granted to the Village Fete in 2016 it was agreed that due to the nature of the event on 11th June the Clerk should contact the leaseholders to ask if permission could be granted also for the concert. Cllr Horton reported that he has now taken on the role of Chair of Governors for the school and thanked the Parish Council for considering the request. Poppy Appeal Update – The total donations to the Royal British Legion from Upchurch will exceed £3000 for the first time. Cllr Lewin conveyed thanks to Upchurch on behalf of the Royal British Legion.  
Planning –15/509058/FULL – Beckenham Park, Otterham Quay Lane– As previously mentioned the Clerk will contact Swale Planning to express the raised concerns and request an extension on the comments period. 15/505680/FULL – Orchard Close, Poot Lane – The Council had received an amended drawing for this application but could see very little difference to the original drawing. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Swale Planning stating that it is felt that the design is still not in keeping with the area. Mill Farm, Otterham Quay Lane – The Clerk reported that having received concerns regarding the size of the works carried out at Mill Farm she had contacted the Planning Enforcement Officer at Swale and had been advised that the application had been approved in 2000. As work had started within three years of this date there is no time limit on completion of the works. It was agreed that as the building work being carried out is not in keeping with the original application, the Clerk should contact the Enforcement Officer again. Horsham Car Sales – The Clerk reported that she had received confirmation from the Enforcement Team that the matter of the signage at Horsham Car Sales had been referred to the legal department to take forward to prosecution.
Finance – Agreement of Final Budget – It was agreed that the budget would be finalised in January once the Clerk is in possession of the tax base figure and the balance of the reserve account.
General Purposes Committee – A copy of the notes from the meeting held on 18th November had been circulated. All agreed that these were a true record of the meeting.
Defibrillator – The Clerk reported that the W.I had offered to donate a second defibrillator to the village. It was agreed that the Clerk should thank the W.I for their generous donation and a further discussion would need to take place regarding possible sites for this.  
Paddock – It was agreed that the Clerk should place an order for a new gate for the Paddock. This will be funded from an underspend in this year’s budget. The figure already allocated for a new gate in next year’s budget should be reallocated towards a village Christmas tree. The Clerk will obtain a quote for replacement rubber matting under the swing in the Paddock.
Recreation Ground – Cllr Denny reported that the damaged bench in the Recreation Ground needs removing as soon as possible as this is unsafe. The Clerk reported that she has written to three contractors to obtain quotes for a new bench and the re-siting of a bench in the Paddock.
 Burial Ground and Churchyard – The Clerk reported that she and Cllr Denny had met with the Churchwarden on 20th November to discuss the proposal for memorial rose beds and ashes plots in the closed Churchyard. The Churchwarden agreed at this meeting to discuss the possibility of a contribution towards maintenance costs with the Diocese on 2nd December and will inform the Clerk of the outcome. Cllr Tucker reported that a written agreement will need to be put in place with regards to the Parish Council’s responsibilities with regards to maintenance.
Clean for the Queen – In the run up to the Queen’s 90th birthday on 21st April 2016 a countrywide clean-up is taking place. The aim is to inspire a million people to take action and enjoy a few hours together litter-picking to improve the areas we live in. It was agreed that Upchurch Parish Council would like to be involved with this from Friday 4th to Sunday 6th March 2015. Cllr Horton suggested that the school get involved with this and will research the logistics and liaise with the Clerk.
Highways – Cllr Arnold reported that there are currently three faulty street lights in the village and will obtain a quote for repairing these.  
Other Matters not yet arising – Church Christmas Tree Donation– Cllr Denny reported that she had contacted the Churchwarden regarding the Christmas tree festival and that she is happy to donate and decorate one on behalf of the Parish Council.  
Please note the full Minutes from the Meeting can be seen on the Upchurch Parish Council website.
The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on 7th January 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
Julia Cura, Clerk to the Parish Council.
Tel: 01634 363906

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

The First Upchurch Village Fete by David Wood

The past two years has seen a revival of the village fete, an annual event in Upchurch until the early 1980s, but what were its origins?

The word fete comes from the French word fete champétre meaning rural feast and the event originated from France. Village fetes became popular in England from the 1890s.

Reverend Trew and his daughter Winnifred thought up the idea of a fete in Upchurch which took place for the first time on Saturday June 28th, 1905. It took the form of a garden fete on the vicarage lawn with the aim of raising money for a new church organ. Financial responsibility for this lay with the parochial church committee which included Holywell headmaster Mr Maltravers, churchwarden James Holloway, bellringer Bill Hyland, village cobbler George Dawson, Mr C Bishop and Mr W Barrell.

Winnifred Trew organised the placement of wooden stalls on the vicarage lawn then parochial church committee members assembled and erected them. Miss Trew also set up two treasure hunts, a putting green and a bran tub. Seymour Wakeley from Rainham helped with the stabling of horses at the vicarage and the setting up of a stage where speeches were given while the village pubs offered free accommodation to visitors.

With glorious weather on the day the New Brompton Boy’s Band began with the National Anthem then Lady Harris opened the fete with a short speech. Winnifred Trew presented her with a bouquet of roses followed by short speeches of thanks by churchwarden James Holloway and Holywell headmaster Mr Maltravers. After this 16 children from the Infant’s School performed maypole dancing then entertainment took place on the tennis court adjacent to the lawn where a local ventriloquist named Mr Dillon gave two performances. Between performances the New Brompton Boy’s Band played music and a gramophone was also used to entertain visitors. After the entertainment old people were served tea on twenty tables set out around the lawn.

A variety of stalls sold produce which included a fancy stall run by Infant’s School headmistress Miss Armstrong, while others sold fruit and flowers in decorative baskets and punnets. These were overseen by Mrs Stevens and Mr Maltravers from Holywell.

Although quite basic and small, the first fete proved successful with a good attendance and raised sufficient funds for a new church organ purchased from Messrs Morton and Ellis of Sevenoaks and installed in the church in August 1905.

The Upchurch village fete continued annually after 1905 but had moved from the vicarage lawn to The Paddock as it became bigger and more popular by the 1920s. It raised money for different village causes throughout its existence and its recent revival allows it to continue in a slightly different form as an annual village event once again.

About David
David Wood was born and raised in Upchurch and is able to write from personal experience about many people and aspects of the village and of changes that have taken place over the years making ‘Memories of Upchurch’ a very readable book and a detailed historical study of the village. David's book ‘Memories of Upchurch’ is available direct from David at: or from us here at Upchurch Matters. Price £12 + £3.50 postage and packing.

David Wood

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Latest POLICE.UK Crime Data for the Area - October 2015

A brief summary of crime information for the past 2 months:
September 2015October 2015
All crime2827
Anti-social behaviour85
Bicycle theft01
Criminal damage and arson54
Other crime01
Other theft11
Possession of weapons00
Public order00
Theft from the person00
Vehicle crime44
Violence and sexual offences66
Please visit: for more information including outcomes for these crimes and contact information for your local policing team.

Upchurch Matters

UpARA Christmas Newsletter & Latest Schedule of Events - December 2015

David Powell - Chairman
Telephone: 01795 843550


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